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<WL>較(S较) [jiào] relatively; quite; 比較 bǐjiào compare; relatively  [jiǎo] (口语) 比較@@  [jué] 车箱… [xiào] 校
<WL>較(S较) [jiào] relatively; quite; 比較 bǐjiào compare; relatively  [jiǎo] (口语) 比較@@; (HDZ:) … [jué] 车箱两旁板上的横木, … [xiào] 校
HDZ: 較 : jué : 车箱两旁板上的横木 (cf. 軾, 輢, 車欄/闌), 士大夫以上的乘车, 较上饰有曲铜钩; 车箱; 直; 角: 竞逐; 法 • jiào : 比较, 较量; 检查, 校核; 不等; 明显; 差; 病情差减; (数学) 差; (副词) 略, 稍; (介词) 比; 校: 查对, 订正, 考订; 校: 几足 • xiào : 校: 学校
HDC: 車欄/闌: (古) 车箱的前面和左右两边用木条构成的大方格围栏
#rK.GSR1166b' D.5.3531.5 M.713 G.415.25,464.05 KX..1242.31 E.1
#rK.GSR1166b' D.5.3531.5 M.713 G.415.25,464.05 KX..1242.31 E.1

Revision as of 02:50, 25 April 2017

(S​) [jiào] relatively; quite; ​較 bǐjiào compare; relatively [jiǎo] (​) ​較; (HDZ:) … [jué] ​, … [xiào] ​

2 monosyllabic entries in The ABC Chinese-English Comprehensive Dictionary (namespace Ci):

²jiào To view this entry, please log in
¹⁸jiǎo To view this entry, please log in

    HDZ: 較 : jué : ​ (cf. ​, ​, ​/​), ​, ​; ​; ​; ​: ​; ​ • jiào : ​, ​; ​, ​; ​; ​; ​; ​; (​) ​; (​) ​, ​; (​) ​; ​: ​, ​, ​; ​: ​ • xiào : ​: ​
    HDC: ​/​: (​) ​
(Explanation from the entry for the simple form ​:) The character ​/較 jué ‘horizontal/linking member of a carriage compartment’ (serving as seats/etc.) combines ​/​ (chē) ‘carriage’, and ​(​􁰨) jiāo ‘cross/link’ (phonosemantic); formerly wr. ​(​􂡈), with ​(​􀣳) yáo (phonosemantic).
    Note: Today mainly ​/較 jiào ‘compare’ (​, ​); cf. ​ jué ‘compete’ (​); cf. ​(​􂡈) jiào ‘war chariot’.
    Compare: ​(​􁁹) jiào ‘cangue/shackles’, today mainly ​ xiào ‘school’ (​ xuéxiào).
    Compare: ​/​(​􁰪) jiǎo ‘strangle, hang (by the neck, to death)’.
    “[較] (To vie in charioteering:) test, compare, criticize, dispute; (all compared:) generally, on the whole” —Karlgren(AD).
►references: Karlgren:GSR1166b'; Hànyǔ Dà Zìdiǎn:5.3531.5; Mathews:713; Guǎngyùn:415.25,464.05; Kāngxī Zìdiǎn:1242.31; EDOC:1
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URL: https://wenlin.co/wow/Zi:%E8%BC%83
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