
From Wenlin Dictionaries

(S​) [láo] work/labor (勞​); tired/fatigued (​勞); bother/trouble sb. (勞​); (HDZ:) … [lào] 勞​; ​ [liáo] ​

2 monosyllabic entries in The ABC Chinese-English Comprehensive Dictionary (namespace Ci):

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    HDZ: 勞 : láo : ​, ​; ​使, ​使…​; ​; ​ (​, ​); ​, ​ (​, ​); ​, ​; (​) ​; ​ (​, ​); ​; ​, ​; (​) (​) ​: ​, ​ (​, ​); ​, ​; “勞​”, ​ (​, ​); ​/​ (lǎn): ​; (​); ​ (​) (cf. ​𤛮); ​勞: ​; ​ • lào : ​; ​, ​ • liáo : ​: ​广
    HDC: 勞​ : ​; ​
(Explanation from the entry for the simple form ​:) The simple-form character ​ (7 strokes) is an abbrev. of the full-form character 勞 (12 strokes), replacing the upper full-form part ​𤇾 (10 strokes) with ​𫇦 (5 strokes).
    The Shuōwén Seal form of ​/勞(​􂜓) láo ‘strenuous toil (hard work)’ combines ​/​(​􁯸) yíng ‘fire/light shining forth from in a dwelling (at night)’ (abbrev. to ​𫇦/​𤇾), and ​(​􂛸) lì ‘strength’: the fire burning strongly/fiercely rages out of control (the house is on fire, work hard to put it out); formerly also wr. ​𠣁(​􂜔), with ​(​􀋻) as in ​(​􂜙𠢏) juàn (​ juànláo ‘tired/weary’, ​); in received SW editions (XK,XX) the old form ​𠣁(​􂜔) is wr. ​𢥒, with ​(​􀌂); later also wr. ​/​.
    Note: ​(​􂛸𠠲) lì ‘strength’ is the closest thing to a phonetic in ​/勞(​􂜓) láo, but OC reconstructions differ.
    Compare: ​/勞(​􂜓) láo ← MC /lɑu/lɑus/; ​/​(​􀏆) chāo ← MC /ʈhau/; ​(​􀌗) luò ← MC /lok/; ​(​􂛸𠠲) lì ← MC /ljik/ (SBGY).
    Compare: ​(​􀘝) lè, ​(​􀞹) lēi/lè, ​𤨙(​􀂻) lè, ​(​􀭉) lèi/lē, ​(​􀾴) lì, ​(​􂇭) lè/lì, ​(​􂢦) lè, ​(​􁼒) lè.
    “[勞] To ​ toil at the lamp's light, during night...” —Wieger.
    Compare: ​/​ yíng, ​/​ róng, …
►references: Karlgren:GSR1135a; Hànyǔ Dà Zìdiǎn:1.376.17; Mathews:3826; Guǎngyùn:155.30,418.05; Kāngxī Zìdiǎn:148.35; EDOC:1
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