
From Wenlin Dictionaries

(S​) [] allow/permit (許​), consent/approve; ​許 maybe/perhaps; somewhat, 許​ many/much, a lot; promise; (HDZ:) ​, ​; … [] ​許 …

2 monosyllabic entries in The ABC Chinese-English Comprehensive Dictionary (namespace Ci):

¹xǔ* To view this entry, please log in
⁴hǔ To view this entry, please log in

    HDZ: 許 : xǔ : (SW: ​; XK/DYC: ​) ​, ​; ​, ​; ​, ​; ​; ​; ​; ​; ​, ​; ​, ​; (​) ​, ​; (​) ​; (​) (​) ​ (cf. ​); (​) ​; ​ (yù): ​; (​) (許​, 許​, 許​, 許​; cf. ​) • hǔ : (​) 許許=​=​: ​ (cf. ​許; cf. SJ ​許許, SW ​)
    HDC: ​ : ​ (cf. ​, ​, ​)
(Explanation from the entry for the simple form ​:) The Shuōwén Seal form of ​/許(​􀘬) xǔ ‘consent/approve, allow/permit’ combines ​/​ (yán) ‘direct speech’ (directly address a superior, who directly responds), and ​(​􂥸) wǔ ‘conflict/contradict’ (phonosemantic): to listen to, understand and respond to a direct request for advice/permission (from a respectful/obedient subordinate), granting (informed/critical/conditional) approval, with accompanying advice/admonishment/warnings (permit someone to do something requested, attendant to possible risks, heeding warnings).
    Note: (​) (​) ​許許、​ “Xu-xu they go, as they fell the trees, I have strained off my spirits, till they are fine [...]” (Legge)
    Note: 許許=​=​ xǔ-xǔ → hǔ-hǔ (HDZ), cf. ​ suǒ-suǒ (HDC).
    Note: ​ Xǔ Shèn (​).
►Cantonese: heui/
►references: Karlgren:GSR60i; Hànyǔ Dà Zìdiǎn:6.3946.9; Mathews:2825; Guǎngyùn:258.03; Kāngxī Zìdiǎn:1151.14
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