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<WL>經(S经) [jīng] warp (經緯 ‘warp and woof’); way/channel; pass through, experience (經過), 已經 already; 經典 classics/scriptures, sutra (佛經); 經度 longitude@@; (HDZ:) …  [jìng] 纺织; …
<WL>經(S经) [jīng] warp (經緯 ‘warp and woof’); way/channel; pass through, experience (經過), 已經 already; 經典 classics/scriptures, sutra (佛經); 經度 longitude@@; (HDZ:) …  [jìng] 纺织; …
HDZ: 經 : jīng : 织布机上的纵线; 南北的方向 (cf. 徑); 南北方向的道路; 道路、途径 (cf. 徑); 直行; 经过, 经历; 主要的 (江河水道); (地理学) … (经度); 开始, 起始; 度量, 划界; 义理, 法则; 常久, 经常; 治理, 经营; 历来被尊奉为典范的著作 (经典); (古) 图书目录四部 (经、史、子、集) 分类法中只儒家经典及小学 (文字、音韵、训诂) 方面的书; 寻常, 正常; 经过, 经受; 缢死, 上吊; 经脉 (cf. 巠), 人体气血运行的通路; (中医) 五腧穴之一…; (古) 无音之一, 角音; (数目名) 十兆; (副词) 曾经, 已经; (古地名); (姓) • jìng : 纺织; 织布之前把纺好的纱密密地绷起来, 来回梳整, 使成为经线 (经纱)
HDZ: 經 : jīng : (SW: 織; DYC: 織從絲; cf. 從/縱) 织布机上的纵线; 南北的方向 (cf. 徑); 南北方向的道路; 道路、途径 (cf. 徑); 直行; 经过, 经历; 主要的 (江河水道); (地理学) … (经度); 开始, 起始; 度量, 划界; 义理, 法则; 常久, 经常; 治理, 经营; 历来被尊奉为典范的著作 (经典); (古) 图书目录四部 (经、史、子、集) 分类法中只儒家经典及小学 (文字、音韵、训诂) 方面的书; 寻常, 正常; 经过, 经受; 缢死, 上吊; 经脉 (cf. 巠), 人体气血运行的通路; (中医) 五腧穴之一…; (古) 无音之一, 角音; (数目名) 十兆; (副词) 曾经, 已经; (古地名); (姓) • jìng : 纺织; 织布之前把纺好的纱密密地绷起来, 来回梳整, 使成为经线 (经纱)
#rK.GSR831c D.5.3402.11 M.1123 G.193.36,431.39 KX..925.24 E.1
#rK.GSR831c D.5.3402.11 M.1123 G.193.36,431.39 KX..925.24 E.1

Latest revision as of 07:52, 10 September 2019

(S​) [jīng] warp (經​ ‘warp and woof’); way/channel; pass through, experience (經​), ​經 already; 經​ classics/scriptures, sutra (​經); 經​ longitude; (HDZ:) … [jìng] ​; …

One monosyllabic entry in The ABC Chinese-English Comprehensive Dictionary (namespace Ci):

¹jīng To view this entry, please log in

    HDZ: 經 : jīng : (SW: ​; DYC: ​; cf. ​/​) ​线; ​ (cf. ​); ​; ​、​ (cf. ​); ​; ​, ​; ​ (​); (​) … (​); ​, ​; ​, ​; ​, ​; ​, ​; ​, ​; ​ (​); (​) ​ (​、​、​、​) ​ (​、​、​) ​; ​, ​; ​, ​; ​, ​; ​ (cf. ​), ​; (​) ​…; (​) ​, ​; (​) ​; (​) ​, ​; (​); (​) • jìng : ​; ​, ​, ​使线 (​)
(Explanation from the entry for the simple form ​:) The Shuōwén Seal form of ​/經(​􂐄) jīng ‘warp (of a loom)’ combines ​/​ (sī) ‘silk/thread’, and ​𢀖/​(​􁾘) jīng ‘(liquid/thread) channel’ (phonosemantic); formerly wr. ​, cf. ​𢀖.
    Note: The component ​𢀖/​(​􁾘) is sometimes said to be an old wr. of ​/經(​􂐄) jīng ‘warp (threads); channel/through; blood vessels’, depicting warp threads on a loom (forming the channel through which the weft passes).
    Note: The received SW gloss ​ is emended to ​ (DYC), with ​/​ specifying nominal 經 jīng (n.) ‘warp (of a loom)’, vs. verbal 經 jìng (v.) ‘weave (string the warp)’ (HDZ).
    Compare: ​/​(​􂐋) wěi ‘weft/woof (of a loom)’; ​/​(​􂐅) zhī ‘weave (textiles/fabric)’; ​/​(​􂐍𦇣) huì ‘thrums (warp head/tail threads)’.
    Compare: ​/​(​􂐉) zèng/zòng ‘heddle (of a loom)’; ​ zhùzhóu ‘(shuttle and reed of a) loom (in weaving)’.
    Note: In weaving, the “vertical” warp threads are strung out in parallel on the loom, stretched tight (like the strings of a guitar), and alternately warped by the heddle (alternate warp threads are raised/lowered creating the warp shed channel/passage), through which the shuttle carries/weaves the “horizontal” weft threads (cf. ​), to be set in place by the reed/beater.
    Compare: ​, ​ ‘pass through (a channel/way/etc.); undergo’; ​ ‘constant’; ​ ‘classics’.
    Compare: 《​》, 《​》, 《​》 (names of important classical texts, classics).
    Compare: ​/經 jīng ‘longitude’ (vertical); ​/​ wěi ‘latitude’ (horizontal).
    Compare: ​/​(​􀭛) jìng ‘shin’; ​/​(​􀈗) jīng ‘stem/stalk’; ​/​(​􀔚) jìng ‘footpath’.
►references: Karlgren:GSR831c; Hànyǔ Dà Zìdiǎn:5.3402.11; Mathews:1123; Guǎngyùn:193.36,431.39; Kāngxī Zìdiǎn:925.24; EDOC:1
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