
From Wenlin Dictionaries
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(S​) [] (measure word); 個​ individual/personal; I/me; (HDZ:) ​; (​); ​ (​, ​); (​) ​: (​; ​) (​, ​) [] ​; ​

3 monosyllabic entries in The ABC Chinese-English Comprehensive Dictionary (namespace Ci):

ge [​] {E} m. general measure worddǎ ∼ jié 打∼结 tie a knotcons. (used between verb and complement)máng ∼ bù tíng 忙∼不停 be nonstop busywèn ∼ míngbai 问∼明白 ask for clarification
¹gè* [​] {A} pref. individualm. (reading/citation pronunciation for ge)
⁴gě [​] char. ►gègěr 各个儿 ►zìgě 自个

The full-form character 個 gè ‘(m.w.) of things in general’ combines ​(​ rén) ‘person’ (instead of ​), and ​ gù (phonetic); formerly wr. ​, and ​.
    Note: The modern simple form ​ is an old variant of ​, later wr. 個; cf. ​, ​.
►references: Hànyǔ Dà Zìdiǎn:1.178.3; Mathews:3366; Guǎngyùn:419.09; Kāngxī Zìdiǎn:107.17; EDOC:1
►Cantonese: go-
►stroke 個 (... strokes)   
►list characters containing 個 as a component
►list words containing 個 (most common words first)
Unicode: U+500B
►web links for ‘個’
search web for ‘個’: ►Google ►GT ►Baidu ►Bing ►Yahoo

The Wenlin Zidian (namespace Zi)
URL: https://wenlin.co/wow/Zi:%E5%80%8B
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