
From Wenlin Dictionaries

(S​) [gàn] do/work; tree trunk; (HDZ:) (​) ​ (driven) posts/piles (of wooden walls); … [gān] ​; ​; ​/​; ​, … [gǎn] ​ [hán] ​/​ well fence [guǎn] ​

One monosyllabic entry in The ABC Chinese-English Comprehensive Dictionary (namespace Ci):

¹gàn* [​] {A} b.f.trunk ►shùgàn 树干main body ►gànxiàn 干线v.do; workWǒmen ∼ qǐlai ba! 我们∼起来吧! Let's get started!Wǒmen yīnggāi bǎ zhège gōngzuò ∼ dàodǐ. 我们应该把这个工作∼到底。 We have to carry this job through to completion.hold the post offightWǒmen děi gēn dírén ∼ dàodǐ. 我们得跟敌人∼到底。 We have to fight the enemy to the bitter end.ab. gànbù

The full-form character 幹 gàn ‘tree trunk; post/pile’ combines ​ gàn (phonosemantic), and ​ gàn (phonosemantic); formerly wr. ​(​𣘒), cf. ​.
    Note: ​=​幹 shùgàn ‘tree trunk’, ​/幹 zhǔgàn ‘tree trunk’.
    Compare: ​ gǎn ‘stalk of grain’, also wr. ​.
    Note: 幹 gàn ‘tree trunk; (drive/driven) posts/piles (of wooden walls); drive (into earth/etc.); work/do; etc.’.
    Note: 幹​: 幹 gàn ‘posts/piles’ (supporting members driven into the ground, on either side of the wall boards); ​ zhēn ‘posts/piles’ (driven into the ground, at each end of the wall).
    Note: (​) (​) ​、​ “Be a support against those princes who do not come to court, Thus assisting your sovereign.” (Legge)
    “[幹] Trunk of a tree; (wood material, manufacture:) to work, make, do, manage; work, occupation; ability” —Karlgren(1923).
    HDZ: 幹 : gàn : ​: ​ (​); ​; ​/​, ​ (​); ​ (​幹); ​/​/​ (​幹); ​; ​ (䷀ ​, ​幹​); ​, ​; ​; ​, ​; ​ (​?); ​ (​, ​, ​, ​); ​; (​) ​ (​幹, 幹​); ​; ​; (​) • gān : ​; ​; ​/​: (​) ​ (cf. ​); ​: ​; ​, ​; ​ (gǎn): ​, ​ • hán : ​/​: ​ • guǎn : ​: ​
    HDC: 幹​ : ​ (幹: ​; ​: ​); ​, ​
    HDC: 幹​ : gānzhī : ​: (​) ​ (​, ​, ​, ​, ​; ​, ​, ​, ​, ​, ​), (​, ​, ​, ​, ​; ​, ​, ​, ​, ​, ​) ​, ​、​、​, ​, ​使, ​, ​, ​ (cf. ​)
    HDC: ​ ​ ​ ​ ​    (​)
    HDC:  ​ ​ ​ ​ ​   (​)
    HDC: ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​  (​)
    HDC:  ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ (​)
(Explanation from the entry for the simple form ​:) The character ​ is an old character, today still used with some of its old meanings, and also used as the simple form of both ​ gān ‘dry’, and 幹 gàn ‘do/work; post/pile’.
    The Shuōwén Seal form of ​(​􀗽) gān ‘offend/invade’ is said to combine ​(​􀸾) rù ‘enter/invade’ (inverted), with a horizontal stroke ​ representing the one (person/thing/ground/territory) entered/invaded: ​ is inverted in order to indicate upward offense, against a superior (DYC); cf. ​𢆉(​􀗾) rěn ‘stab/rob/offend’.
    Compare: ​(​􀹜) shǐ ‘arrow’, in which ​ rù ‘arrowhead’ (​ zú); and so ​(​􀗽) represents an arrow/arrowhead (or spearhead) shot/stuck/planted into the ground (territory held by military force); cf. ​.
    Compare: ​(​􁍷𦥫) chā ‘to hull grain’, in which ​/​(​􀗽) gān ‘pestle’, ​(​􁍴) jiù ‘mortar’ (pestle rammed into an earthen hole/mortar).
    Compare: ​(​􂥸) wǔ, as in ​(​􁀔) chǔ ‘pestle’ (​ ‘mortar and pestle’); ​(​􁍵𦦓) chōng ‘pound/thresh (grain)’.
    Compare: ​竿(​􀲵) gān ‘pole’, also wr. ​; ​(​􀾾𣘒) gàn ‘tree trunk; post/pile’, later wr. 幹.
    Compare: ​𣎴(​􁂇) è/niè ‘tree stump’; ​(​􂂓𠀚) fū ‘(botany) thalamus/calyx’ (​, said to be related to ​𣎴 è).
    Compare: ​(​􀗹) shé ‘tongue’, in which the top ​(​􀗽) gān (phonosemantic) in old graphs may be ​ shǐ (phonetic) inverted.
    Compare: ​(​􁊱) hán ‘tongue (in the mouth)’, in which a shape like ​𢆉(​􀗾) depicts a ‘tongue’; ​(​􀘃􀘄𠀬) tiàn/tiǎn ‘tongue/lick’.
    Older graphs associated with ​ are thought to depict a forked stick/pole/spear (cf. ​) used in hunting/fishing/warfare; later wr. ​竿, ​, 幹/​.
    “[​] tree-stem used as battering ram or pestle” —Karlgren(1923). [ “stem” → trunk; cf. 幹 below ]
    “[​] represents a pestle. Compare ​. By extension, to grind, to destroy; morally, to oppose, to offend against; blunt arms, offence, injury, etc.” —Wieger.
    Note: The full-form character ​ gān ‘dry’ is used among simple-form characters only for ​ qián (☰); cf. ​(​􂤯𠄃􂤰𠄊).
    HDZ: ​ : gān : (​) ​ (cf. ​); (​)(​) ​: ​, ​ (cf. ​𢧀); ​, ​; ​, ​; ​, ​ (cf. ​); ​, ​; ​; ​: ​ (SJ: ​); (​) ​, ​, ​; (​) ​/​; ​ (jiàn); ​ ((ant. ​湿); ​, ​); ​: ​; (​) (​: ​; (​) ​); (​); (​) ​; cf. 幹/​ (​) • gàn : ​/​: ​; ​, ​; (​) 幹 • àn : ​: ​
    HDC: ​ : gānzhī : (​) 幹​: ​ (cf. 幹​)
►references: Karlgren:GSR140d; Hànyǔ Dà Zìdiǎn:1.409.9; Mathews:3235; Guǎngyùn:401.27; Kāngxī Zìdiǎn:341.09; EDOC:1
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