行 [xíng] go; OK; action (行动); on-going (进行); drive/operate; (radical 144, 行部) [háng] line, row/column; rank; 行业 profession [hàng] 树行子; (HDZ:) … [héng] 道行 [xìng] …; (姓)
4 monosyllabic entries in The ABC Chinese-English Comprehensive Dictionary (namespace Ci):
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►¹háng* To view this entry, please log in
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The Shuōwén Seal form of 行 xíng ‘step/walk/go’ is said to combine 彳 chì (the moving/mobile leg/foot, on the left), and 亍 chù (the fixed/stationary leg/foot, on the right): the Seal form of 彳 is the reverse of 亍, and their combination signifies putting one foot in front of the other, stepping/walking/going; facing south, the eastern (left foot) moves first, at the start of any auspicious journey.
Compare: 辶/辵 chuò ‘walk/pace/go back/forth/about, loiter/linger’, the structure of which has similar SW explanation (with 彳 and 止).
Older forms associated with 行 appear to depict a crossroads, the crossing/intersection of two roads, as in 衟/道, 街, 衢, or perhaps a fork in the road, the branching of one road into two or more roads.
行 is the 144th of the 214 radicals.
HDZ: 行 : háng : 道路; 行列; 辈, 班辈 (行辈; 同辈); 排行; (助词) 们, 等; (量词) 用于成行的东西; (数学) 矩阵中的横排 (ant. 列); (古) 军制, 二十五人; 行伍, 行阵; 首; 器物质量粗劣不坚牢; 买卖交易的营业处 (商行, 拍卖行); 行业 (三十六行, 同行, 内行, 外行); 处所, 用在人称的后面, 这里, 那里; 连续贯穿 • xíng : 行走; 规律, 道理; 经过, 经历; 言, 说; 去, 离开; 出动, 出行; 出嫁; 行装; 行程; 运行, 流动; 流通, 流行; 通晓; 巡狩, 巡视; 做, 从事 (行医, 行善, 身体力行); 用, 施行; 赏赐, 授予 (论功行赏); 降落; 斟酒; (量词) 酌酒劝饮一遍; 行为, 德行; (古) (官名) 通使之官 (行人: 所以通使诸侯); 兼代官职 (行: 大官兼管小官的事; 守: 小官兼代大官的事); (古) (诗) 体裁; (旧) …照准施行; 向下签发公文或命令; (汉字) (书法) 字体 (行书); 日月星辰运行的轨道; 先, 往昔; 成, 成功; 可以; 能干, 在行; (副词) (且, 将; 即, 就); (连词) 行…行…: 且…且…, 一面…一面…; 形: 形体; (围棋) (术语) 下子; (佛教) 戒行 • xìng : 事; 行迹; (姓) • hàng : “行行”, 刚强貌 • héng : “道行”
►references: Guǎngyùn:182.40,187.23,427.22,429.36; Wieger:63c; Henshall:118; Karlgren:AD156,GSR748a; Hànyǔ Dà Zìdiǎn:2.811.6; Lindqvist:149; Mathews:2754; Kāngxī Zìdiǎn:1108.31; Bǐshùn Guīfàn:031.0.08; Wáng(1993):141; EDOC:1
►components: 彳亍
►Cantonese: haahng\ hahng\ hahng- hohng\
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<comp char='亍' uni='4E8D' points='60,12 128,128' />
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<stroke type='p' points='107,0 10,46' />
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<stroke type='h' points='0,128 128,128' />
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