
From Wenlin Dictionaries

[] 服​ serve; ​服 conquer; ​服 clothing/attire; 服​ take medicine; (HDZ:) ​; ​; ​, ​使; … [] (​) dose (​); ​ [] ​; ​ [] ​; ​

2 monosyllabic entries in The ABC Chinese-English Comprehensive Dictionary (namespace Ci):

³fú {C} v.take (medicine)serveobey; submit (oneself) toconvinceZhèxiàr wọ̌ kě ∼ le. 这下儿我可∼了。 Now I should say I'm fully convinced.be used tob.f.clothes; dress ►yīfu 衣服(wear) mourning dress ►²fúsāng 服丧
¹⁵fù {E} m. 〈environment:〉 Ch. med. (for doses)

The character 服 (8 strokes) is an abbrev. of old forms such as ​𦨕 (10 strokes), replacing the old left-side component ​ ‘boat’ (6 strokes) with a shape like ​ ‘moon’ (4 strokes), as in ​; the right-side component ​𠬝 (4 strokes) was formerly wr. ​𠬩 (6 strokes).
    The Shuōwén Seal form of 服(​􁝌𦨕) fú ‘control/employ/use; inner/steering horses (of a team)’ combines ​(​􁝀) zhōu ‘boat’ (as in ​/​ ‘dugout canoe’), and ​𠬝(​􀠧𠬩) fú ‘control (steer)’ (phonosemantic); formerly wr. ​𣍞(​􁝍𦨈), also with ​ ‘boat’ on the left, but with ​ ‘person’ (boatman/helmsman) on the right; a skilled boatman/helmsman uses the oar/rudder to steer a boat (at the helm mid-astern), as a driver controls the team of horses (reining in the central pair, on either side of the shaft, to lead the others), as a ruler employs trusted ministers/statesmen to pilot the ship of state.
    Note: SW also gives a gloss relating to the usage 服​, referring to the inner steering pair of horses in a four-horse team, and to steering/driving horses in general; this gloss explains the component ​ in terms of ​/​ zhōuxuán ‘steer/turn’ (the horses/carriage), like a boat; the component ​𠬝(​􀠧𠬩) fú ‘subdue/control’ is taken as an old wr. of 服, but the shape ​𠬝(​􀠧𠬩) also suggests the rudder/oar steering/turning the ​ ‘boat’ (​); cf. ​𠬝(​􀠧𠬩), in which ​(​􁢭𢎛𠃜) ‘jade/horn seal/tally’ (credentials of governance/control).
    “[服] To govern a boat, steer” —Karlgren(AD).
    Note: 服 fú ‘subdue, submit; dominate; domesticate, train and use (animals); be dominated, submit to; to yoke, yoke-horse; (cause to undergo:) apply; serve; service, business, labour; intense thoughts; (subjugated area:) district, dependency’ (GSR).
    Older graphs associated with 服 are said to have the component ​𠬝(​􀠧) fú, in which a ​(​􀠋) yòu ‘hand’ catches/subdues ​/​ a person (cf. ​), and hence meanings such as 服 ‘subdue’ (as in ​服), ‘coerce’ (​服), ‘submit’ (服​) ‘be convinced’ (​服), ‘serve’ (服​), ‘admire’ (​服); on the left side ​ (zhōu) ‘boat’ was added, and later abbrev. to a shape like ​ (yuè ‘moon’).
    Note: Usages relating to ‘clothing’ (​服, 服​, 服​, ​服, ​服, ​服, …) apparently arose in connection with servant livery (official uniforms); cf. ​服 ‘classes of mourning attire’.
    Compare: ​(​􀳔) fú ‘(archery) bamboo/wood/leather quiver; case/sheath (for a tool)’, formerly wr. 服, assoc. with old inscr. forms of ​/​(​􁖨) bèi ‘careful/prepare’ (HDZ).
    Compare: ​/​(​􁱁𡙈) bào ‘report’ (also with ​𠬝 on the right).
    Compare: 服(​􁝌𦨕􁝍𦨈𣍞) fú ← MC /bjuk/; ​/​(​􁄯), ​/​(​􂉔) fù ← MC /bjuʔ/ (SBGY).
    HDZ: 服 : fú : ​; ​; ​; (SW: ​) ​, ​使 (cf. 服​; ); ​ (​); ​, ​; ​; 服​, ​; ​服, ​服; ​服, ​服; (​) ​; ​穿; ​; (​) ​服、​、​、​; ​; ​, ​; (SW: ​) (​) 服: ​, ​ (cf. 服​, ​ diàn); ​, ​; ​, ​; ​; ​; ​服 (​); ​ (cf. ​服); ​: (​) ​、​、​ (cf. ​); ​: (​; ​); (​) ​: ​, ​; ​/​: ​, ​; (​) • fù : ​: (​; ​ (​, ​)); (​) • bì : ​: ​/服​; ​: ​ • bó : ​; ​ (bǎo): ​
    HDC: 服​ : ​使; ​; ​ (​、​)
    HDC: 服​ : (​) ​, ​; ​; ​服​
    HDC: 服​ : ​服​, ​服​; ​; ​; 服​; 服​
►references: Guǎngyùn:453.24; Wieger:55c,66c; Karlgren:AD43,GSR934d; Hànyǔ Dà Zìdiǎn:3.2053.7; Mathews:1999; Kāngxī Zìdiǎn:505.02; Bǐshùn Guīfàn:087.0.08; EDOC:1
►Cantonese: fuhk-
Shuōwén: ​􁝌(​𦨕)
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