
From Wenlin Dictionaries

[fēn] divide, separate; fraction; part, branch; minute (of time) [fèn] weight, portion; (HDZ:) … [fén] (​) [bàn] ​

2 monosyllabic entries in The ABC Chinese-English Comprehensive Dictionary (namespace Ci):

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³fèn To view this entry, please log in

The Shuōwén Seal form of 分 fēn ‘divide/separate’ combines ​ dāo ‘knife/cut’, and ​ bā ‘eight/divide’ (phonosemantic): ​ the broken line (⚋) cut/divided by the knife.
    Compare: ​/​ fēn ‘horse-hair sheath (of a knife/sword)’, in which 分, in which ​ (sheath), and ​ ‘knife’.
    Compare: ​ bā ← MC /pet/, 分 fēn/fèn ← MC /pjuən/bjuəns/ (SBGY).
    Compare: 分 fēn/fèn ‘divide/portion’; 分 fēn (v.) ‘divide’ (分​); 分 fèn (n.) ‘portion’ (​).
    Compare: ​/​ fēn (as in ​); ​ fèn ‘portion’ (also wr. 分).
    Compare: ​/​(​𠛰) bié ‘divide/separate’; ​(​) biàn ‘differentiate’, ​ biàn ‘quarrel/difference (among thieves)’, ​(​𠂠) biàn ‘discern/distinguish’.
    Compare: ​ chuāng ‘wound/injury’ (​); ​/​ bàn ‘do, handle’.
    HDZ: 分 : fēn : (SW: ​𠛰/​) 分​, 分​; 分​, ​分 (​分, 分​); 分​, ​分​分 (分​, 分​, 分​, ​分​); ​, ​; 分​, ​; 分​; ​, ​; ​, ​; 分​, ​; ​; (​) (​分, ​分); ​, ​分​, ​分​ (​分​, ​分​); (​) ​, ​分​; ​: ​; (​) • fèn : ​: ​分​, ​分 (​/分, ​分); ​分 (​分, ​分, ​分); ​, 分​; ​, ​; ​分; ​分; ​; ​分, ​, ​; ​分; ​; ​, ​; (​) ​; ​分 • fén : (​) • bàn : ​: ​
    HDC: 分​ : ​, 分​; 分​, ​; ​分; ​, ​; ​; (​) ​; ​
►references: Guǎngyùn:111.14,396.43; Karlgren:AD29,GSR471a; Hànyǔ Dà Zìdiǎn:1.321.3; Lindqvist:252; Mathews:1851; Kāngxī Zìdiǎn:136.04; Bǐshùn Guīfàn:009.0.07; Wáng(1993):86; EDOC:1
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