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<WL>孤 [gū] 孤单 alone; 孤儿 orphan; 孤立 isolated; 孤独 lonely
<WL>孤 [gū] orphan/orphaned (孤儿); childless; 孤单 alone; 孤立 isolated; 孤独 lonely/solitary; asocial/antisocial; aloof/belittle@@; (HDZ:) …; (姓)
From 子 (zǐ) ‘child’ and 瓜 guā phonetic.
The Shuōwén Seal form of 孤(􂥜) gū ‘fatherless’ (孤子) combines 子 (zǐ) ‘child’, and 瓜(􁎓) guā ‘melon/cucumber’ (phonosemantic): the fatherless/motherless babe/orphan, like a melon from the melon patch.
Compare: 辜/孤负 gūfù ‘solitary/ungrateful/disappoint’ (DYC: 故背恩者曰孤负, 孤则人轻贱之); 辜(􂥁) gū ‘crime’.
HDZ: 孤 : gū : 幼年丧父或父母双亡; 为国事而牺牲者的后代; 没有子女的人; 怜恤 (老人老, 孤人孤); 单独, 孤单; 特出的, 杰出的; (古) (自称) 王侯; (古) 官职, 位于三公 (太师, 太傅, 太保) 之下 (孤卿); 远; 辜负 (cf. 辜/孤负); (古) (方术语); (戏曲名) (装孤); 辜: 罪, 归罪; (古地名); (姓)
#rK.GSR41c D.2.1014.1 M.3470 G.082.01 KX..279.08 B.098.0.01 E.1
#rK.GSR41c D.2.1014.1 M.3470 G.082.01 KX..279.08 B.098.0.01 E.1
#y gu\
#y gu\

Latest revision as of 03:21, 11 May 2018

[] orphan/orphaned (孤​); childless; 孤​ alone; 孤​ isolated; 孤​ lonely/solitary; asocial/antisocial; aloof/belittle; (HDZ:) …; (​)

One monosyllabic entry in The ABC Chinese-English Comprehensive Dictionary (namespace Ci):

¹gū {E} b.f.orphaned ►gū'ér 孤儿solitary; isolated; alone ►¹gūdú 孤独pr. 〈environment:〉 hist. I; me (the emperor/prince)

The Shuōwén Seal form of 孤(​􂥜) gū ‘fatherless’ (孤​) combines ​ (zǐ) ‘child’, and ​(​􁎓) guā ‘melon/cucumber’ (phonosemantic): the fatherless/motherless babe/orphan, like a melon from the melon patch.
    Compare: ​/孤​ gūfù ‘solitary/ungrateful/disappoint’ (DYC: ​孤​, 孤​); ​(​􂥁) gū ‘crime’.
    HDZ: 孤 : gū : ​; ​; ​; ​ (​, 孤​孤); ​, 孤​; ​, ​; (​) (​) ​; (​) ​, ​ (​, ​, ​) ​ (孤​); ​; ​ (cf. ​/孤​); (​) (​); (​) (​孤); ​: ​, ​; (​); (​)
►references: Karlgren:GSR41c; Hànyǔ Dà Zìdiǎn:2.1014.1; Mathews:3470; Guǎngyùn:082.01; Kāngxī Zìdiǎn:279.08; Bǐshùn Guīfàn:098.0.01; EDOC:1
►Cantonese: gu\
Shuōwén: ​􂥜(孤)
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