老 [lǎo] old, venerable; 老人 old person; 老师 teacher, (道家) 老子 Lǎo Zǐ; 老虎 tiger, 老鼠 mouse; (radical 125, 老部)
One monosyllabic entry in The ABC Chinese-English Comprehensive Dictionary (namespace Ci):
►¹lǎo* To view this entry, please log in
The Shuōwén Seal form of 老 lǎo ‘old/venerable (~70 year-old person)’ combines 人 rén ‘person’, 毛 máo ‘hair’, and 匕(𠤎) huà ‘change’ (fallen/dead man); the hair of the head/beard changes color in old age, becoming gray/white.
Note: In the character 老 (6 strokes) the top part 耂 (4 strokes) corresponds to 毛 and 人 in the Seal (cf. 秃/𣬜 ‘bald’); the lower part is 匕(𠤎) huà ‘change’ (fallen man, cf. 辰), not 匕 bǐ ‘compare/compete’.
Compare: 考 kǎo ‘longevity’ (壽考, 皇考; cf. 攷, 朽); 寿/壽(𦓆) shòu ‘longevity’.
Compare: 孝 xiào filial piety (care/respect for parents/elders) (孝顺); 教(敎) jiāo ‘teach’ (with 𡥈).
Compare: 媪/媼 ǎo ‘old woman’; 长/長(𨱗仧𨱘) zhǎng ‘elder/chief’.
“[老] The modern form is an extreme corruption of a seal containing 毛 hair 匕 changing (color): old” —Karlgren(AD).
HDZ: 老 : lǎo : (SW: 考; 七十曰老) 五十至七十岁的高龄; (古) (尊称) 对某些臣僚的尊称 (上公; 上卿; 大夫; 大夫的家臣; 群吏之尊者); 父母或兄长; 衰弱, 衰落 (cf. 朽); 老练, 富有经验 (老手, 老干部); 致仕, 年老退休; 敬老, 养老 (cf. 老人老, 孤人孤), (尊称) 对老年人 (扶老携幼, 敬老院); 历时长久的 ((旧) (ant. 新) (老工厂, 老问题); (ant. 嫩) (老白菜, 老枝嫩叶); (某些颜色) 深 (ant. 浅) (老绿, 老红)); (简称) 老子及其哲学; 小, 排行在最末的 (老儿子, 老妹子); (六十四卦) 变爻; (讳称) 死的 (送老归山); (副词) (总, 经常; 很 (老远, 老高, 老长)); (前缀) (老石, 老元; 老大, 老二, 老四; 老虎, 老鸦); (后缀) (嗅老 (鼻), 柴老 (牙), 听老 (耳)), 佬 (庄稼老, 外国老, 老外); (姓)
►references: Guǎngyùn:301.28; Wieger:30e,100a; Karlgren:AD515,GSR1055a; Hànyǔ Dà Zìdiǎn:4.2778.1; Mathews:3833; Kāngxī Zìdiǎn:960.25; Bǐshùn Guīfàn:023.0.03; Wáng(1993):28; EDOC:1
►components: 耂匕土𠤎
►Cantonese: louh/
<cdl char='老' uni='8001' points='0,0 128,124'>
<comp char='耂' uni='8002' points='0,0 128,90' />
<comp char='匕' uni='5315' points='49,74 128,128' />
<cdl char='耂' uni='8002'>
<stroke type='h' points='24,35 98,35' />
<stroke type='s' points='60,0 60,78' tail='cut' />
<stroke type='h' points='0,78 128,78' />
<stroke type='p' points='114,26 0,128' tail='long' />
<cdl char='匕' uni='5315' points='16,0 112,124' radical='K4 D1'>
<stroke type='p' points='101,20 0,52' />
<stroke type='swg' points='0,0 0,96 36,128 128,128 128,86' />
►stroke 老 (... strokes)
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Unicode: U+8001
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