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<WL>守 [shǒu] guard, 看守 watch (over); 保守 bǎoshǒu conservative @@[shòu] 諸侯為天子守土
<WL>守 [shǒu] guard/keep, watch/observe; 保守 bǎoshǒu conservative@@; (HDZ:) …  [shòu] 诸侯为天子守土; …
From 宀 (mián) ‘roof’ and 寸 (cùn) ‘hand’.
The Shuōwén Seal form of 守(􁏍) shǒu ‘guard/watch (post/position)’ combines 宀 (mián) ‘roof/house’ (as in 官 ‘official’), and 寸 (cùn) ‘measure/take the pulse’ (as in 寺 ‘court/office/temple’, 持 chí ‘hold/grasp’): a palace (宫) official on duty, standing guard, keeping watch at his post, observant of the law; formerly also wr. 㝊 (with 又 yòu ‘strong right hand’), 𡧕, 𡬮, 𡬴.
Someone on 寸 hand to guard the 宀 house.
Note: 守法 ‘abide by the law’; 奉公守法 ‘perform official duties, abide by (observe) the law’; 墨守礼法 ‘stand on ceremony’; 固守成法 ‘strict adherence to the law’.
#rG.322.28,435.18 K.GSR1099a D.2.912.3 L.273 M.5844 KX..282.05 B.035.1.05
Compare: 首(􁡞𩠐􁡖𦣻) shǒu ‘head’; 手(􂄛) shǒu ‘hand’; 䭭 shǒu ‘eldest son’.
Note: 首, 手, 守 shǒu ← MC /ɕjuʔ/ (SBGY); OC homophones (GSR), but cf. 首, 手 (Baxter).
HDZ: 守 : shǒu : (SW: 守官) 官吏的职责, 职守 (cf. 官守); 操守, 节操; 掌管; 保守, 保持; 遵守; 保护, 防卫; 守候; 收捕; 依靠, 依傍; 请求; 暂时代理职务; (天文) 某一星辰侵入别的星辰的位置; 久; (姓) • shòu : 诸侯为天子守土; 戍守的士兵; (秦) (官名), (汉) (太守), (后) …; 州、郡地方政府所在地
HDC: 官守 : 官位职守, 官吏的职责; 臣下; 官吏
HDC: 職守 : 职责; 工作岗位
#rG.322.28,435.18 K.GSR1099a D.2.912.3 L.273 M.5844 KX..282.05 B.035.1.05 E.1
#y sau/</WL>
#y sau/

Latest revision as of 04:02, 9 June 2019

[shǒu] guard/keep, watch/observe; ​守 bǎoshǒu conservative; (HDZ:) … [shòu] ​守​; …

One monosyllabic entry in The ABC Chinese-English Comprehensive Dictionary (namespace Ci):

³shǒu {C} v.guard; defendkeep watchobserve; abide bybe close to∼zhe shuǐ de dìfang ∼着水的地方 places close to water

The Shuōwén Seal form of 守 shǒu ‘guard/watch (post/position)’ combines ​ (mián) ‘roof/house’ (as in ​ ‘official’), and ​ (cùn) ‘measure/take the pulse’ (as in ​ ‘court/office/temple’, ​ chí ‘hold/grasp’): a palace (​) official on duty, standing guard, keeping watch at his post, observant of the law; formerly also wr. ​ (with ​ yòu ‘strong right hand’), ​𡧕, ​𡬮, ​𡬴.
    Note: 守​ ‘abide by the law’; ​守​ ‘perform official duties, abide by (observe) the law’; ​守​ ‘stand on ceremony’; ​守​ ‘strict adherence to the law’.
    Compare: ​(​𩠐𦣻) shǒu ‘head’; ​ shǒu ‘hand’; ​ shǒu ‘eldest son’.
    Note: ​, ​, 守 shǒu ← MC /ɕjuʔ/ (SBGY); OC homophones (GSR), but cf. ​, ​ (Baxter).
    HDZ: 守 : shǒu : (SW: 守​) ​, ​守 (cf. ​守); ​守, ​; ​; ​守, ​; ​守; ​, ​; 守​; ​; ​, ​; ​; ​; (​) ​; ​; (​) • shòu : ​守​; ​守​; (​) (​), (​) (​守), (​) …; ​、​
    HDC: ​守 : ​守, ​; ​; ​
    HDC: ​守 : ​; ​
►references: Guǎngyùn:322.28,435.18; Karlgren:GSR1099a; Hànyǔ Dà Zìdiǎn:2.912.3; Lindqvist:273; Mathews:5844; Kāngxī Zìdiǎn:282.05; Bǐshùn Guīfàn:035.1.05; EDOC:1
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