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<WL>牛 [niú] ox/cattle; 母牛 cow, 公牛 bull, 牛犊 calf; 牛奶 milk; 牦/髦牛 yak; 牛肉 beef; (radical 93, 牛部)@@; (HDZ:) …  [niū] 水牛兒
<WL>牛 [niú] ox/cattle; 母牛 cow, 公牛 bull, 牛犊 calf; 牛奶 milk; 牦/髦牛 yak; 牛肉 beef; (radical 93, 牛部)@@; (HDZ:) …  [niū] 水牛兒
The Shuōwén Seal form of 牛(􀌈) niú ‘humped-ox’ is said to depict the animal (封/峰/犎牛 fēngniú ‘humped-ox (Zebu)’), with 𠂉 the horns and head indicated by the upper three points, with a horizontal line for the single “withers yoke” (牛轭) in front of the shoulder blades (肩胛骨) and hump, and the bottom of the vertical line for the tail (the feet of the animal are not drawn); also called “Southern Yellow cattle” (Bos taurus indicus; cf. 犎, ).
The character 牛 (4 strokes) is an abbrev. of old forms, replacing the old upper strokes 屮 with the shape 𠂉 as in 告/吿, formerly wr. 𠰛 (cf. 朱, 制).
Note: In SW the shape of 牛(􀌈) niú ‘humped-ox’ is likened to that of 羊(􀧼𦍋) yáng ‘goat/sheep’, citing Confucius; cf. .
The Shuōwén Seal form of 牛(􀌈) niú ‘horned/humped-ox’ is said to depict the animal (封/峰/犎牛 fēngniú ‘zebu/humped-ox’), with three points above for the head and horns (𠂉/屮), with a horizontal line for the single ‘withers yoke’ (牛轭) in front of the shoulder blades (肩胛骨) and hump, and with the bottom of the vertical line for the tail (the legs/feet of the animal are not drawn, since they cannot be seen by the driver of the plow/oxcart).
Compare: 牿(􀌥) gù ‘ox's headboard/restraint’, formerly wr. 告(􀌺𠰛吿), in which the horizontal line of 牛 is assoc. with the headboard (rather than the withers yoke).
Note: In SW the shape of 牛(􀌈) niú ‘horned/humped-ox’ is likened to that of 羊(􀧼𦍋) yáng ‘goat/sheep’, citing Confucius (cf. 羊); 牛 is assoc. with 南阳黄牛 ‘(humped) zebu, southern yellow cattle’ (Bos taurus indicus; cf. 犎, 角), and later also with 家牛 ‘(humpless) northern yellow cattle’ (Bos taurus taurus).
Note: Oxen are famously strong and stubborn, cf. 倔强/犟 juéjiàng ‘obstinate/stubborn’ (as an ox).
Compare: 牿/梏 gù ‘ox's headboard/restraint’ (to prevent goring), formerly wr. 告(􀌺𠰛吿), in which the horizontal line of 牛 is assoc. with the headboard (rather than the withers yoke).
Note: The picture on the left of an ox head is from a Shang dynasty (商代) bronze vessel (Lindqvist).
Note: The received SW entry for 牛 is emended to begin with a visual pun on 事(􀠻􀠼𠭏) shì ‘do/deed/thing; ability’ (DYC), likening the strokes 屮(􀃿) of 之(􁂼𡳿) at the top of 事(􀠻) to those of 牛(􀌈): strong as an ox, virile as a bull ox, able/powerful (能事) doer of deeds (士), valuable property/thing (物).
Note: 倔强/犟 juéjiàng ‘obstinate/stubborn’ (stubborn as an ox).
Note: For use of the character 牛 in the animal cycle (生肖), cf. 天干地支 tiāngān-dìzhī.
Note: For use of the character 牛 in the animal cycle (生肖), cf. 天干地支 tiāngān-dìzhī.
HDZ: 牛 : niú : (动物名) (牛科) (SW:) 像角頭三、封尾之形也 (封/犎); 性格固执或倔犟/强; (星宿名) 牛宿 (αβ Capricorni); (星名) (简称) 牵牛星 (河鼓二, 牛郎星, 天鹰座α, Altair) ; (生肖) (cf. 鼠); (旧) (阴历) 牛日: 正月初五; (姓)
Note: The depiction of an ox head in this entry is reproduced from a 商 Shāng bronze vessel (Lindqvist).
Note: The component 牛 becomes 牜 on the left side (the last stroke 一 becomes ㇀).
Compare: 半(􀌅) bàn ‘half’; 告(􀌺𠰛吿) gào ‘tell/report’.
HDZ: 牛 : niú : (SW: 大牲也, 牛件也; 件, 事理也; 像角頭三, 封尾之形; DYC: 事也, 理也, 像角頭三, 封尾之形也) (动物名) (牛科) (封/犎); 性格固执或倔犟/强; (星宿名) 牛宿 (αβ Capricorni); (星名) (简称) 牵牛星 (河鼓二, 牛郎星, 天鹰座α, Altair) ; (生肖) (cf. 鼠); (旧) (阴历) 牛日: 正月初五; (姓)
#rG.205.21 W.132a H.97 K.AD673,GSR998a D.3.1800.1 L.131 M.4737 KX..697.01 B.007.1.06 WHY...52 E.1
#rG.205.21 W.132a H.97 K.AD673,GSR998a D.3.1800.1 L.131 M.4737 KX..697.01 B.007.1.06 WHY...52 E.1
#y ngauh\
#y ngauh\

Latest revision as of 02:00, 9 August 2019

[niú] ox/cattle; ​牛 cow, ​牛 bull, 牛​ calf; 牛​ milk; ​/​牛 yak; 牛​ beef; (radical 93, 牛​); (HDZ:) … [niū] ​牛​

2 monosyllabic entries in The ABC Chinese-English Comprehensive Dictionary (namespace Ci):

niú* {A} n.cow; ox; cattleSurnameb.f. 〈environment:〉 coll. talk big; boast; brag ►chuīniú 吹牛s.v. 〈environment:〉 slang arrogant
³niū char. ►shuǐniūr 水牛儿

The character 牛 (4 strokes) is an abbrev. of old forms, replacing the old upper strokes ​ with the shape ​𠂉 as in ​/​, formerly wr. ​𠰛 (cf. ​, ​).
    The Shuōwén Seal form of 牛 niú ‘horned/humped-ox’ is said to depict the animal (​/​/​牛 fēngniú ‘zebu/humped-ox’), with three points above for the head and horns (​𠂉/​), with a horizontal line for the single ‘withers yoke’ (牛​) in front of the shoulder blades (​) and hump, and with the bottom of the vertical line for the tail (the legs/feet of the animal are not drawn, since they cannot be seen by the driver of the plow/oxcart).
    Note: In SW the shape of 牛 niú ‘horned/humped-ox’ is likened to that of ​(​𦍋) yáng ‘goat/sheep’, citing Confucius (cf. ​); 牛 is assoc. with ​牛 ‘(humped) zebu, southern yellow cattle’ (Bos taurus indicus; cf. ​, ​), and later also with ​牛 ‘(humpless) northern yellow cattle’ (Bos taurus taurus).
    Compare: ​/​ gù ‘ox's headboard/restraint’ (to prevent goring), formerly wr. ​(​𠰛), in which the horizontal line of 牛 is assoc. with the headboard (rather than the withers yoke).
    Note: The received SW entry for 牛 is emended to begin with a visual pun on ​(​𠭏) shì ‘do/deed/thing; ability’ (DYC), likening the strokes ​ of ​(​𡳿) at the top of ​ to those of 牛: strong as an ox, virile as a bull ox, able/powerful (​) doer of deeds (​), valuable property/thing (​).
    Note: ​/​ juéjiàng ‘obstinate/stubborn’ (stubborn as an ox).
    Note: For use of the character 牛 in the animal cycle (​), cf. ​ tiāngān-dìzhī.
    Note: The depiction of an ox head in this entry is reproduced from a ​ Shāng bronze vessel (Lindqvist).
    Note: The component 牛 becomes ​ on the left side (the last stroke ​ becomes ​).
    Compare: ​ bàn ‘half’; ​(​𠰛) gào ‘tell/report’.
    HDZ: 牛 : niú : (SW: ​, 牛​; ​, ​; ​, ​; DYC: ​, ​, ​, ​) (​) (牛​) (​/​); ​/​; (​宿) 牛​宿 (αβ Capricorni); (​) (​) ​牛​ (​, 牛​, ​α, Altair) ; (​) (cf. ​); (​) (​) 牛​: ​; (​)
►references: Guǎngyùn:205.21; Wieger:132a; Henshall:97; Karlgren:AD673,GSR998a; Hànyǔ Dà Zìdiǎn:3.1800.1; Lindqvist:131; Mathews:4737; Kāngxī Zìdiǎn:697.01; Bǐshùn Guīfàn:007.1.06; Wáng(1993):52; EDOC:1
►Cantonese: ngauh\
►stroke 牛 (... strokes)   
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Unicode: U+725B
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