勞(S劳) [láo] work/labor (勞動); tired/fatigued (疲勞); bother/trouble sb. (勞駕); (HDZ:) … [lào] 勞來; 耮 [liáo] 遼
2 monosyllabic entries in The ABC Chinese-English Comprehensive Dictionary (namespace Ci):
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►⁷lào To view this entry, please log in
HDZ: 勞 : láo : 辛勤, 劳苦; 役使, 使…辛劳; 效劳; 功绩 (勋劳, 汗马之劳); 疲惫, 劳累 (积劳成疾, 任劳任怨); 劳动, 一般勤杂工作; (简称) 劳动者或劳动力; 烦劳 (劳神, 劳驾); 耗费; 忧愁, 操心; (中医) (病名) 癆: 虚劳, 肺结核 (童子痨, 女儿痨); 掠取, 夺取; “勞薪”, 用车脚木劈成的柴火 (水欲新而釜欲潔, 火恶陈); 嬾/懶 (lǎn): 怠惰; (姓); 慰劳 (犒劳) (cf. 𤛮); 郊勞: 到郊外迎接并慰劳; 劝勉 • lào : 耮; 耙平, 摩平 • liáo : 遼: 广阔
HDC: 勞劇 : 繁重; 繁重的事务
(Explanation from the entry for the simple form 劳:) The simple-form character 劳 (7 strokes) is an abbrev. of the full-form character 勞 (12 strokes), replacing the upper full-form part 𤇾 (10 strokes) with 𫇦 (5 strokes).
The Shuōwén Seal form of 劳/勞() láo ‘strenuous toil (hard work)’ combines 荧/熒() yíng ‘fire/light shining forth from in a dwelling (at night)’ (abbrev. to 𫇦/𤇾), and 力() lì ‘strength’: the fire burning strongly/fiercely rages out of control (the house is on fire, work hard to put it out); formerly also wr. 𠣁(), with 米(釆) as in 劵(𠢏) juàn (倦劳 juànláo ‘tired/weary’, 疲倦劳累); in received SW editions (XK,XX) the old form 𠣁() is wr. 𢥒, with 悉(); later also wr. 憥/憦.
Note: 力(𠠲) lì ‘strength’ is the closest thing to a phonetic in 劳/勞() láo, but OC reconstructions differ.
Compare: 劳/勞() láo ← MC /lɑu/lɑus/; 唠/嘮() chāo ← MC /ʈhau/; 犖() luò ← MC /lok/; 力(𠠲) lì ← MC /ljik/ (SBGY).
Compare: 㔹() lè, 勒() lēi/lè, 𤨙() lè, 肋() lèi/lē, 朸() lì, 扐() lè/lì, 阞() lè, 泐() lè.
“[勞] To 力 toil at the lamp's light, during night...” —Wieger.
Compare: 营/營 yíng, 荣/榮 róng, …
►references: Karlgren:GSR1135a; Hànyǔ Dà Zìdiǎn:1.376.17; Mathews:3826; Guǎngyùn:155.30,418.05; Kāngxī Zìdiǎn:148.35; EDOC:1
►components: 𤇾力熒炏冖火
►Cantonese: louh\
<cdl char='勞' uni='52DE'>
<comp char='𤇾' uni='241FE' points='0,0 128,80' />
<comp char='力' uni='529B' points='12,70 104,128' />
<!-- 2010-04-17T15:59:33Z -->
<!-- 2015-08-13T23:55:16Z -->
<cdl char='𤇾' uni='241FE' points='0,0 128,64'>
<comp char='炏' uni='708F' variant='1' points='8,0 120,78' />
<comp char='冖' uni='5196' points='0,84 128,128' />
<cdl char='炏' uni='708F' variant='1' points='0,0 128,64' radical='K0'>
<comp char='火' uni='706B' variant='3' points='0,0 58,128' />
<comp char='火' uni='706B' variant='4' points='70,0 128,128' />
<!-- variant based on [U+E56F](V=0) -->
<cdl char='火' uni='706B' variant='3' points='0,0 56,128' radical='K0'>
<stroke type='d' points='23,34 0,64' />
<stroke type='p' points='128,28 100,48' tail='long' />
<stroke type='sp' points='72,0 72,44 0,128' />
<stroke type='d' points='83,89 128,112' />
<!-- variant based on [U+EF8E](V=0) -->
<cdl char='火' uni='706B' variant='4' radical='K0'>
<stroke type='d' points='38,32 4,67' />
<stroke type='p' points='112,22 78,50' />
<stroke type='wp' points='70,0 0,128' tail='long' />
<stroke type='d' points='73,83 128,114' />
<!-- variant based on [U+E640](V=0) -->
<cdl char='冖' uni='5196' points='0,16 128,56'>
<stroke type='d' points='14,0 0,128' />
<stroke type='hg' points='13,24 128,24 114,124' head='cut' />
<cdl char='力' uni='529B' points='4,0 124,128'>
<stroke type='hzg' points='16,38 128,38 98,122 73,106' />
<stroke type='wp' points='66,0 0,128' tail='long' />
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Unicode: U+52DE
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