
From Wenlin Dictionaries

[] (​易 róngyì) easy; (​易) change; (易​) Book of Changes; (HDZ:) ​; …; ​; ​; …; ​; …; (​)

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The character 易 yì ‘change; easy’ combines ​ rì ‘sun/time’ above, with ​ wù ‘flag/don't’ below: in dualistic Chinese philosophy (易​) ‘change’ arises naturally/easily from the alternation of dark and light forces; in 易 (☯) the top component ​ signifies the ​ yáng ‘male principle’ (⚊), while ​ down below represents the ​ yīn ‘female principle’ (⚋); the component ​ here (as in ​ and ​ shì ‘being/true’) contrasts with ​ (​/​ wú ‘nothing/false’; ​).
    Shuōwén offers different interpretations of the Seal form of 易 yì ‘change; easy’: ⑴ it depicts a lizard (later wr. ​, as in ​), a gecko (​, ​, ​) or chameleon (​=​?, which readily/easily changes its color, cf. ​); ⑵ in conjunction with the name of the classic Book of Changes (易​), 易 is associated with the sun/moon (​), and with light rays (shining through/dispersing clouds), as in ​ yì ‘sun flickering in and out of clouds’ (flickering like a ​ ‘flag’).
    Compare: ​ yáng ‘male/light principle’ (⚊), which cuts/divides 易 yì ‘change’ into its two parts/halves by slashing a ​(⚊) yáng line through its center.
    Older graphs associated with 易 look nothing like a lizard, and bear little resemblance to the sun and moon; instead old graphs are thought to depict a vessel, perhaps like ​ yì (䷩​󰀄; cf. ䷻​) brimming/overflowing with food or drink (☵​); or the three lines like ☰ (⚊​/䷀​) represent ​ guàyáo ‘n-gram lines’ in general, or ​ ‘yarrow stalks’, stored in or falling from a divination vessel ​/​ (䷱).
    Note: (​) (​) ​、​、​易 “As you take a thing, and bring it away in your hand, Bringing it away without any more ado. The enlightenment of the people is very easy.” (Legge)
    Note: A common word with 易 in modern Ch. is ​易 róngyì ‘easy’, in which ​ also often refers to ​ containers (and their contents); senses of ​易 range from (HDC): ⑴ ​ ‘not costly/troublesome (to do)’; ⑵ ​易 ‘be rash/disrespectful, treat lightly/cheaply, be careless’; ⑶ ​ ‘change’ (sudden/imminent/likely); several homophones (or variant spellings of the syllables) róngyì are attested, the most common of which is ​ (also wr. ​, ​, ​, …) ‘rippling; fluttering; leisurely (easy-going)’ (HDC); ​ yì ‘fringe (on a garment)’ is homophonous with 易 yì ‘easy’ in MC, but not in earlier periods (but cf. ​ ‘overflow’); some senses of ​ suggest 易 ‘light flickering in and out of the clouds’; cf. ​/​/​/​, ​, and the various writings of ​ ‘melt/dissolve’; ​: ​.
    Compare: ​/​ cì ‘give/grant’, formerly also wr. ​.
    Compare: ​ yì ‘treat each other lightly/disrespectfully; change/exchange’.
    Compare: ​/​ xī ‘tin’ (metal/implement/valuable).
    HDZ: 易 : yì : (​) ​/​: ​ (cf. ​), ​, ​, ​; ​: ​易=​: ​, ​: ​; (​) ​ (​易, ​); (​) ​ (​易: ​, ​, ​易); (​) ​易; ​, (​) ​; ​; ​; ​; ​, ​; ​; ​, ​; ​; ​, ​; ​: ​, ​, ​; ​; (​) ​; ​: ​, ​; ​: ​; (​); (​); (​); ​易 (ant. ​); ​易, ​ (ant. ​); ​; ​, ​; ​易, ​ (​, ​); ​, ​; ​, ​; ​, ​
    HDC: ​易 : ​; ​, ​, ​易; ​; ​, ​; ​; ​
►references: Guǎngyùn:347.36,517.18; Wieger:101c; Karlgren:AD195,GSR850a; Hànyǔ Dà Zìdiǎn:2.1494.1; Mathews:2952; Kāngxī Zìdiǎn:492.03; Bǐshùn Guīfàn:077.1.10; EDOC:1
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