就 [jiù] just, simply, that is (就是); thus/now (就此); undertake/attend; tend/incline to; accomplish/make; (HDZ:) 趋向, 往…去; …
One monosyllabic entry in The ABC Chinese-English Comprehensive Dictionary (namespace Ci):
►¹jiù* 就 {A} v. ①move towards ②undertake; engage in ③accomplish; make ④accommodate oneself to; suit ⑤go with ◆cov. with regard to; concerning ‖ ∼ A lái shuō ∼A 来说 with regard to A ‖ ∼ A ér yán ∼A 而言 with regard to A ◆adv. ①then ②at once; right away ‖ Wǒ ∼ lái. 我∼来。 I'm coming. ③exactly; precisely ④only; merely; just ‖ ∼ zhème yī̠diǎnr a? ∼这么一点儿啊? So little? ◆conj. even if
The Shuōwén Seal form of 就(𡯶𡰜) jiù ‘high (hill/capital)’ combines 京(𢂋) jīng ‘capital’, and 尤 yóu ‘outstanding/extraordinary’ (phonosemantic): the capital city ranks higher than all others; thus, all business matters tend toward the preeminent/reigning capital (their principal cause); formerly also wr. 𡰜, with 京 abbrev. () stacked up high above.
Note: Mountains tends to be exceptionally high, rivers/waters tend to flow exceptionally wet, fire tends to burn exceptionally dry; each thing tends to follow/reflect its accustomed/unique nature/quality, and thus the low/poor tend to follow the high/rich; SW glosses 酒 jiǔ ‘liquor/ferment’ with a pun on 就 jiù ‘tend/incline to’ (趋向), cf. 酒.
Compare: 丘(丠) qiū ‘earthen hills’; 虚/虛(𧆳) xū ‘large hill’; 墟 xū ‘(village/city) ruins’ (废墟), formerly wr. 虚/虛(𧆳) xū.
Note: (诗) (敬之) 日就月將、學有緝熙于光明 “But by daily progress and monthly advance, I will learn to hold fast the gleams [of knowledge], till I arrive at bright intelligence.” (Legge)
HDZ: 就 : jiù : (SW: 高, cf. SW 因, cf. HDZ 就: 因袭) 趋向, 往…去, (易) (乾) 水流湿, 火就燥 (䷀); 归于; (SJ: 日就月將) 成功, 完成 (cf. 成就, 就将); 终, 尽; 担任, 从事; 能; 因袭 (cf. SW: 因: 就); 迁就, 依从; (量词) 圈, 匝; 遇, 值 (cf. 僦); 善; 久; 菜肴、果品等搭着主食或酒吃下去; (代词) 此, 其; (副词) (随即, 马上; 逐渐; 早已如此; 只要努力, 就能成功; 仅, 只; 竟, 居然; 容忍; 偏偏); (介词) (从, 在; 乘, 趁); (连词) 假如, 即使; (鸟名) 鷲: 属猛禽; 蹙 (cù): 恭谨; 酋 (qiú); (姓)
HDC: 高就 : (敬词) 人离开原来的职位就任较高的职位 (就: cf. 就任; cf. 高不成低不就, 随高就低)
HDC: 就任 : 赴任, 担任
HDC: 成就 : 完成, 成功; 造就, 成全; 成材, 成器; 成为; 业绩, 作出的成绩
HDC: 日就月將 : 每天有成就, 每月有进步, (形容) 积少成多, 不断进步
►references: Guǎngyùn:436.35; Wieger:75c; Karlgren:AD252,GSR1093a; Hànyǔ Dà Zìdiǎn:1.555.11; Mathews:1210; Kāngxī Zìdiǎn:299.05; Bǐshùn Guīfàn:238.1.03; EDOC:1
►components: 京尤尢
►Cantonese: jauh-
<cdl char='就' uni='5C31' radical='D9X2 K8X2'>
<comp char='京' uni='4EAC' variant='1' points='0,0 70,120' />
<comp char='尤' uni='5C24' points='68,0 128,128' />
<!-- 2010-04-27T23:53:57Z -->
<!-- 2016-11-11T00:00:44Z -->
<cdl char='京' uni='4EAC' variant='1' points='0,0 98,128'>
<comp char='' uni='E0E8' points='9,0 128,68' />
<comp char='小' uni='5C0F' variant='5' points='0,68 116,128' />
<!-- 2010-06-25T16:24:50Z -->
<cdl char='' uni='E0E8' points='0,0 128,124'>
<comp char='亠' uni='4EA0' points='0,0 128,38' />
<comp char='口' uni='53E3' points='30,74 98,128' />
<cdl char='亠' uni='4EA0' points='0,16 128,48'>
<stroke type='d' points='54,0 68,92' />
<stroke type='h' points='0,128 128,128' />
<cdl char='口' uni='53E3' points='24,24 104,104'>
<comp char='冂' uni='5182' variant='5' points='0,0 128,128' />
<stroke type='h' points='0,128 128,128' head='cut' tail='cut' />
<!-- 2010-03-11T17:40:58Z -->
<cdl char='冂' uni='5182' variant='5' points='4,4 124,128'>
<stroke type='s' points='0,0 0,128' tail='long' />
<stroke type='hz' points='0,0 128,0 128,128' head='cut' tail='long' />
<!-- variant based on [U+EF7E](V=0) -->
<cdl char='小' uni='5C0F' variant='5' points='0,60 88,128' radical='K0'>
<stroke type='sg' points='78,0 78,128 41,104' head='cut' />
<stroke type='p' points='45,42 0,108' tail='long' />
<stroke type='d' points='104,48 128,93' />
<!-- 2010-03-17T02:57:36Z -->
<!-- variant based on [U+E7B7](V=2) -->
<cdl char='尤' uni='5C24' radical='X3'>
<comp char='尢' uni='5C22' points='0,0 128,128' />
<stroke type='d' points='79,0 98,20' />
<cdl char='尢' uni='5C22'>
<stroke type='h' points='4,40 118,40' />
<stroke type='wp' points='50,0 0,128' tail='long' />
<stroke type='swg' points='72,40 72,98 92,118 128,118 128,86' head='cut' />
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Unicode: U+5C31
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