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Compare: 忞(􁳛) wěn (忞忞: 乱, 不明白), 紊(􂐬) wěn (紊乱 wěnluàn ‘disorder/chaos’).
Compare: 忞(􁳛) wěn (忞忞: 乱, 不明白), 紊(􂐬) wěn (紊乱 wěnluàn ‘disorder/chaos’).
Note: 文 wén ‘ornaments; designs; written characters; writing; literature; language; culture; civilization; civil (vs. military); gentle’.
Note: 文 wén ‘ornaments; designs; written characters; writing; literature; language; culture; civilization; civil (vs. military); gentle’.
Compare: 文(􁡵) wén ← MC /mjuən/; 闻/聞(􂄃) wén ‘hear’ ← MC /mjuən/ (SBGY).
文 is the 67th of the 214 radicals.
文 is the 67th of the 214 radicals.
HDZ: 文 : wén : (在肌肤上) 刺画花纹 (cf. 文身: 在身体上刺画有色的花纹或图案; 修身); 纹理 (物体面上的花纹或线条), 花纹 (各种条纹或图形); 自然界或人类社会某些带规律性的现象 (天文, 天象); 礼乐议制 (繁文缛节); 法令条文; 字, 文字 (甲骨文, 金文, 汉文, 英文); 言辞, 文辞; 文章; 韵文 (ant. 笔: 散文); (文体名); (简称) 文言 (ant. 白话文) (半文半白); 书籍; 社会科学 (文科); 非军事的 (ant. 武) (文人, 文官, 能文能武, 文武全才); 乐声节奏和谐; 美德; 美, 善; 华丽 (ant. 质); 柔和; (周代) 周文王; (量词); 紊 (wěn): 紊乱, 杂乱; (姓); 掩饰 (文过饰非); 装饰
HDZ: 文 : wén : (在肌肤上) 刺画花纹 (cf. 文身: 在身体上刺画有色的花纹或图案; 修身); 纹理 (物体面上的花纹或线条), 花纹 (各种条纹或图形); 自然界或人类社会某些带规律性的现象 (天文, 天象); 礼乐议制 (繁文缛节); 法令条文; 字, 文字 (甲骨文, 金文, 汉文, 英文); 言辞, 文辞; 文章; 韵文 (ant. 笔: 散文); (文体名); (简称) 文言 (ant. 白话文) (半文半白); 书籍; 社会科学 (文科); 非军事的 (ant. 武) (文人, 文官, 能文能武, 文武全才); 乐声节奏和谐; 美德; 美, 善; 华丽 (ant. 质); 柔和; (周代) 周文王; (量词); 紊 (wěn): 紊乱, 杂乱; (姓); 掩饰 (文过饰非); 装饰

Revision as of 04:14, 9 June 2019

[wén] 文​ characters/writing, language/literature (文​ ‘culture’; 文​ ‘scholarly community’); ​文 astronomy; (radical 67, 文​); (HDZ:) … [mín] (HDC:) ​/文​: ​, ​

3 monosyllabic entries in The ABC Chinese-English Comprehensive Dictionary (namespace Ci):

¹wén {D} b.f.writing; script ►wénzì 文字language ►yǔwén 语文literary/artistic/cultural pursuits ►¹wényì 文艺literary language ►wényán 文言formal ritual ►xūwén 虚文certain natural phenomena ►tiānwén 天文civil; civilian ►wénguān 文官cultured; cultural; literary ►¹wénhuà 文化gentle; refined ►wényǎ 文雅s.v. literary, bookish (of language)n.〈environment:〉 lg. inscriptionSurnamem. 〈environment:〉 trad. (for copper coins)v.cover up; conceal〈environment:〉 trad. tattoo
³wén To view this entry, please log in
³wén To view this entry, please log in

The Shuōwén Seal form of 文 wén ‘intersecting lines’ (​), is explained with ​ cuò ‘interlock/crisscross’ (​), as in 文​ wéncuò: 文​ wéncǎi jiāocuò ‘rich/bright lines/colors crossing/intermixed’ (as in drawing/painting).
    Compare: 文 wén ‘lines; veins; wood-grain’, formerly also wr. ​, now ​/​; cf. ​/文​; ​; ​.
    Compare: 文 wén ‘pictograph’, ​ zì ‘phonetic compound characters’ (this old distinction is lost in the modern word 文​ wénzi ‘characters’).
    Compare: ​ yáo ‘lines (of trigrams/hexagrams)’, also glossed in SW with ​ jiāo (​ ‘crisscross’, ​ ‘exchange one thing for another’).
    Older graphs associated with 文 wén (and ​) are thought to depict a man tattooed on the body/chest.
    Compare: 文​ wénshēn ‘tattoo’, ​ huāwén ‘decorative pattern; tattoo’; ​文​ ‘tattoo the arms and body’; ​文​ ‘florid diction/style’.
    Compare: ​ wén ‘mosquito’, formerly also wr. ​, and ​𧓢; the female mosquito emerges at dusk, to tattoo her victims with mosquito bites.
    Compare: ​ wěn (​: ​, ​), ​ wěn (​ wěnluàn ‘disorder/chaos’).
    Note: 文 wén ‘ornaments; designs; written characters; writing; literature; language; culture; civilization; civil (vs. military); gentle’.
    Compare: 文 wén ← MC /mjuən/; ​/​ wén ‘hear’ ← MC /mjuən/ (SBGY).
    文 is the 67th of the 214 radicals.
    HDZ: 文 : wén : (​) ​ (cf. 文​: ​; ​); ​ (​线), ​ (​); ​ (​文, ​); ​ (​文​); ​文; ​, 文​ (​文, ​文, ​文, ​文); ​, 文​; 文​; ​文 (ant. ​: ​文); (文​); (​) 文​ (ant. ​文) (​文​); ​; ​ (文​); ​ (ant. ​) (文​, 文​, ​文​, 文​); ​; ​; ​, ​; ​ (ant. ​); ​; (​) ​文​; (​); ​ (wěn): ​, ​; (​); ​ (文​); ​
    HDC: 文​ : 文​ (文​, ​ (​))
    HDC: 文​ : ​; ​文​, ​
►references: Guǎngyùn:109.30; Wieger:61f; Henshall:68; Karlgren:AD1315,GS475,GSR475a; Hànyǔ Dà Zìdiǎn:3.2169.1; Lindqvist:309,351; Mathews:7129; Kāngxī Zìdiǎn:477.01; Bǐshùn Guīfàn:010.0.04; Wáng(1993):179; EDOC:1
►Cantonese: mahn\
►stroke 文 (... strokes)   
►list characters containing 文 as a component
►list words containing 文 (most common words first)
Unicode: U+6587
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search web for ‘文’: ►Google ►GT ►Baidu ►Bing ►Yahoo

The Wenlin Zidian (namespace Zi)
URL: https://wenlin.co/wow/Zi:%E6%96%87
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