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Compare: 辅/輔(􂡯) fǔ ‘spoke reinforcements’; 輔 fǔ ‘assist/help’ was formerly wr. 俌(􁖺), itself app. formerly wr. 甫 (give/help).
Compare: 辅/輔(􂡯) fǔ ‘spoke reinforcements’; 輔 fǔ ‘assist/help’ was formerly wr. 俌(􁖺), itself app. formerly wr. 甫 (give/help).
“[甫] Personal name taken at 20 years; name; ‘style’; begin, at first, just — the seal has 用 signific and 父 phonetic, the latter badly distorted in the modern form” —Karlgren(AD).
“[甫] Personal name taken at 20 years; name; ‘style’; begin, at first, just — the seal has 用 signific and 父 phonetic, the latter badly distorted in the modern form” —Karlgren(AD).
HDZ: 甫 : fǔ : (古) (美称) 男子的美称; 大; 开始, 起初 (cf. 晡?); 我; 尃 (fū): 公布 (cf. 旉/尃); (古国名); (姓) • pǔ : 圃: 种菜; (古地名) 甫/圃田
HDZ: 甫 : fǔ : (古) (美称) 男子的美称; 大 (cf. 溥); 开始, 起初 (cf. 晡?); 我; 尃 (fū): 公布 (cf. 旉/尃); (古国名); (姓) • pǔ : 圃: 种菜; (古地名) 甫/圃田
#rG.260.17 K.AD42,49,GSR102n D.1.20.1 M.1942 KX..756.02 B.046.0.01 WHY...74 E.1
#rG.260.17 K.AD42,49,GSR102n D.1.20.1 M.1942 KX..756.02 B.046.0.01 WHY...74 E.1
#y fu/
#y fu/

Latest revision as of 00:35, 21 June 2019

[] (​) courtesy name; sir; adult man; I/we; begin/first, just/only (甫​, 甫​); grant/give, spread/publish; (HDZ:) (​) (​) … [] ​ [] ​ [] (HDC:) (​) 甫/​

One monosyllabic entry in The ABC Chinese-English Comprehensive Dictionary (namespace Ci):

⁸fǔ {E} 〈environment:〉 wr. adv. just; only

The Shuōwén Seal form of 甫(​􀣯) fǔ ‘sir; give/use’ is said to combine ​(​􀠒) fù ‘father’ (phonosemantic), and ​(​􀣭𠂦) yòng ‘use’.
    Note: 甫 was a nominal suffix of respect, apparently related to ​(​􀠒) fù ‘father’, and also ​(​􁖸) fù (as in ​ ‘master/teacher’), and ​(​􁱟) fū (as in ​ ‘man; husband’); 甫 was formerly also used for ​(​􀢀) fū ‘grant/give, spread/publish’, later wr. ​𢾭(​􀢙) fū ‘grant/give’, later wr. ​/​; the chain/variety of forms was meant to distinguish various meanings now assoc. with ​ from those now assoc. with 甫.
    Note: According to DYC, 甫 was used to address any adult man, and also meant ​ ‘adult man’, and ​ ‘begin’ because adult life began at 20 (​); it was later conflated with the “​”, ​ ‘style’, which in Zhōu times was the name chosen at the age of 20 and used until 50, after which a man was addressed as ​ or ​, depending on his ​ seniority in the family.
    Compare: ​(​􀲩) fǔ ‘anc. ritual grain vessel’; ​(​􁄁) pǔ ‘vegetable garden’, formerly also wr. 甫; ​(​􁅐𨛝􁅑𤰫).
    Compare: ​/​(​􂡯) fǔ ‘spoke reinforcements’; ​ fǔ ‘assist/help’ was formerly wr. ​(​􁖺), itself app. formerly wr. 甫 (give/help).
    “[甫] Personal name taken at 20 years; name; ‘style’; begin, at first, just — the seal has ​ signific and ​ phonetic, the latter badly distorted in the modern form” —Karlgren(AD).
    HDZ: 甫 : fǔ : (​) (​) ​; ​ (cf. ​); ​, ​ (cf. ​?); ​; ​ (fū): ​ (cf. ​/​); (​); (​) • pǔ : ​: ​; (​) 甫/​
►references: Guǎngyùn:260.17; Karlgren:AD42,49,GSR102n; Hànyǔ Dà Zìdiǎn:1.20.1; Mathews:1942; Kāngxī Zìdiǎn:756.02; Bǐshùn Guīfàn:046.0.01; Wáng(1993):74; EDOC:1
►Cantonese: fu/
Shuōwén: ​􀣯(甫)
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Unicode: U+752B
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URL: https://wenlin.co/wow/Zi:%E7%94%AB
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