
From Wenlin Dictionaries

(S​) [guó] (國​) country; ​國 China; ​國 USA

One monosyllabic entry in The ABC Chinese-English Comprehensive Dictionary (namespace Ci):

¹guó [​] {A} n.country; state; nationSurnameb.f.of the state; national ►guóqí 国旗of our country; Chinese ►guóhuà 国画

    HDZ: 國 : guó : (​) ​, ​, ​: ​, ​, ​; (​) (​: ​; ​: ​; (​) ​); ​, ​; (SW: ​) (​) ​; ​ (​, ​, ​); ​, ​; ​, ​; ​; (​) ​ (​, ​, ​); ​ (​, ​, ​, ​, ​); ​ (​, ​, ​); (​)
(Explanation from the entry for the simple form ​:) The simple-form character ​ (8 strokes) is an old abbrev. of the full-form character 國 (11 strokes), replacing the full-form component ​ (8 strokes) with ​ (5 strokes).
    Note: The simple form ​ dates back some 800 years (to the Sòng dynasty); formerly wr. ​, with ​ wáng ‘king’ (instead of ​ yù ‘jade/gem’; valuables/currency).
    The Shuōwén Seal form of ​/國(​􁃺) guó ‘(feudal) territory/city-state/country’ combines ​(​􁃰) wéi ‘surround’ (an enclosing wall, as in ​), and ​(​􂍙) yù ‘territory’ (phonosemantic); formerly wr. ​(​􂍙􂍚).
    Note: The two characters ​ and 國 are seen as ​ ‘ancient/modern’ variants; ​ is the old form, also wr. ​, and later 國 (DYC).
    Compare: ​/國(​􁃺) guó ← MC /kuək/; ​(​􂍙) yù ← MC /ɣuək/; ​(​􂍚) yù ← MC /ɣjuik/ (SBGY)
    Note: In the character 國 the component ​(​􁃰) wéi ‘surround’ occurs twice, once within ​ and once without, indicating the inner and outer city walls; cf. ​.
►references: Karlgren:GSR929o; Hànyǔ Dà Zìdiǎn:1.720.9; Mathews:3738; Guǎngyùn:530.39; Kāngxī Zìdiǎn:219.16; EDOC:1
►Cantonese: gwok-
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Unicode: U+570B
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