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<WL>田 [tián] field; 田野 tiányě open country
<WL>田 [tián] field/land; 田野 open country; 田地 farmland, 稻田 paddy field; 耕田 plow/till; (radical 102, 田部)@@; (HDZ:) …
Picture of a cultivated field.
The Shuōwén Seal form of 田(􂛋) tián ‘field/land’ is said to combine 囗(􁃰) wéi ‘enclosure’ (enclosed field/garden), with 十(􀘗) depicting crisscrossing footpaths (阡陌); the field is partitioned/parceled into garden plots (cf. 井田; 佃: 耕田), and cultivated with fruit trees or grain planted in regularly-spaced/arranged columns/rows (cf. 制田).
#rG.134.25 W.149a H.59 K.AD998,GSR362a D.4.2524.1 L.163 M.6362 KX..756.11 B.015.0.04
Note: Received SW texts gloss 田 paronomastically as 陈/陳(􂣮𨻰), later emended to 敶(􀢭) chén ‘arrange/order’ (DYC), since 敶 is glossed as 列 in SW; but 陈/陳 chén (anc. place name) was long used for 陈/陳 chén ‘arrange/order’ (as it is today), cf. 陈 (陈列).
Compare: 田(􂛋) tián ← MC /din/; 陈/陳(􂣮𨻰􂣯𨸬), 敶(􀢭) chén/zhèn ← MC /ɖien/ɖiens/ (SBGY).
Compare: 𤰫(􁅑􁅐𨛝邦) bāng ‘city-state’, 封(􂙢􂙤𡉚􂙣𡊽) fēng ‘boundary; fief’: the old graphs are said to depict a tree planted atop an earthen mound (田/土), as a boundary/territorial marker.
Compare: 畋(􀣕) tián, 佃(􁘊) diàn/tián ‘hunting; tenant farming’; 里(􂛇) lǐ ‘village (25 homesteads)’ (combining 田 and 土).
Compare: 𡈹(􁃿) yòu ‘walled garden’ (cf. 周); 畾 léi ‘space/earth between fields’; 壘(􂚍) lěi ‘enclosing walls’.
Compare: 甶(􁣲) fú ‘demon head’ (cf. 畢); 囟(􁱻𦥓) xìn ‘fontanelle’; 凶(􁍼) xiōng ‘ferocious’.
HDZ: 田 : tián : (SW: 陳, DYC: 敶: 列, 陳列, cf. 田田, 陳陳相因); 畋: 打猎; 耕种的土地; 佃: 耕种田地; (古) 统治者赏赐给亲属臣仆的封地; …地带 (煤田, 盐田; 气田, 地热田); (古) 田畯: 管理农事的官; (古) (单位); 大鼓; 丹田 (三丹田: 下丹田 (脐下), 中丹田 (心窝), 上丹田 (两眉之间)); (佛教) 生长 (福田, 心田); (姓)
HDC: 井田 : (古) 一种土地制度, 以方九百亩为一里, 划为九区, 形如 “井” 字; 田地; …
HDC: 耕田 : 用犁翻松田土; 从事农作; 可种植作物的田地
HDC: 制田 : 规划田地
HDC: 陳陳相因 : 陈谷逐年增积 (陳穀: 陈年的稻谷); (喻) 因袭陈旧, 缺乏创新
HDC: 陳陳 : 陈年的粮食; 沿袭, 因袭; 久远
#rG.134.25 W.149a H.59 K.AD998,GSR362a D.4.2524.1 L.163 M.6362 KX..756.11 B.015.0.04 WHY...74 E.1
#y tihn\
#y tihn\

Latest revision as of 04:30, 9 June 2019

[tián] field/land; 田​ open country; 田​ farmland, ​田 paddy field; ​田 plow/till; (radical 102, 田​); (HDZ:) …

One monosyllabic entry in The ABC Chinese-English Comprehensive Dictionary (namespace Ci):

¹tián {B} n.field; farmlandSurname

The Shuōwén Seal form of 田 tián ‘field/land’ is said to combine ​ wéi ‘enclosure’ (enclosed field/garden), with ​ depicting crisscrossing footpaths (​); the field is partitioned/parceled into garden plots (cf. ​田; ​: ​田), and cultivated with fruit trees or grain planted in regularly-spaced/arranged columns/rows (cf. ​田).
    Note: Received SW texts gloss 田 paronomastically as ​/​(​𨻰), later emended to ​ chén ‘arrange/order’ (DYC), since ​ is glossed as ​ in SW; but ​/​ chén (anc. place name) was long used for ​/​ chén ‘arrange/order’ (as it is today), cf. ​ (​).
    Compare: 田 tián ← MC /din/; ​/​(​𨻰𨸬), ​ chén/zhèn ← MC /ɖien/ɖiens/ (SBGY).
    Compare: ​𤰫(​𨛝) bāng ‘city-state’, ​(​𡉚𡊽) fēng ‘boundary; fief’: the old graphs are said to depict a tree planted atop an earthen mound (田/​), as a boundary/territorial marker.
    Compare: ​ tián, ​ diàn/tián ‘hunting; tenant farming’; ​ lǐ ‘village (25 homesteads)’ (combining 田 and ​).
    Compare: ​𡈹 yòu ‘walled garden’ (cf. ​); ​ léi ‘space/earth between fields’; ​ lěi ‘enclosing walls’.
    Compare: ​ fú ‘demon head’ (cf. ​); ​(​𦥓) xìn ‘fontanelle’; ​ xiōng ‘ferocious’.
    HDZ: 田 : tián : (SW: ​, DYC: ​: ​, ​, cf. 田田, ​); ​: ​; ​; ​: ​田​; (​) ​; …​ (​田, ​田; ​田, ​田); (​) 田​: ​; (​) (​); ​; ​田 (​田: ​田 (​), ​田 (​), ​田 (​)); (​) ​ (​田, ​田); (​)
    HDC: ​田 : (​) ​, ​, ​, ​ “​” ​; 田​; …
    HDC: ​田 : ​田​; ​; ​田​
    HDC: ​田 : ​田​
    HDC: ​ : ​ (​: ​); (​) ​, ​
    HDC: ​ : ​; ​沿, ​; ​
►references: Guǎngyùn:134.25; Wieger:149a; Henshall:59; Karlgren:AD998,GSR362a; Hànyǔ Dà Zìdiǎn:4.2524.1; Lindqvist:163; Mathews:6362; Kāngxī Zìdiǎn:756.11; Bǐshùn Guīfàn:015.0.04; Wáng(1993):74; EDOC:1
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