幹(S干) [gàn] do/work; tree trunk; (HDZ:) (古) 榦 (driven) posts/piles (of wooden walls); … [gān] 正; 安; 天干/榦; 乾, … [gǎn] 擀 [hán] 韓/榦 well fence [guǎn] 管
One monosyllabic entry in The ABC Chinese-English Comprehensive Dictionary (namespace Ci):
►¹gàn* 干[幹] {A} b.f. ①trunk ►shùgàn 树干 ②main body ►gànxiàn 干线 ◆v. ①do; work ‖ Wǒmen ∼ qǐlai ba! 我们∼起来吧! Let's get started! ‖ Wǒmen yīnggāi bǎ zhège gōngzuò ∼ dàodǐ. 我们应该把这个工作∼到底。 We have to carry this job through to completion. ②hold the post of ③fight ‖ Wǒmen děi gēn dírén ∼ dàodǐ. 我们得跟敌人∼到底。 We have to fight the enemy to the bitter end. ◆ab. gànbù
The full-form character 幹 gàn ‘tree trunk; post/pile’ combines 倝 gàn (phonosemantic), and 干 gàn (phonosemantic); formerly wr. 榦(𣘒), cf. 倝.
Note: 树干=樹幹 shùgàn ‘tree trunk’, 主干/幹 zhǔgàn ‘tree trunk’.
Compare: 稈 gǎn ‘stalk of grain’, also wr. 秆.
Note: 幹 gàn ‘tree trunk; (drive/driven) posts/piles (of wooden walls); drive (into earth/etc.); work/do; etc.’.
Note: 幹楨: 幹 gàn ‘posts/piles’ (supporting members driven into the ground, on either side of the wall boards); 楨 zhēn ‘posts/piles’ (driven into the ground, at each end of the wall).
Note: (诗) (韓奕) 榦不庭方、以佐戎辟 “Be a support against those princes who do not come to court, Thus assisting your sovereign.” (Legge)
“[幹] Trunk of a tree; (wood material, manufacture:) to work, make, do, manage; work, occupation; ability” —Karlgren(1923).
HDZ: 幹 : gàn : 榦: 筑墙板 (榦楨); 凡物在两旁者; 脅/胁, 从两腋下到肋骨尽处的部位 (馬脅); 草木的茎 (莖幹); 做弓/箭/箫等主体部分的材料 (箭幹); 躯体; 事物的主体或正宗 (䷀ 貞者, 事之幹也); 才能, 才干; 强; 志节, 器量; 事情 (有何贵干?); 从事某项活动 (干事, 干革命, 干会计工作, 干修理行业); 谋求; (古) 官吏雇的奴仆 (童幹, 幹僮); 用; 助; (姓) • gān : 正; 安; 干/榦: (简称) 天干 (cf. 天干地支); 乾: 干枯; 死, 完了; 擀 (gǎn): 用棍棒碾压, 或用手伸物 • hán : 韓/榦: 井上垣栏 • guǎn : 管: 主管
HDC: 幹楨 : 筑墙所用的主柱 (幹: 竖在两旁的; 楨: 竖在两端的); 支柱, 支撑
HDC: 幹枝 : gānzhī : 干支: (合称) 天干和地支 (甲, 丙, 戊, 庚, 壬; 子, 寅, 辰, 午, 申, 戌), (乙, 丁, 己, 辛, 癸; 丑, 卯, 巳, 未, 酉, 亥) 共成六十组, 用以纪年、月、日, 周而复始, 循环使用, 最初用来纪日, 后多用来纪年, 现农历仍用之 (cf. 天干地支)
HDC: 甲 丙 戊 庚 壬 (天干)
HDC: 乙 丁 己 辛 癸 (天干)
HDC: 子 寅 辰 午 申 戌 (地支)
HDC: 丑 卯 巳 未 酉 亥 (地支)
(Explanation from the entry for the simple form 干:) The character 干 is an old character, today still used with some of its old meanings, and also used as the simple form of both 乾 gān ‘dry’, and 幹 gàn ‘do/work; post/pile’.
The Shuōwén Seal form of 干() gān ‘offend/invade’ is said to combine 入() rù ‘enter/invade’ (inverted), with a horizontal stroke 一 representing the one (person/thing/ground/territory) entered/invaded: 入 is inverted in order to indicate upward offense, against a superior (DYC); cf. 𢆉() rěn ‘stab/rob/offend’.
Compare: 矢() shǐ ‘arrow’, in which 入 rù ‘arrowhead’ (镞 zú); and so 干() represents an arrow/arrowhead (or spearhead) shot/stuck/planted into the ground (territory held by military force); cf. 至.
Compare: 臿(𦥫) chā ‘to hull grain’, in which 千/干() gān ‘pestle’, 臼() jiù ‘mortar’ (pestle rammed into an earthen hole/mortar).
Compare: 午() wǔ, as in 杵() chǔ ‘pestle’ (杵臼 ‘mortar and pestle’); 舂(𦦓) chōng ‘pound/thresh (grain)’.
Compare: 竿() gān ‘pole’, also wr. 杆; 榦(𣘒) gàn ‘tree trunk; post/pile’, later wr. 幹.
Compare: 𣎴() è/niè ‘tree stump’; 不(𠀚) fū ‘(botany) thalamus/calyx’ (柎, said to be related to 𣎴 è).
Compare: 舌() shé ‘tongue’, in which the top 干() gān (phonosemantic) in old graphs may be 矢 shǐ (phonetic) inverted.
Compare: 函(圅) hán ‘tongue (in the mouth)’, in which a shape like 𢆉() depicts a ‘tongue’; 㐁(𠀬) tiàn/tiǎn ‘tongue/lick’.
Older graphs associated with 干 are thought to depict a forked stick/pole/spear (cf. 丫) used in hunting/fishing/warfare; later wr. 竿, 杆, 幹/榦.
“[干] tree-stem used as battering ram or pestle” —Karlgren(1923). [ “stem” → trunk; cf. 幹 below ]
“[干] represents a pestle. Compare 午. By extension, to grind, to destroy; morally, to oppose, to offend against; blunt arms, offence, injury, etc.” —Wieger.
Note: The full-form character 乾 gān ‘dry’ is used among simple-form characters only for 乾 qián (☰); cf. 乾(𠄃𠄊).
HDZ: 干 : gān : (甲骨) 桠叉的木棒 (cf. 丫); (古)(兵器名) 盾: 用来挡住刀箭, 卫护自身的兵器 (cf. 𢧀); 触犯, 冒犯; 扰乱, 干扰; 求取, 干求 (cf. 请求); 干预, 干涉; 关涉; 岸: 水畔 (SJ: 斯干); (量词) 个, 伙, 帮; (江南) 山垅/垄之间的地段; 涧 (jiàn); 乾 ((ant. 湿); 空, 白白地); 矸: 砂石; (国名) (邗: 吴国; (古) 干国); (姓); (简体) 乾; cf. 幹/榦 (天干) • gàn : 扞/捍: 捍卫; 立, 建立; (简体) 幹 • àn : 豻: 胡地野狗
HDC: 干支 : gānzhī : (初作) 幹枝: 天干和地支的合称 (cf. 幹枝)
►references: Karlgren:GSR140d; Hànyǔ Dà Zìdiǎn:1.409.9; Mathews:3235; Guǎngyùn:401.27; Kāngxī Zìdiǎn:341.09; EDOC:1
►components: 倝干𠦝人
►Cantonese: gon-
<cdl char='幹' uni='5E79'>
<comp char='倝' uni='501D' variant='3' points='0,0 128,128' />
<comp char='干' uni='5E72' points='60,52 128,128' />
<!-- 2013-05-02T18:20:57Z -->
<cdl char='倝' uni='501D' variant='3'>
<comp char='𠦝' uni='2099D' points='0,0 60,128' />
<comp char='𠆢' uni='201A2' points='60,0 128,46' />
<!-- 2013-05-02T18:20:06Z -->
<cdl char='𠦝' uni='2099D' points='10,0 118,128'>
<stroke type='h' points='0,20 128,20' />
<stroke type='s' points='64,0 64,40' tail='cut' />
<comp char='日' uni='65E5' points='14,40 114,74' />
<stroke type='h' points='0,98 128,98' />
<stroke type='s' points='64,74 64,128' head='cut' />
<!-- 2013-02-22T22:53:01Z -->
<cdl char='日' uni='65E5' points='24,8 104,120'>
<comp char='冂' uni='5182' variant='5' points='0,0 128,128' />
<comp char='二' uni='4E8C' variant='5' points='0,60 128,128' />
<cdl char='冂' uni='5182' variant='5' points='4,4 124,128'>
<stroke type='s' points='0,0 0,128' tail='long' />
<stroke type='hz' points='0,0 128,0 128,128' head='cut' tail='long' />
<!-- variant based on [U+EF7E](V=0) -->
<cdl char='二' uni='4E8C' variant='5' points='0,4 128,124' radical='K0'>
<stroke type='h' points='0,0 128,0' head='cut' tail='cut' />
<stroke type='h' points='0,128 128,128' head='cut' tail='cut' />
<!-- variant based on [U+EF79](V=0) -->
<cdl char='𠆢' uni='201A2' points='0,0 128,68' radical='K0'>
<stroke type='p' points='64,0 0,128' tail='long' />
<stroke type='n' points='64,0 128,128' head='cut' />
<cdl char='干' uni='5E72' points='0,8 128,128' radical='K1 D1 K7 X2'>
<comp char='二' uni='4E8C' points='0,0 128,54' />
<stroke type='s' points='64,0 64,128' head='cut' />
<cdl char='二' uni='4E8C' points='0,18 128,112' radical='K1D1'>
<stroke type='h' points='16,0 112,0' />
<stroke type='h' points='0,128 128,128' />
<!-- 2012-07-01T00:04:16Z -->
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