月 [yuè] moon (月亮, 月球); 月光 moonlight; month (五月 ‘May’); 月相 lunar phase; (radical 74, 月部); (HDZ:) … [ròu] [rù] cf. 肉
One monosyllabic entry in The ABC Chinese-English Comprehensive Dictionary (namespace Ci):
►¹yuè* 月 {A} n. month ◆b.f. ①moon ►yuèliang 月亮 ②monthly ►yuèkān 月刊 ►¹yuèxīn 月薪
The Shuōwén Seal form of 月 yuè is said to depict the (crescent) moon (月阙: 月宫), the mythical abode of the moon goddess 嫦娥 Cháng'é.
Compare: 蟾兔 ‘Jade Rabbit in the Moon’, 蟾蜍 ‘Moon Toad’ (传说); 阴/陰 yīn ‘female/dark’ (⚋), formerly also wr. 𣍤/𨼖/𨻔/𦜲/𨽙.
As a component, modern shapes like 月/⺝ correspond to various Seal components (月/肉/舟).
Compare: 月 yuè ‘moon’ (radical 74), 肉(𠕎) ròu ‘meat’ (radical 130), 舟 zhōu ‘boat’ (radical 137).
Compare: 朔 shuò ‘new moon’ (月); 肥 féi ‘fat’ (肉), 前(歬) qián ‘before’ (舟).
Compare: 肭/(朒) nǜ ‘first/slender/slice of lunar crescent rising in the east after new moon’.
月 is the 74th of the 214 radicals.
HDZ: 月 : yuè : 月亮, 月球; (单位) (阴历), (阳历) (一月, 月大, 月小, 闰月); 每天; 月光, 月色; 象月亮一样的 (颜色或形状); 妇女的月经 (月事); 妇女怀胎的月份 (月份/分: 怀孕足月, 将要分娩的期限); (姓) • rù : 肉
►references: Guǎngyùn:477.25; Wieger:44g; Henshall:16; Karlgren:GSR306a; Hànyǔ Dà Zìdiǎn:3.2041.1; Lindqvist:16,20; Mathews:7696; Kāngxī Zìdiǎn:504.19; Bǐshùn Guīfàn:009.1.01; Wáng(1993):32; EDOC:1
►components: ⺆二冂𠄞
►Cantonese: yuht-
<cdl char='月' uni='6708' points='24,4 104,128'>
<comp char='冂' uni='5182' variant='9' points='0,0 128,128' />
<comp char='二' uni='4E8C' variant='5' points='41,40 128,72' />
<!-- 2013-03-07T22:06:18Z -->
<cdl char='冂' uni='5182' variant='9' points='24,4 104,128'>
<stroke type='sp' points='41,0 41,44 0,128' />
<stroke type='hzg' points='41,0 128,0 128,123 82,108' head='cut' />
<!-- variant based on [U+2E86](V=0) -->
<cdl char='二' uni='4E8C' variant='5' points='0,4 128,124' radical='K0'>
<stroke type='h' points='0,0 128,0' head='cut' tail='cut' />
<stroke type='h' points='0,128 128,128' head='cut' tail='cut' />
<!-- variant based on [U+EF79](V=0) -->
►stroke 月 (... strokes)
►list characters containing 月 as a component
►list words containing 月 (most common words first)
Unicode: U+6708
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URL: https://wenlin.co/wow/Zi:%E6%9C%88
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