义(F義) [yì] justice (正义); just/proper/right; meaning (意义 yìyì); doctrine/theory, -ism (主义) [yí] [xī] cf. 義
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The simple-form character 义 yì ‘justice’ (3 strokes) is an abbrev. of the full-form character 義 (13 strokes), keeping the first stroke 丶 (centered), but replacing the remaining 12 strokes with 乂 (2 strokes), which is an old character 乂(刈) yì ‘mow/govern’ (phonosemantic).
Note: Today mainly 义/義 yì ‘just/proper/right’ (正义 ‘justice’), 意义 yìyì ‘meaning’, 主义 ‘doctrine/theory, -ism’ (共产主义, 资本主义, 帝国主义).
Note: The old primary meaning of 义/義 is taken to be that of modern 仪/儀 yí ‘etiquette/manners; ceremony’ (仪式 yíshì); note the tonal difference, old 義 yí, vs. new 義 yì; but the extended meanings of old 義 yí ‘moral standard’ blend into those of 義 yì ‘appropriate’.
The Shuōwén Seal form of 義 yí ‘impressive/dignified personal etiquette/manners; ceremony; moral standard’ combines 𦍌/羊 yáng ‘goat/sheep’ (as in 善), and 我 wǒ ‘I/we’ (phonosemantic): a proper sense of self (restraint/denial) is the source of an impressive/dignified conduct/manner; formerly also wr. 羛, later wr. 儀, cf. 仪.
Note: Usage of the component 羊 here relates to the meanings ‘good (tasty, gentle, auspicious, respectful)’ evident in other compound characters (such as 善, 养/養, 美, 茍, 详/詳, cf. 祥); the component 我 here indicates that a proper sense of self is the source of an impressive/dignified manner (威儀出於己).
Compare: 议/議 yì ‘discuss’; 宜(宐) yí (as in 适宜 shìyí ‘suitable’).
GFC: 义 : yì : (名) 公正的、有利于社会大众的道理 (大义灭亲, 义不容辞, 正义, 道义); (形容) 符合正义或大众利益的 (义战, 义师, 义演); (名) 意思, 意义 (词义, 同义词, 歧义, 定义); …
►references: Wieger:71q; Henshall:645; Karlgren:AD204; Hànyǔ Dà Zìdiǎn:1.42.10; Bǐshùn Guīfàn:004.0.03; Wáng(1993):190; EDOC:0
►components: 丶乂
►Cantonese: yih-
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