屮 [chè] (古) sprout (草木初生), half of 艸 cǎo grass; (radical 45, 屮部) [cǎo] 艸/草 [zuǒ] (!𠂇) 左手; (comp: 艸芔𠬢𡴇𡴂𠨲…)
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The Shuōwén Seal form of 屮() chè ‘sprout/branches’ combines 丨() a vertical (直) line representing the stem/trunk of a plant (植物), with a curved line depicting the rising branches/foliage, as in the top of 木() mù ‘tree; wood’; that curved line is doubled in 未() wèi ‘tree heavy with branches and foliage’; inverted, this same shape depicts the roots of 木().
Compare: 艹(艸) cǎo ‘plant/grass/herb’ (草); 屯() zhūn (䷂), 春(萅) chūn ‘springtime’.
Compare: 竹() zhú ‘bamboo’, 亇(个) gè (半竹).
“[屮] A plant sprouting” —Karlgren(AD).
Compare: 𠂇() zuǒ ‘left hand’, sometimes also wr. 屮.
Compare: 熏(𡽽) xūn ‘rising/sweet/fragrant smoke’, in which 屮() chè (representing rising smoke).
Compare: 支(𠬢) tāo ‘hand with a drumstick’; 鼓(𡔷鼔𪔐) gǔ ‘drum’; 支(𠬥) zhī ‘(hand with) branch’.
Compare: 壴(𧯛) zhù ‘drum stand/rack’, in which 十(屮) represents a ritual/processional wand/baton/drumstick with feathered streamers.
Compare: 𡴎(𡶫) niè ‘high/steep/dangerous’.
►references: Guǎngyùn:500.47; Wieger:73a; Karlgren:AD1188; Hànyǔ Dà Zìdiǎn:2.1021.3; Mathews:283; Kāngxī Zìdiǎn:304.10
►Cantonese: chit-
►components: 凵丨
Shuōwén: (屮) (又) (艸)
<cdl char='屮' uni='5C6E' points='8,0 120,128'>
<comp char='凵' uni='51F5' points='0,20 128,58' />
<stroke type='s' points='64,0 64,128' />
<cdl char='凵' uni='51F5' points='8,8 120,120'>
<stroke type='sz' points='0,0 0,128 128,128' tail='cut' />
<stroke type='s' points='128,0 128,128' tail='long' />
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Unicode: U+5C6E
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