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<WL>子 [zǐ] child/offspring; 儿子 son; 子儿 seed (籽); (地支) 1st Earthly Branch; (radical 39, 子部)  [zi] (n. suf.) 孩子, 桌子, 屋子, 电子, …
<WL>子 [zǐ] child/offspring; 儿子 son; 子儿 seed (籽); (地支) 1st Earthly Branch; (radical 39, 子部)  [zi] (n. suf.) 孩子, 桌子, 屋子, 电子, …
Baby’s head, arms and torso. Legs invisible in swaddling clothes.
The Shuōwén Seal form of 子(􂥍𠯃) zǐ ‘child/offspring’ is said to depict a young child, a crawling infant or toddler (the legs are weak or swaddled, and so not drawn); the arms are up-raised seeking help or in respect (孝 ‘filial piety’), as in 廾(􀝏𠬞); and the loop of the head is not closed, marking the 囟(􁱻𦥓) xìn ‘fontanel’ (softspot in the top of the child's skull).
Compare: 𠫓(􂥧􂥨𡿮㐬) liú ‘nurture/foster’ (child inverted); cf. 㐬, 毓/育, 后.
Compare: 向(􁎥) xiàng; 亨/享(􀹺𠅠) xiǎng.
Compare: 了(􂥠), 𡤼(􂥡), 孒(􂥢), 孨(􂥣).
Note: As a noun suffix, 子 zǐ generally has the neutral tone, for example, in the word 屋子 wūzi ‘room’.
Note: As a left-side component, 子 zǐ is often written 孑 (as in 孖, 孩).
子 is the 39th of the 214 radicals.
子 is the 39th of the 214 radicals.
As a noun suffix, 子 zǐ generally has the neutral tone, for example in the word 屋子 wūzi ‘room’.
HDZ: : : (古) 儿、女 (子女); 儿子; 子孙, 后代; 太子, 君位的继承人; 诸侯服丧期间的称呼; 臣民, 百姓; 爱, 象对子女一样地爱护; 今儿女之道, 善事父母; 收养为子; (古) 第四等爵位名; (古) 士大夫; (古) (通称) 对男子; (古) (称呼) 对女子; (泛) 人; (代词) 你/您; (古) (称呼) 人对自己老师的称呼; (老子, 荀子, 韩非子); 动物的幼儿; 动物的卵; 植物的果实或种子 (松子, 莲子, 裸子植物, 被子植物); 滋生; 结果实; (子弹, 子石, 算盘子); 棋子; 幼小的, 稚嫩的 (子鸡, 子畜, 子薑/姜); …; (地支); (五行) 水; (生肖) 鼠; 似; (量词); 則 (zé): 作/做; 姊; (副词); (姓) • zi : (助词) (后缀)
As a left-side component, 子 zǐ is often written 孑 (as in 孖, ).
#rG.253.30 W.94a K.AD1089,GSR964a D.2.1006.6 L.44 M.6939 KX..277.01 B.004.1.02 WHY...26 E.1
#rG.253.30 W.94a K.AD1089,GSR964a D.2.1006.6 L.44 M.6939 KX..277.01 B.004.1.02 WHY...26 E.1
#y ji/
#y ji/

Revision as of 22:44, 11 October 2017

[] child/offspring; ​子 son; 子​ seed (​); (​) 1st Earthly Branch; (radical 39, 子​) [zi] (n. suf.) ​子, ​子, ​子, ​子, …

2 monosyllabic entries in The ABC Chinese-English Comprehensive Dictionary (namespace Ci):

¹zǐ To view this entry, please log in
zi To view this entry, please log in

The Shuōwén Seal form of 子(​𠯃) zǐ ‘child/offspring’ is said to depict a young child, a crawling infant or toddler (the legs are weak or swaddled, and so not drawn); the arms are up-raised seeking help or in respect (​ ‘filial piety’), as in ​(​𠬞); and the loop of the head is not closed, marking the ​(​𦥓) xìn ‘fontanel’ (softspot in the top of the child's skull).
    Compare: ​𠫓(​𡿮) liú ‘nurture/foster’ (child inverted); cf. ​, ​/​, ​.
    Compare: ​ xiàng; ​/​(​𠅠) xiǎng.
    Compare: ​, ​𡤼, ​, ​.
    Note: As a noun suffix, 子 zǐ generally has the neutral tone, for example, in the word ​子 wūzi ‘room’.
    Note: As a left-side component, 子 zǐ is often written ​ (as in ​, ​).
    子 is the 39th of the 214 radicals.
    HDZ: 子 : zǐ : (​) ​、​ (子​); ​子; 子​, ​; ​子, ​; ​; ​, ​; ​, ​子​; ​, ​; ​子; (​) ​; (​) ​; (​) (​) ​子; (​) (​) ​子; (​) ​; (​) ​/​; (​) (​) ​; (​子, ​子, ​子); ​; ​; ​子 (​子, ​子, ​子​, ​子​); ​; ​; (子​, 子​, ​子); ​子; ​, ​ (子​, 子​, 子​/​); …; (​); (​) ​; (​) ​; ​; (​); ​ (zé): ​/​; ​; (​); (​) • zi : (​) (​)
►references: Guǎngyùn:253.30; Wieger:94a; Karlgren:AD1089,GSR964a; Hànyǔ Dà Zìdiǎn:2.1006.6; Lindqvist:44; Mathews:6939; Kāngxī Zìdiǎn:277.01; Bǐshùn Guīfàn:004.1.02; Wáng(1993):26; EDOC:1
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URL: https://wenlin.co/wow/Zi:%E5%AD%90
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