廾 [gǒng] (古) 𠬞: 竦手 upraised/respectful hands, 两手(捧物) two hands (raised/offering); (radical 55, 廾部); (component: 𠬞 ‘two hands’; 弄字底 nòngzìdǐ) (!艸艹)
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The Shuōwén Seal form of 廾(𠬞) gǒng ‘upraised/respectful/busy hands’ combines 𠂇() zuǒ ‘left hand’ (左), and 又() yòu ‘right hand’ (右): the two hands are raised/held up in veneration, as a sign of fear/respect/obeisance; formerly also wr. 𢪒(), later wr. 共(𠔏), and then 拱().
Compare: 恭(𢚈𢙄) gōng ‘respectful’; 龏() gōng ‘respect’; 共(𠔏) gòng ‘offer (respects)’.
Compare: 厷(𠬟) gōng ‘upper arm’, formerly wr. 厶(𠃋), and later 肱().
Compare: 拜(𢫶𣬓) bài ‘bow (deeply), honor/worship’; 臣() chén ‘bowing slave/servant’.
Compare: 𠬜(𡴂𢸅攀) pān ‘pull/push apart; climb/clamber up’.
“[廾] The two hands joined and held up, as when presenting a thing” —Wieger.
“[廾] Now superseded by 拱” —Karlgren(AD).
►references: Guǎngyùn:239.15; Wieger:47b; Karlgren:AD473; Hànyǔ Dà Zìdiǎn:1.513.11,1.514.1; Lindqvist:38; Mathews:3707; Kāngxī Zìdiǎn:353.08
►components: 十十𠬞𠂈又
►Cantonese: gung/
Shuōwén: (𠬞) (九) (𢀜)
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