
From Wenlin Dictionaries

[] go (ant. ​ lái ‘come’); leave/depart; remove/discard; past; last/previous; die; away; very; (HDZ:) … [] ​; ​ [] (HDC:) ​/​去/​

One monosyllabic entry in The ABC Cantonese-English Dictionary (namespace Jyut):

heoi3 b.f./char. ►dau1 lai4 dau1 heoi3 兜嚟兜去 ►dok6 lai4 dok6 heoi3 踱嚟踱去 ►faan2/1 heoi3 返去 ►fan3 go3 san1 lok6 heoi3 瞓個身落去

One monosyllabic entry in The ABC Chinese-English Comprehensive Dictionary (namespace Ci):

¹qù* {A} v.go; go to; leave; departget rid of; remove; cast out∼ nǐ de! ∼你的! Get lost!dispatchGěi jiàoshòu ∼ ge diànhuà wènwen. 给教授∼个电话问问。 Give the professor a ring and ask about it.be apartxiāng∼bùyuǎn 相∼不远 not far from each other〈environment:〉 opera play the role ofcons. in order tozhèngqián ∼ yǎngjiā 挣钱∼养家 earn money to support one's familysuf. awaysòng∼ 送∼ send awayb.f.past; last ►qùnián 去年“going” tone; Mandarin fourth tone ►qùshēng 去声adv. 〈environment:〉 topo. extremely; really; quiteKẹ̌ hǎole ∼ le! 可好了∼了! It's really good!

The Shuōwén Seal form of 去(​􀶭) qù ‘leave/depart/go’ combines ​(​􁰋) dà ‘big man’ (person), and ​(​􀶫𠙴) qū ‘basket’ (phonosemantic); formerly also wr. ​ (HDZ: ​).
    Compare: ​𥬔(​􀶬) qū ‘lidded bamboo basket for washing rice’; wash away → remove ⇒ leave.
    Older graphs associated with 去 and ​𥬔 are said to represent a ​𠙴 ‘basket’ with ​ ‘lid’; also wr. with ​(​􀌼𠙵) kǒu ‘mouth’ below instead of ​𠙴.
    Compare: ​/​(​􀉵) gài; ​(​􀷀𥁋) hé/gài; ​(​􁒬) tóng; (all of which employ covered/lidded vessel motifs).
    “[去] Said to be a picture of a cup with a removable lid: that which gets off, is removed” —Karlgren(AD).
    Note: 去 qù ‘leave/depart; be apart from, separate; lose; go (from here to there); gone/past; remove/eliminate; drive out, release; abandon’ (HDZ).
    Compare: ​/​(​􁩬) qū ‘whip/drive a horse’, formerly also wr. 去.
    HDZ: 去 : qù : (SW: ​) ​ (去​, 去​, 去​); ​, ​; ​, ​去; ​ (​) (去​, ​去​); ​去​ (去​, 去​); ​ (​); ​, ​; (​) ​; (​) ​, ​; (​) 去​; ​, ​, 去​ (去​; ​去​); ​, ​; ​: ​ • qū : ​; ​
►references: Guǎngyùn:259.31,362.13; Wieger:38e; Karlgren:AD491,GSR642a; Hànyǔ Dà Zìdiǎn:1.384.8; Mathews:1594; Kāngxī Zìdiǎn:164.10; Bǐshùn Guīfàn:012.1.06; EDOC:1
►Cantonese: heui-
Shuōwén: ​􀶭(​)
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