界 [jiè] boundary/border; scope/extent (世界 shìjiè ‘world’), circle/domain; adjoin, border on; (HDZ:) 地界, 边界 (cf. 介); … [gā] 不搭界 [gà] 半间不界
3 monosyllabic entries in The ABC Chinese-English Comprehensive Dictionary (namespace Ci):
►¹jiè To view this entry, please log in
►⁸gā To view this entry, please log in
►²gà To view this entry, please log in
The Shuōwén Seal form of 界 jiè ‘(land/territorial) boundary/border’ combines 田 (tián) ‘field/land’, and 介 jiè ‘boundary/border’ (phonosemantic); cf. 介, 价.
Note: SW texts differ in the structure of the Seal form, 畍 (XX), vs. 界 (XK, DYC).
Note: 界 jiè ‘boundary’ was formerly wr. 介; today the meanings of 介 are more narrow/abstract: 介 jiè ‘introduce’ (serve as go-between, across boundaries), cf. 介.
HDZ: 界 : jiè : 地界, 边界 (cf. 介); 界限 (cf. 戒); 接界, 毗连; 划分; 离间; 一定的范围 (眼界, 管界); 职业、工作或性别等相同的一些社会成员的总体 (文艺界, 学术界, 工商界, 妇女界, 各界人士); 大自然中动物、植物、矿物等的最大的类别 (无机界; 有机界); (佛教) (梵语) 驮都 (dhātu); (地质学); (宋) 发行纸币三年一换的期限; 介: (依恃, 倚仗; (量词) 个)
►references: Guǎngyùn:384.50; Karlgren:AD360,GSR327e; Hànyǔ Dà Zìdiǎn:4.2534.2; Mathews:632; Kāngxī Zìdiǎn:760.18; Bǐshùn Guīfàn:115.1.06; EDOC:1
►components: 田介
►Cantonese: gaai-
<cdl char='界' uni='754C' points='0,4 128,128'>
<comp char='田' uni='7530' points='22,0 106,50' />
<comp char='介' uni='4ECB' points='0,54 128,128' />
<cdl char='田' uni='7530' points='12,12 116,124'>
<comp char='冂' uni='5182' variant='5' points='0,0 128,128' />
<stroke type='h' points='0,58 128,58' head='cut' tail='cut' />
<stroke type='s' points='64,0 64,128' head='cut' tail='cut' />
<stroke type='h' points='0,128 128,128' head='cut' tail='cut' />
<cdl char='冂' uni='5182' variant='5' points='4,4 124,128'>
<stroke type='s' points='0,0 0,128' tail='long' />
<stroke type='hz' points='0,0 128,0 128,128' head='cut' tail='long' />
<!-- variant based on [U+EF7E](V=0) -->
<cdl char='介' uni='4ECB'>
<comp char='𠆢' uni='201A2' points='0,0 128,60' />
<comp char='' uni='E7C2' points='0,60 90,128' />
<cdl char='𠆢' uni='201A2' points='0,0 128,68' radical='K0'>
<stroke type='p' points='64,0 0,128' tail='long' />
<stroke type='n' points='64,0 128,128' head='cut' />
<cdl char='' uni='E7C2' points='0,0 90,128' radical='K0'>
<stroke type='sp' points='54,0 54,28 0,128' />
<stroke type='s' points='128,0 128,128' />
►stroke 界 (... strokes)
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Unicode: U+754C
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