心 [xīn] 心脏 heart; 中心 center; 空心 hollow; 内心 heart/mind; 心思 thought; 心理 psychology; 小心 be careful; (姓); (radical 61, 心部, 竖心旁); (HDZ:) …; (姓)
One monosyllabic entry in The ABC Chinese-English Comprehensive Dictionary (namespace Ci):
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The Shuōwén Seal form of 心 xīn ‘heart’ is said to depict a human heart; the heart is one of the five principal bodily organs (五臧/藏: 心 ‘heart’, 肝 ‘liver’, 脾 ‘spleen’, 肺 ‘lungs’, 肾 ‘kidneys’), associated with 土 ‘earth’ in old texts, and also with 火 ‘fire’ (as in 心宿=大火 ‘Antares’).
Older graphs associated with 心 seem to depict the four-chambered heart, with blood vessels above, and interior vena cava below.
Compare: 也 yě ‘pudenda’.
As a component, 心 on the left is wr. 忄 (as in 情 qíng), and inserted at the bottom is sometimes wr. ⺗ (as in 慕 mù).
As 61st of the 214 radicals, it suggests ‘emotions/feelings; thoughts/ideas’.
HDZ: 心 : xīn : 心脏 (内脏之一, 人和脊椎动物身体内推动血液循环的器官); 人的心脏 (无名动脉, 左颈总动脉, 左锁骨下动脉, 主动脉弓, 上腔静脉, 肺动脉, 右心房, 左心房, 右冠状动脉, 右心房, 左心, 尖心, 左冠状降动脉前支); 内心 (心中不安, 心里烦闷); 思想, 心思; 心性, 性情; 思虑, 谋画 (有心人, 有口无心, 工于心计); 品行 (好心人); 胸; 物体的中央, 中心 (掌心, 圆心, 空心, 实心); 植物的花蕊, 苗尖; (树木的) 尖刺; (古) (哲学) 人的主观意识 (唯心主义); (佛教) (一切精神现象, 意 (三界唯心, 一心三观) (ant. 色); 事物的要旨, 核心); (星宿名) 心宿 (Antares, α Scorpii); (姓)
►references: Guǎngyùn:218.39; Wieger:107a; Karlgren:AD801,GSR663a; Hànyǔ Dà Zìdiǎn:4.2267.1; Lindqvist:35; Mathews:2735; Kāngxī Zìdiǎn:375.01; Bǐshùn Guīfàn:010.1.09; Wáng(1993):5; EDOC:1
►components: 丶𠁼乚乙𢖩⺀冫
►Cantonese: sam\
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<comp char='' uni='E769' points='39,0 128,128' />
<cdl char='' uni='E769' points='12,12 128,114' radical='K0'>
<stroke type='swg' points='0,20 0,91 33,128 93,128 93,68' />
<stroke type='d' points='40,0 59,63' />
<stroke type='d' points='108,20 128,86' />
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