Words containing 個

zhège* [​] {A} pr.this one; this∼ rén zhēn hǎo. ∼人真好。 This person is nice.〈environment:〉 coll. so; suchintj. hesitation marker (e.g., hem/hum/etc.) See also zhèige
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²gègè(r) To view this entry, please log in
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²gèwèi To view this entry, please log in
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nèige To view this entry, please log in
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xiēge To view this entry, please log in
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yị̄ ge bāzhang pāibuxiǎng To view this entry, please log in
yị̄gègè(r) To view this entry, please log in
yị̄gexīnyǎnr To view this entry, please log in
zhèige [​] {E} See zhège
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hǎoyị̄gè To view this entry, please log in
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dúgè(r) To view this entry, please log in
āigèr* To view this entry, please log in
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ǎigèzi To view this entry, please log in
bǎishí lái gè To view this entry, please log in
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bāohán sān gè zìmǔ de To view this entry, please log in
biāo gèzi To view this entry, please log in
biége To view this entry, please log in
bǐ ge gāo-dī To view this entry, please log in
bù duǎn tā yī ge rén To view this entry, please log in
bù gǎn shuō bàn ge “bù” zì To view this entry, please log in
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chénggèr To view this entry, please log in
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chuōgèr To view this entry, please log in
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cuógèr To view this entry, please log in
dàgāogèr To view this entry, please log in
dǎ ge mòyou To view this entry, please log in
dàgèr To view this entry, please log in
dǎ ge xīlàn To view this entry, please log in
dǎ ge yuánchǎng To view this entry, please log in
dǎ ge zhàohuì To view this entry, please log in
dǎ ge zhàomiàn To view this entry, please log in
dǎhòurge To view this entry, please log in
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dàshǎgèr To view this entry, please log in
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diū ge yǎnsè To view this entry, please log in
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dǔ ge shūyíng To view this entry, please log in
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dúzìgěr To view this entry, please log in
fāgèr To view this entry, please log in
fāngè(r)* To view this entry, please log in
fāngèr To view this entry, please log in
fān gèzi To view this entry, please log in
fānle ge guò(r) To view this entry, please log in
fānle ge guòr To view this entry, please log in
gǎnmíngrìge To view this entry, please log in
gāogèr To view this entry, please log in
gāogèzi To view this entry, please log in
gè'àn diàochá To view this entry, please log in
gè'àn gōngzuòyuán To view this entry, please log in
gè'àn jìlù To view this entry, please log in
gè'ànshǐ To view this entry, please log in
gè'àn yánjiū To view this entry, please log in
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gèbànyuè To view this entry, please log in
gèbǎyuè To view this entry, please log in
gèbǎyuè de gōngfu To view this entry, please log in
gèbǎzi To view this entry, please log in
gèbǎzi lǎoxiāng To view this entry, please log in
gèbié chāyì To view this entry, please log in
gèbié fǔdǎo To view this entry, please log in
gèbiéhù To view this entry, please log in
gèbié jiàoxué To view this entry, please log in
gèbié liándài zérèn To view this entry, please log in
gèbié mósòngfǎ To view this entry, please log in
gèbiéxìng de To view this entry, please log in
gèbiéyīn To view this entry, please log in
gègèjiějué To view this entry, please log in
gègèjìjié To view this entry, please log in
gègèjīpò To view this entry, please log in
gègěr To view this entry, please log in
¹gègèr* To view this entry, please log in
²gègèr To view this entry, please log in
gègè zìxíng de biànhuà To view this entry, please log in
gèlì To view this entry, please log in
gèlì yánjiū To view this entry, please log in
gèrén cáifù To view this entry, please log in
gèrén chéngbāozhì To view this entry, please log in
gèrén chéngjiùgǎn To view this entry, please log in
gèrén chóngbài To view this entry, please log in
gèrén fāngyán To view this entry, please log in
gèrén fānyì To view this entry, please log in
gèrén jiàzhí To view this entry, please log in
gèrén jìsuànjī To view this entry, please log in
gèrén kāizhī To view this entry, please log in
gèrén míxìn To view this entry, please log in
gèrén shuāngyǔ xiànxiàng To view this entry, please log in
gèrén shùmǎ zhùlǐ To view this entry, please log in
gèrén suǒdé To view this entry, please log in
gèrén suǒdéshuì To view this entry, please log in
gèrén wēijī To view this entry, please log in
gèrén wèntí To view this entry, please log in
gèrén xiàngmù To view this entry, please log in
gèrén xíyǔ To view this entry, please log in
gèrén yányǔ tèdiǎn To view this entry, please log in
gèrén yányǔ tèzhēng To view this entry, please log in
gèrén yěxīn To view this entry, please log in
gèrén yěxīnjiā To view this entry, please log in
gèrén yīngxióngzhǔyì To view this entry, please log in
gèrén yǐnsī To view this entry, please log in
gèrén yǔyán To view this entry, please log in
gèrén yǔyán fāzhǎn To view this entry, please log in
gèrén yǔyán tèdiǎn To view this entry, please log in
gèrén zérèn To view this entry, please log in
gèrén zhuǎnràng To view this entry, please log in
gèshù To view this entry, please log in
gèshulái yuè To view this entry, please log in
gètǐ chūzūchē To view this entry, please log in
gètǐ de To view this entry, please log in
gètǐ de míngcí To view this entry, please log in
gètǐ fāshēng To view this entry, please log in
gètǐ gōngshāngyè To view this entry, please log in
gètǐ jīngjì To view this entry, please log in
gètǐ jīngjìxué To view this entry, please log in
gètǐ jīngyínghù To view this entry, please log in
Gètǐ Jīngyíngzhě Xiéhuì To view this entry, please log in
gètǐ jīngyíng zhízhào To view this entry, please log in
gètǐ láodòng To view this entry, please log in
gètǐ láodòngzhě To view this entry, please log in
gètǐ míngcí To view this entry, please log in
gètǐ nónghù To view this entry, please log in
gètǐ nóngyè jīngyíng To view this entry, please log in
gètǐshāng To view this entry, please log in
gètǐ shāngfàn To view this entry, please log in
gètǐ shēngchǎnzhě To view this entry, please log in
gètǐ suǒyǒuzhì To view this entry, please log in
gètóur To view this entry, please log in
Gèxié To view this entry, please log in
gèzhǎn To view this entry, please log in
gèzhōng To view this entry, please log in
gèzhōng àomiào To view this entry, please log in
gèzhōnglǎoshǒu To view this entry, please log in
gèzhōngmìmì To view this entry, please log in
gèzhōngrén To view this entry, please log in
gèzhōngsānwèi To view this entry, please log in
gèzhōngshì To view this entry, please log in
gèzhōng yuányīn To view this entry, please log in
guǎn ge qiú To view this entry, please log in
hǎoge* To view this entry, please log in
hóngle yī gè shíqī To view this entry, please log in
hòurge To view this entry, please log in
huá ge yǎngwǎndēng To view this entry, please log in
huàngèr To view this entry, please log in
húlungèr To view this entry, please log in
jǐ gè To view this entry, please log in
jǐrge To view this entry, please log in
jiù gètǐ ér yán To view this entry, please log in
káng dàgè(r) To view this entry, please log in
káng dàgèr To view this entry, please log in
kàngebǎo To view this entry, please log in
kàngegòu To view this entry, please log in
kuǎdàgè(r) To view this entry, please log in
kuǎdàgèr To view this entry, please log in
kū ge tòngkuai To view this entry, please log in
lào ge bùshi To view this entry, please log in
liǎgèqián To view this entry, please log in
liǎng ge fánshì To view this entry, please log in
liǎng ge gūjì To view this entry, please log in
liǎng ge jījíxìng To view this entry, please log in
liǎng ge líbukāi To view this entry, please log in
liǎng ge wénmíng To view this entry, please log in
liàngqiànggèzi To view this entry, please log in
liú ge bùzhǐ To view this entry, please log in
liù ge yōuxiān To view this entry, please log in
lǜgeyīnyīnr To view this entry, please log in
lùngè(r) To view this entry, please log in
lùngèr To view this entry, please log in
mài ge jiāoqing To view this entry, please log in
mài ge pòzhàn To view this entry, please log in
mālagebī To view this entry, please log in
mālage chòu de To view this entry, please log in
méi ge zhuānong To view this entry, please log in
míng ge qiánshǎng To view this entry, please log in
míngniánge To view this entry, please log in
nǎgeyàng To view this entry, please log in
nàmegè To view this entry, please log in
nào ge bùxiū To view this entry, please log in
nàxiēge To view this entry, please log in
niángr sān gè To view this entry, please log in
nòng ge yī tà hútu To view this entry, please log in
qiánrge To view this entry, please log in
qiánrge zǎoshang To view this entry, please log in
qī ge bā ge bù rènzhàng To view this entry, please log in
qīshíbā ge bù hésuàn To view this entry, please log in
qīshíliù ge bù hésuàn To view this entry, please log in
qiú ge rénqíng To view this entry, please log in
quángè To view this entry, please log in
quánwēi gèxìng To view this entry, please log in
qúntǐ gèxìng To view this entry, please log in
róng ge kòng To view this entry, please log in
ruògè To view this entry, please log in
Sān Ge Dàibiǎo To view this entry, please log in
sān ge héshang méi shuǐ chī To view this entry, please log in
sān ge miànxiàng To view this entry, please log in
sān ge shí To view this entry, please log in
sān ge shìchǎng To view this entry, please log in
sān ge shìjiè To view this entry, please log in
sān ge tígāo To view this entry, please log in
sān ge zhǐtou shí tiánluó To view this entry, please log in
shǎdàgè(r) To view this entry, please log in
shǎdàgèr To view this entry, please log in
shàng yī ge xīn táijiē To view this entry, please log in
shíbuqǐ gèr lai To view this entry, please log in
shìgèr To view this entry, please log in
shígètóur To view this entry, please log in
shí ge yǒu shí ge To view this entry, please log in
shí ge zhǐtou yǒu chángduǎn To view this entry, please log in
shíwǔ ge diàotǒng dǎ shuǐ To view this entry, please log in
shíwǔ ge diàotǒng dǎ shuǐ, qīshàngbāluò To view this entry, please log in
shùge* To view this entry, please log in
shuígè* To view this entry, please log in
shuì ge ānshēng To view this entry, please log in
shuō ge míngbai To view this entry, please log in
sì ge jiānchí To view this entry, please log in
sì ge luòshí To view this entry, please log in
sì ge wěidà To view this entry, please log in
sì ge xiàndàihuà To view this entry, please log in
tǎo ge jílì To view this entry, please log in
tǎo ge méiqù To view this entry, please log in
tīngbuchū ge shù lai To view this entry, please log in
tóng yī ge To view this entry, please log in
tóu ge yǎnsè To view this entry, please log in
xiàgedǐ To view this entry, please log in
xiàng ge rénr sìde To view this entry, please log in
xiàng ge rényàngr To view this entry, please log in
xiānjìn gèrén To view this entry, please log in
xiǎogèr* To view this entry, please log in
xià yī ge To view this entry, please log in
xièbukāi zhège dàoli To view this entry, please log in
yège To view this entry, please log in
yèlige To view this entry, please log in
yèrge To view this entry, please log in
yérjǐgè To view this entry, please log in
yībǎi èrshí ge To view this entry, please log in
yị̄ bù yị̄ gè jiǎoyìnr To view this entry, please log in
yīgè-bàngèr To view this entry, please log in
yī ge bíkǒng chūqì To view this entry, please log in
yī ge dīngzi yī ge yǎn To view this entry, please log in
yị̄gègèr To view this entry, please log in
yīgèguòr To view this entry, please log in
yī ge jiāngjun yī ge lìng To view this entry, please log in
yị̄gèjìnr To view this entry, please log in
yī ge luóbo yī ge kēng To view this entry, please log in
yī ge pūhǔr To view this entry, please log in
yīgèr-bùgèr To view this entry, please log in
yī ge shíchen To view this entry, please log in
yī ge shù To view this entry, please log in
yī ge yàngr To view this entry, please log in
yī ge yòu yī ge To view this entry, please log in
yī ge Zhōngguó zhèngcè To view this entry, please log in
yī ge zìyóudù To view this entry, please log in
yīshí yī ge yàng To view this entry, please log in
yīxiēge To view this entry, please log in
yīxiēge rén To view this entry, please log in
yǒu ge zhuānao To view this entry, please log in
yòu shì yī gè To view this entry, please log in
zǎge To view this entry, please log in
zàilái yī ge To view this entry, please log in
zǎoxiēge To view this entry, please log in
zégè To view this entry, please log in
zěnme gè To view this entry, please log in
zěnme ge chá(r) To view this entry, please log in
zěnme ge chár To view this entry, please log in
zhǎnggèr To view this entry, please log in
zhēgè(r) To view this entry, please log in
zhège nàge To view this entry, please log in
zhège nàge de To view this entry, please log in
zhēgèr To view this entry, please log in
zhème gè To view this entry, please log in
zhēngè To view this entry, please log in
zhēngè de To view this entry, please log in
zhēngè xiāohún To view this entry, please log in
zhēng ge gāodī To view this entry, please log in
zhēng ge míngbai To view this entry, please log in
zhěnggèr To view this entry, please log in
zhèxiēge To view this entry, please log in
zhígediǎnr To view this entry, please log in
zhōngděnggè(r) To view this entry, please log in
zhōngděnggèr To view this entry, please log in
zhuàng ge mǎnhuái To view this entry, please log in
zhúgè císù de fānyì To view this entry, please log in
zìgěr To view this entry, please log in
zìjǐgèr To view this entry, please log in
zìjǐ yī ge rén To view this entry, please log in
zuò ge rénqíng To view this entry, please log in
zuórge To view this entry, please log in
zuórge wǎnshang To view this entry, please log in

End of list. Total 335 items in The ABC Chinese-English Comprehensive Dictionary (namespace Ci).