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<WL>農(S农) [nóng] (農民 nóngmín) farmer, peasant; 農業 farming/agriculture@@; (HDZ:) 耕, 耕种; 农事, 农业; 农民; 田官; 农家; 神农氏; 浓: 厚, 浓厚; 勉, 勤勉; (姓)
<WL>農(S农) [nóng] (農民 nóngmín) farmer, peasant; 農業 farming/agriculture@@; (HDZ:) 耕, 耕种; 农事, 农业; 农民; ; (姓)
In Shuōwén the character 農(􀝹䢉􀝺𨑋􀝻𦦥􀝼辳) nóng is defined as 耕 ‘plowing’ (DYC: 耕人 ‘plowman’); the phonetic 𦥓(􁱻凶􁍼) is debated/disputed in various Shuōwén editions; as with 䅶(􁀁) ‘hoe’, agricultrual associations relate to old time-keeping usages of 辰(􂥳) the star/constellation name; cf. 晨(􁊅􁊄曟), 䢅(􀝸).
In Shuōwén the character 農(􀝹䢉􀝺𨑋􀝻𦦥􀝼辳) nóng is defined as 耕 ‘plowing’ (DYC: 耕人 ‘plowman’); the phonetic 𦥓(􁱻凶􁍼) is debated/disputed in various Shuōwén editions; as with 䅶(􁀁) ‘hoe’, agricultrual associations relate to old time-keeping usages of 辰(􂥳) the star/constellation name; cf. 晨(􁊅􁊄曟), 䢅(􀝸).
Note: In the common modern form 農 the top component 曲 (6 strokes) is an abbreviation of  (13 strokes).
Compare: 𦦥(􀝻), 𦦤, 𣎭 (old variants of 農, in which 甘/廿/曲 writes an old variant of 辰, the curved/segmented scorpion tail/stinger).
Compare: 𨑇 (a variant of 農, with 覀 instead of 曲; cf. HDZ); 要(􀝷𡢗􀝶𦥺) yào ‘want’.
Compare: 曲(􂎝) qū ‘bamboo/reed tray/basket/frame (used in sericulture)’.
HDZ: 農 : nóng : (金) 从田辰会意, 辰乃耕器 (cf. 耨); 耕, 耕种; 农事, 农业; 农民; (古) 田官; (简称) 农家; (传说) 神农氏; 浓: 厚, 浓厚; 勉, 勤勉; (姓)
#rK.GSR1005a D.6.3607.3 M.4768 G.033.21 KX..1252.24 E.1
#rK.GSR1005a D.6.3607.3 M.4768 G.033.21 KX..1252.24 E.1

Revision as of 22:57, 11 October 2017

(S​) [nóng] (農​ nóngmín) farmer, peasant; 農​ farming/agriculture; (HDZ:) ​, ​; ​, ​; ​; …; (​)

One monosyllabic entry in The ABC Chinese-English Comprehensive Dictionary (namespace Ci):

²nóng To view this entry, please log in

In Shuōwén the character 農(​𨑋𦦥) nóng is defined as ​ ‘plowing’ (DYC: ​ ‘plowman’); the phonetic ​𦥓(​) is debated/disputed in various Shuōwén editions; as with ​ ‘hoe’, agricultrual associations relate to old time-keeping usages of ​ the star/constellation name; cf. ​(​), ​.
    Note: In the common modern form 農 the top component ​ (6 strokes) is an abbreviation of ​ (13 strokes).
    Compare: ​𦦥, ​𦦤, ​𣎭 (old variants of 農, in which ​/​廿/​ writes an old variant of ​, the curved/segmented scorpion tail/stinger).
    Compare: ​𨑇 (a variant of 農, with ​ instead of ​; cf. HDZ); ​(​𡢗𦥺) yào ‘want’.
    Compare: ​ qū ‘bamboo/reed tray/basket/frame (used in sericulture)’.
    HDZ: 農 : nóng : (​) ​, ​ (cf. ​); ​, ​; ​, ​; ​; (​) ​; (​) ​; (​) ​; ​: ​, ​; ​, ​; (​)
(Explanation from the entry for the simple form ​:) The simple-form character ​ nóng ‘farming/agriculture’ (6 strokes) is an abbrev. of the full-form character 農 (13 strokes), replacing the full-form components ​ (6 strokes) and ​ (7 strokes), with ​ (2 strokes) and ​𧘇 (4 strokes).
    The full-form character 農 (13 strokes) is an abbrev. of older forms such as ​ (20 strokes), cf. 農(​􀝹).
    Compare: ​ yī ‘clothing’ (which also has 6 strokes, but starts with ​, and ends with ​𧘇).
    Note: The characters ​/​ were famously confused by Chinese president ​ Xí Jìnpíng in his 2016 keynote speech at the G20 summit, when he misread “​” as “​”; later on ​ ‘undress’ did not pass the censors in news reports.
    HDC: ​ : ​ (​: ​; ​: ​); ​
    HDC: ​農 : ​, ​
    HDC: ​ : ​; ​
►references: Karlgren:GSR1005a; Hànyǔ Dà Zìdiǎn:6.3607.3; Mathews:4768; Guǎngyùn:033.21; Kāngxī Zìdiǎn:1252.24; EDOC:1
►Cantonese: nuhng\
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Unicode: U+8FB2
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