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<WL>由 [yóu] from; 由于 due to; 理由 cause, reason; 自由 freedom@@  [yāo] “冶由”, 女子笑貌
<WL>由 [yóu] from; 由于 due to; 理由 cause/reason; 自由 freedom@@  [yāo] “冶由”, 女子笑貌
The Shuōwén Seal form of 由(􂏲) yóu is said to be a variant of 繇(􂏱䌛); an entry for 由 does not occur in received SW texts, but it is a component in many SW characters, and occurs in received versions of important classics; DYC added it to his SW edition (as a variant of 繇), guessing that the form is a modification of 田(􂛋) tián ‘field’ (in which the vertical line depicts an access road; cf. 迪: 道).
The Shuōwén Seal form of 由(􂏲) yóu ‘follow; cause/reason’ is said to be a variant of 繇(􂏱䌛); an entry for 由 does not occur in received SW texts, but it is a component in many SW characters, and occurs in received versions of important classics; DYC added it to his SW edition (as a variant of 繇), guessing that the form is a modification of 田(􂛋) tián ‘field’ (in which the vertical line depicts an access road; cf. 迪: 道).
Old graphs associated with 由(􂏲) include: 卣(􁊷𠧪) yǒu ‘vessel/ewer’; 逌(􀴰𠧷𠧴𠧠) yōu/yóu (攸); cf. 柚(􀻥􀽽櫾𣟾) yòu ‘pomelo/grapefruit’.
Old graphs associated with 由(􂏲) include: 卣(􁊷𠧪) yǒu ‘vessel/ewer’; 逌(􀴰𠧷𠧴𠧠) yōu/yóu (攸); cf. 柚(􀻥􀽽櫾𣟾) yòu ‘pomelo/grapefruit’.
“It represents the germination of a fruit-stone, or a large grain; 田 represents the grain, on the top of which the germ is coming up; 于果中上出者芽。象形, 指事。By extension, beginning, principle, origin, starting point, cause, to produce, etc.” —Wieger (cf. 果, 㽕, 甲)
“It represents the germination of a fruit-stone, or a large grain; 田 represents the grain, on the top of which the germ is coming up; 于果中上出者芽。象形, 指事。By extension, beginning, principle, origin, starting point, cause, to produce, etc.” —Wieger (cf. 果, 㽕, 甲)

Revision as of 01:29, 20 December 2018

[yóu] from; 由​ due to; ​由 cause/reason; ​由 freedom [yāo] “​由”, ​

One monosyllabic entry in The ABC Chinese-English Comprehensive Dictionary (namespace Ci):

¹yóu To view this entry, please log in

The Shuōwén Seal form of 由 yóu ‘follow; cause/reason’ is said to be a variant of ​(​); an entry for 由 does not occur in received SW texts, but it is a component in many SW characters, and occurs in received versions of important classics; DYC added it to his SW edition (as a variant of ​), guessing that the form is a modification of ​ tián ‘field’ (in which the vertical line depicts an access road; cf. ​: ​).
    Old graphs associated with 由 include: ​(​𠧪) yǒu ‘vessel/ewer’; ​(​𠧷𠧴𠧠) yōu/yóu (​); cf. ​(​𣟾) yòu ‘pomelo/grapefruit’.
    “It represents the germination of a fruit-stone, or a large grain; ​ represents the grain, on the top of which the germ is coming up; ​。​, ​。By extension, beginning, principle, origin, starting point, cause, to produce, etc.” —Wieger (cf. ​, ​, ​)
    Compare: ​ yóu; ​ pīng, ​ yǐng ‘persimmon’ (​).
    Compare: ​(​𣟾) yòu ‘pomelo/grapefruit’ (Citrus maxima/grandis).
    Compare: ​ fú ‘demon head’ (​𤱫𤰣), ​(​𦥓) xìn ‘fontanelle’, ​ jiǎ ‘helmet’, ​/​(​) mǔ ‘acre’.
    Compare: ​(​) yáo/yóu, the root phonetic of which is ​(​𠕎) ròu ‘flesh’.
    Compounds (SW): ​, ​, ​, ​, ​, ​, ​, ​, ​, ​, ​, ​, ​𩊄, ​, ​, ​, ​𥥉, ​, ​, ​, ​, ​, ​, ​.
    Note: The stroke order of 由 yóu is just like ​ tián (its Kāngxī radical).
    HDZ: 由 : yóu : ​, ​由; ​, ​; ​; ​; ​由, ​; ​, ​; ​, ​; ​; ​; ​, ​; ​, ​; ​; (​) (​, ​; ​, 由​; ​); ​: ​ (cf. ​/​); ​ (​, ​; ​); ​: ​, ​; ​ (zhòu) ​; ​ (dí): ​, ​; (​) • yāo : “​由”, ​
►references: Guǎngyùn:204.29; Wieger:151a; Karlgren:AD253,GSR1079a; Hànyǔ Dà Zìdiǎn:4.2524.2; Mathews:7513; Kāngxī Zìdiǎn:757.01; Bǐshùn Guīfàn:015.0.05; Wáng(1993):114; EDOC:1
►Cantonese: yauh\
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