
From Wenlin Dictionaries

[] (​) fetus/embryo (​); (​) 6th Earthly Branch; (HDZ:) …; (​) ​; ​; ​; (​) … [] ​ (​􂥷) (!​􂤸)

One monosyllabic entry in The ABC Chinese-English Comprehensive Dictionary (namespace Ci):

⁸sì n. 6th of the 12 Earthly Branches

The Shuōwén Seal form of 巳(​􂥶) sì ‘fetus/embryo’ (​) is said at the entry for ​(​􁣘) bāo ‘pregnant’ to depict a fetus/embryo (in the ​ ‘womb’); but in the SW entry for 巳 itself the gloss conflates 巳(​􂥶) sì with ​(​􂥷) yǐ ‘already/use’, ​(​􁗢) sì ‘like/similar’.
    Compare: ​(​􂤸) jǐ ‘self’, ​(​􂥷) yǐ ‘already; use’, ​(​􂊌) shǐ ‘begin’.
    Note: In Hàn times the readings of the two characters 巳/​ were not distinguished (cf. ​), and the meanings/usages were “different but the same” (DYC); in the SW entry for ​(​􂥷) yǐ ‘already/use’ that character is said to be 巳(​􂥶) sì inverted; the head of 巳(​􂥶) sì is like that of ​(​􂥍𠯃) zǐ ‘child/offspring’, and so the body of 巳(​􂥶) sì is in the “fetal position” (with arms tucked-in; cf. ​); the character ​(​􂥷) yǐ ‘already/use’ depicts the fetus in head-down position “ready” for easy (non-breach) birth; cf. ​𠫓(​􂥧􂥨𡿮) tū, ​(​􂊌) shǐ ‘begin’, ​(​􀐵􀐶𨑔) qǐ ‘get up’.
    Compare: ​(​􀀪) sì ‘sacrifice’, in which the component 巳(​􂥶) sì (phonosemantic) functions as if it were 巳/​(​􂥷) yǐ ‘end’, as in ​(​􂊌) shǐ ‘begin’; for antonymous SW glossing, cf. ​.
    Compare: ​(​􀐵􀐶𨑔) qǐ ‘(able to) get up’, in which the old component is 巳(​􂥶), not ​(​􂤸).
    Note: SW also notes the association of 巳(​􂥶) sì with the shape of the ​ ‘snake’ (cf. ​, ​), but these are relatively late associations; cf. ​ (​).
    Older graphs associated with 巳(​􂥶) sì are similar to the Seal form, and some resemble ​(​􂥍𠯃) zǐ ‘child’.
    “[巳] The figure of an embryo, a fetus. See ​ bāo. In the maternal womb, the child is 巳 or ​; at birth, ​ or ​; when swaddled, ​; when it begins to walk, ​” —Wieger.
    Compare: ​(​􀀪), ​(​􀐵􀐶𨑔), ​(​􀣖𢻰), ​(​􁺳), ​(​􂄙), ​(​􁯄𤌇), ​(​􂊾), ​(​􂚻).
    HDZ: 巳 : sì : (​) 巳​, ​ (cf. ​; ​); ​ (​: ​; ​: ​; ​𡿮: ​; 巳: ​); (​) ​; (​) ​; ​; ​; (​) ​巳​ • yǐ : ​, (DYC:) …​巳​巳/​, ​
►references: Guǎngyùn:251.32; Wieger:85a; Karlgren:AD808,GSR967a; Hànyǔ Dà Zìdiǎn:2.984.2; Mathews:5590; Kāngxī Zìdiǎn:326.12; Bǐshùn Guīfàn:004.0.07; Wáng(1993):24
►Cantonese: jih-
Shuōwén: ​􂥶(巳) ​􁢭(​𢎛)
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