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<WL>成 [chéng] become (成为, 变成); accomplish/complete (完成); succeed/success (成功)@@; (HDZ:) 完成, 实现; 成就, 成绩; 成为, 变成; 成熟, 茂盛; …; (姓)
<WL>成 [chéng] become (成为, 变成); accomplish/complete (完成); succeed/success (成功)@@; (HDZ:) 完成, 实现; 成就, 成绩; 成为, 变成; 成熟, 茂盛; …; (姓)
The Shuōwén Seal form of 成(􂤶) chéng ‘accomplish’ combines a 戊(􂤵) ‘battle ax’, and 丁(􂤴𠆤) dīng ‘peg/nail’ (phonetic): hanging up the battle ax after success in battle, putting away one's weapons/tools, ready for the next attack; formerly wr. 𢦩(􂤷), with 午(􂥸) wǔ ‘pestle’ (cf. 盛: 放在祭器里的谷物) instead of 丁(􂤴𠆤) dīng.
The Shuōwén Seal form of 成(􂤶) chéng ‘accomplish/succeed’ combines a 戊(􂤵) ‘battle ax’ (victorious), and 丁(􂤴𠆤) dīng ‘peg/nail’ (phonosemantic): hanging up the battle ax after success in battle, putting away one's weapons/tools, ready for the next attack; formerly wr. 𢦩(􂤷), with 午(􂥸) wǔ ‘pestle’ (cf. 盛: 放在祭器里的谷物) instead of 丁(􂤴𠆤) dīng.
Compare: 诚/誠(􀙛) chéng ‘sincere/honest/trustworthy/reliable’ (accomplishing/keeping one's promises).
Compare: 诚/誠(􀙛) chéng ‘sincere/honest/trustworthy/reliable’ (accomplishing/keeping one's promises).
Compare: 城(􂙬) chéng ‘inner defensive city wall (full of people)’; 宬(􁎴) chéng ‘roomy/spacious dwelling (accommodating many)’; 盛(􀶒) chéng/shèng ‘fill/flourish’.
Old inscriptional forms of 成 are said to combine 戌(􂧏) xū ‘destroy’, with 丁 or 丨 for the ‘peg’ (HDZ).
Old inscriptional forms of 成 are said to combine 戌(􂧏) xū ‘destroy’, with 丁 or 丨 for the ‘peg’ (HDZ).
Note: Others guess that 戊(􂤵) wù ‘weapon’ in this character is short for 茂(􀈴) mào ‘flourishing, luxuriant’ (茂盛, suggesting the meaning ‘succeed’; SW: 茂: 艸木盛皃).
Note: Others guess that 戊(􂤵) wù ‘weapon’ in this character is short for 茂(􀈴) mào ‘flourishing, luxuriant’ (茂盛, suggesting the meaning ‘succeed’; SW: 茂: 艸木盛皃).
Compare: 戌(􂧏) xū, 戊(􂤵) wù, 戉(􂍨) yuè, 戈(􂍍) gē.
Compare: 戌(􂧏) xū, 戊(􂤵) wù, 戉(􂍨) yuè, 戈(􂍍) gē.
HDZ: 成 : chéng : 完成, 实现; 成就, 成绩; 成为, 变成; 成熟, 茂盛; 成全, 助之使成功; 和解, 媾和; 裁决; 使平均; 并列; 定, 必定; 既定的, 现成的; 重, 层; 达到一个完整的数量单位; 大; 计要, 统计的文书; 法式, 格式; 奏乐一曲为一成; (古) (土地区划名) 十里见方之地 (cf. 洫, 城); 似, 象; 十分之一; 可能; 能力; (古) (天文) 北斗星, 向戌的位置; 盛; 誠; (古邑名) 郕; (姓)
HDZ: 成 : chéng : (SW: 就) 完成, 实现 (cf. 成就; 畢); 成功 (ant. 败); 成就, 成绩 (cf. SW: 成: 就); 成为, 变成; 成熟, 茂盛; 成全, 助之使成功; 和解, 媾和; 裁决; 使平均; 并列; 定, 必定; 既定的, 现成的; 重, 层; 达到一个完整的数量单位; 大; 计要, 统计的文书; 法式, 格式; 奏乐一曲为一成; (古) (土地区划名) 十里见方之地 (cf. 洫, 城); 似, 象; 十分之一; 可能; 能力; (古) (天文) 北斗星, 向戌的位置; 盛; 誠; (古邑名) 郕; (姓)
HDC: 成就 : 完成, 成功; 造就, 成全; 成材, 成器; 成为; 业绩, 作出的成績
HDC: 完成 : 完婚; 保全, 救护; 成就, 按照预定的目的结束事情
HDC: 成功 : 成就功业或事业; 成就的功业, 既成之功; 事情获得预期结果; 成效; 收获
#rG.191.27 W.71M K.AD1204,GSR818a D.2.1399.1 M.379 KX..411.11 B.026.0.01 E.1
#rG.191.27 W.71M K.AD1204,GSR818a D.2.1399.1 M.379 KX..411.11 B.026.0.01 E.1
#y sihng\
#y sihng\

Latest revision as of 20:48, 16 December 2019

[chéng] become (成​, ​成); accomplish/complete (​成); succeed/success (成​); (HDZ:) ​成, ​; 成​, 成​; 成​, ​成; 成​, ​; …; (​)

One monosyllabic entry in The ABC Chinese-English Comprehensive Dictionary (namespace Ci):

¹chéng* To view this entry, please log in

The Shuōwén Seal form of 成 chéng ‘accomplish/succeed’ combines a ​ ‘battle ax’ (victorious), and ​(​𠆤) dīng ‘peg/nail’ (phonosemantic): hanging up the battle ax after success in battle, putting away one's weapons/tools, ready for the next attack; formerly wr. ​𢦩, with ​ wǔ ‘pestle’ (cf. ​: ​) instead of ​(​𠆤) dīng.
    Compare: ​/​ chéng ‘sincere/honest/trustworthy/reliable’ (accomplishing/keeping one's promises).
    Compare: ​ chéng ‘inner defensive city wall (full of people)’; ​ chéng ‘roomy/spacious dwelling (accommodating many)’; ​ chéng/shèng ‘fill/flourish’.
    Old inscriptional forms of 成 are said to combine ​ xū ‘destroy’, with ​ or ​ for the ‘peg’ (HDZ).
    Note: Others guess that ​ wù ‘weapon’ in this character is short for ​ mào ‘flourishing, luxuriant’ (​, suggesting the meaning ‘succeed’; SW: ​: ​).
    Compare: ​ xū, ​ wù, ​ yuè, ​ gē.
    HDZ: 成 : chéng : (SW: ​) ​成, ​ (cf. 成​; ​); 成​ (ant. ​); 成​, 成​ (cf. SW: 成: ​); 成​, ​成; 成​, ​; 成​, ​使成​; ​, ​; ​; ​使; ​; ​, ​; ​, ​成​; ​, ​; ​; ​; ​, ​; ​, ​; ​成; (​) (​) ​ (cf. ​, ​); ​, ​; ​; ​; ​; (​) (​) ​, ​; ​; ​; (​) ​; (​)
    HDC: 成​ : ​成, 成​; ​, 成​; 成​, 成​; 成​; ​, ​成​
    HDC: ​成 : ​; ​, ​; 成​, ​
    HDC: 成​ : 成​; 成​, ​成​; ​; 成​; ​
►references: Guǎngyùn:191.27; Wieger:71M; Karlgren:AD1204,GSR818a; Hànyǔ Dà Zìdiǎn:2.1399.1; Mathews:379; Kāngxī Zìdiǎn:411.11; Bǐshùn Guīfàn:026.0.01; EDOC:1
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