所 [suǒ] 所在 place/location; that which; 所以 so, therefore; 所有 all/every; possess; (HDZ:) …
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The Shuōwén Seal form of 所 suǒ ‘(on.) chopping wood’, combines 斤 (jīn) ‘axe’ (chop), and 户(戶) hù ‘door/swing’ (phonosemantic): the swinging of an axe (like a door), chopping wood (hard work).
Note: Formerly 所所 (onomatopoeic) ‘the sound of chopping wood’, also used to wr. various grammatical function morphemes such as 所 suǒ ‘place/location’ (处所); ‘that which’ (所在).
Note: (诗) (伐木) 伐木許許 “Xu-xu they go, as they fell the trees.” (Legge)
Note: (SW:) 所所 → 許許 (SJ); cf. 所 suǒ ← MC /ʂjoʔ/; 許 ← MC /xjoʔ/ (SBGY).
“[所] To 斤 build a 户 living place” —Karlgren(AD).
Note: In the modern character (simple and full) 所⿰戶斤 the left-side component is properly wr. 戶 (full form) rather than 户 (simple form); this is a conservative calligraphic feature, harmonizing the top 丿 piě strokes of 戶 and 斤; the alternative form ⿰户斤 is not completely unknown (though it is not the standard simple form).
Compare: 听/聽 tīng ‘listen/hear’.
HDZ: 所 : suǒ : (SW: 伐木聲) (象声) 伐木声 (cf. SW 伐木所所, SJ 伐木許許); 处所, 地方; 地位, 位置; 道理, 方法; 宜, 适宜; 官衙; (元明) 驻军和屯田军的一种建制; 数, 次数; 时; 意思, 人或动物流露的情态; 许多, 多种; 可以; …大概的数目; (代词) (此, 这; 何, 什么); (量词) (处; 座; 用于建筑物); (副词) 尚, 还; (连词) 若, 如果; (助词) …; (语气词); (姓)
►references: Guǎngyùn:258.23; Wieger:128a; Karlgren:AD82,GSR91a; Hànyǔ Dà Zìdiǎn:3.2259.1; Lindqvist:289; Mathews:5465; Kāngxī Zìdiǎn:415.16; Bǐshùn Guīfàn:085.0.08; EDOC:1
►components: 戶斤户
►Cantonese: so/
<cdl char='所' uni='6240' radical='X4'>
<comp char='戶' uni='6236' variant='9' points='0,0 52,120' />
<comp char='斤' uni='65A4' points='56,0 128,128' />
<cdl char='戶' uni='6236' variant='9' points='0,0 98,128' radical='K0'>
<stroke type='p' points='128,0 40,16' />
<stroke type='sp' points='40,16 40,47 0,128' />
<comp char='' uni='EF70' points='40,45 114,84' />
<!-- variant based on [U+E63B](V=0) -->
<cdl char='' uni='EF70' points='0,4 124,124' radical='K0'>
<stroke type='hz' points='0,0 128,0 128,128' head='cut' tail='long' />
<stroke type='h' points='0,128 128,128' head='cut' tail='cut' />
<cdl char='斤' uni='65A4' points='8,0 120,128'>
<stroke type='p' points='106,0 28,14' />
<stroke type='wp' points='28,14 0,120' tail='long' />
<stroke type='h' points='28,50 128,50' head='cut' />
<stroke type='s' points='80,50 80,128' head='cut' />
►stroke 所 (... strokes)
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Unicode: U+6240
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