
From Wenlin Dictionaries

[jiā] home, house; family; ​家 nation; ​家 everybody [jia] ​家 sb. else; (HDZ:) … [jie] ​家 [jià] ​; ​ [] ​, “​家” ​; ​

3 monosyllabic entries in The ABC Chinese-English Comprehensive Dictionary (namespace Ci):

¹jiā* To view this entry, please log in
jia To view this entry, please log in
¹jie To view this entry, please log in

The character 家 jiā ‘home/family’ seems to have ​ (mián) ‘roof/house/home’ (as in ​ ‘peaceful/tranquil’), over ​ (shǐ) ‘pig/pork’ (​): tasty pork dishes feed the hungry household (cf. ​/​); alternatively, ​ here is short for ​/​(​𥅫) zhòng ‘three/many people’ (father, mother, child); but the old explanations of 家 are more complex and less clear.
    The Shuōwén Seal form of 家 jiā ‘home/dwelling/residence’ is said to combine ​ (mián) ‘roof/house/home’, with ​ jiā ‘male pig/boar’ (abbrev. phonetic); formerly also wr. ​𠖔, with an abbrev. of ​(​𧱏) yì ‘enraged boar’ instead of ​(​𧰧).
    Note: DYC describes the question of ​ in 家 as ​ a big unsettled mystery, since most scholars seeing ​ as a component in so many characters see it again in 家 and simply stop there; he sees the SW analysis with ​ as circuitous, and offers as an alternative that 家 formerly referred to a shed in which pigs were kept (cf. 家​: 家​ ‘family/domestic/private property/estate’), later generalized to dwellings in general, citing ​(​𡘠) láo ‘cage/pen’ as an example of such semantic change (​𨻼 ‘jail’).
    Note: The HDZ entry for 家 cites old inscriptional forms in support of the SW analysis with ​ jiā (​ ‘male pig’) as abbrev. phonetic, seeing the old ​ shape as short for 家 in some inscriptions; indeed, various old ‘pig’ words might have been wr. ​; cf. ​𢑓 xiá ‘pig’, (SW:) ​ “​”.
    “[家] The ​ house where you have ​ domestic animals” —Karlgren(AD).
    Compare: ​ jià ‘ears of grain; farming/husbandry’, formerly also wr. 家 (‘homestead/farmhouse’).
    Compare: ​ jià ‘marry (of women: leave the natal/parental home, go in marriage)’.
    Compare: ​ zhú ‘expel’, in which ​ chù ‘tethered pig’ (abbrev. phonetic).
    Compare: ​(​𨘹) dùn ‘flee’ (䷠); ䷤ 家​ (☴☲, ䷠䷼), in which ䷿ (nuclear trigram).
    HDZ: 家 : jiā : (​) ​ (​: ​) ​, ​, (​) 家​, ​家, ​; ​; 家​; (​) ​ (​); ​家 (cf. ​); ​, ​家; 家​, ​; ​家, ​家; (​) (​) (​家​, ​家​); (​) ​…; ​; ​家​ (ant. ​) (家​, 家​, 家​); ​ (ant. ​); ​; ​; ​, ​; (​) ​家​; ​ (​家, ​家); ​; ​ (​家, ​家, ​家, ​家); ​; ​、​, ​ (​家, ​家, ​家, ​家, ​家); ​家​ (​家, ​家, ​家, ​家); (​) (​) ​; ​, ​; (​) ​, ​; ​ (家​, 家​, 家​); (​) • jià : ​: ​; ​: ​ • jia : (​) (​) • jie : (​) ​, ​ • gū : (​) “​家”, ​ (​); ​
►references: Guǎngyùn:166.33; Henshall:83; Karlgren:AD347,GSR32a; Hànyǔ Dà Zìdiǎn:2.930.15; Lindqvist:272; Mathews:594; Kāngxī Zìdiǎn:286.17; Bǐshùn Guīfàn:172.1.04; Wáng(1993):82; EDOC:1
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