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<WL>殳(=􀡜𪠲) (!􀠬𠬸𠬛) [shū] (古) laminated/pointed bamboo lance/spear (without metal blade) (杸/杖); (radical 79, 殳部)@@; 竿殳; 戟柄; 篙: 刺船(撑船); (姓)
<WL>殳(=􀡜𪠲)(!􀠬𠬸𠬛) [shū] (古) laminated/pointed bamboo lance/spear without metal blade (杸/杖; cf. 欑); whip/flail/mace, goad; (radical 79, 殳部)@@; (HDZ:) ; (姓)
The Shuōwén Seal form of 殳(􀡜) shū ‘lance/stab’ combines 又 (yòu) ‘hand’ and 𠘧(􀡸) shū (phonetic). The top part 𠘧 may have originally depicted the laminated/pointed bamboo lance/spear (without metal blade), carried by soldiers escorting a war chariot. Compare 杸/杖, 祋, 殊/誅/㦵; the character攵 (􀢌攴) ‘beat’ is sometimes used instead of 殳 in compounds.
The Shuōwén Seal form of 殳(􀡜) shū ‘lance/stab/flail’ combines 又 (yòu) ‘hand’, and 𠘧(􀡸) shū (phonosemantic); cf. 𠘧.
Compare: 𠬥(􀠽), 𠬢(􀠨).
Compare: 㱿(􀡠𣪊) què ‘beat/flail/hull (grain/etc.)’; 殸(􁦸) qìng ‘stone chime’; 殷(􁚁) yīn ‘play/perform music/dance’.
Note: In 殳 the top part 𠘧(􀡸) depicted the laminated/pointed bamboo long/flexible lance/spear (without metal blade), or a whip/flail as carried by soldiers escorting a war chariot; cf. 杸/杖, 祋, 殊/誅/㦵; 鐧 ‘whip/flail/mace’.
Compare: 𠘧(􀡸) shū ‘short wing/feather of a (fledgling) bird’; 𠘱(􀡹𢒀) zhěn ‘fledgling/flapping wing/flight’; 凫/鳧(􀡺) fú ‘wild duck’.
Compare: 役(􀡮), formerly wr. 𠈧(􀡯), with an old wr. of 殳 on the right; 杀/殺(􀡱􀡶𠮁) shā ‘kill’; 豛(􁧤𧱕𧱊𧱣𧰶) yì ‘pig’.
Compare: 投(􂆇) tóu ‘brandish/throw’ (a lance); 设/設(􀚀) shè ‘set up’.
Compare: 股(􀭙) gǔ ‘thighbone/thigh; buttock’; 羖(􀨈) gǔ ‘black ram; mountain goat’.
Note: The character攵(􀢌攴) ‘beat’ is sometimes used as a component instead of 殳(􀡜); cf. 𤕝(􀣠), 𠭲(􂆧); 𠓥(􀟂𠓠􀟁𩌻鞭) biān ‘whip’.
Compare: (􀠽𠬥) zhī, 𠬢(􀠨) tāo, 攵(􀢌攴) pū.
Compare: 没/沒(􁻫𣴬) mò ‘sink/drown’, in which the component 殳 was formerly wr. 𠬛(􀠬𠬸) mò ‘sink/drown’.
HDZ: 殳 : shū : (古) (兵器名) 以竹、木制成, 一端有稜 (積竹: 攒竹: 削竹胶合成的棒、柄; 竿殳: 竹杖: 竹制的手杖; cf. 祋殳, 铁殳, 殳仗, 戈殳); 戟柄: 三刃枝, 柲; (古) 船尾用以控制行向的工具 (cf. 般: 從殳殳令舟旋者也); (姓)
HDZ: 殳 : shū : (古) (兵器名) 以竹、木制成, 一端有稜 (積竹: 攒竹: 削竹胶合成的棒、柄; 竿殳: 竹杖: 竹制的手杖; cf. 祋殳, 铁殳, 殳仗, 戈殳); 戟柄: 三刃枝, 柲; (古) 船尾用以控制行向的工具 (cf. 般: 從殳殳令舟旋者也); (姓)
#rG.076.07 W.22d K.AD901,GSR130a D.3.2155.1 M.5849 KX..584.17 B.009.1.10 WHY...148
#rG.076.07 W.22d K.AD901,GSR130a D.3.2155.1 M.5849 KX..584.17 B.009.1.10 WHY...148
#y syuh\
#y syuh\

Latest revision as of 04:21, 9 June 2019

(=​􀡜𪠲)(!​􀠬𠬸𠬛) [shū] (​) laminated/pointed bamboo lance/spear without metal blade (​/​; cf. ​); whip/flail/mace, goad; (radical 79, 殳​); (HDZ:) …; (​)

One monosyllabic entry in The ABC Chinese-English Comprehensive Dictionary (namespace Ci):

¹⁶shū b.f. ancient weapon made of bamboo ►shūshū 殳书

The Shuōwén Seal form of 殳(​􀡜) shū ‘lance/stab/flail’ combines ​ (yòu) ‘hand’, and ​𠘧(​􀡸) shū (phonosemantic); cf. ​𠘧.
    Compare: ​㱿(​􀡠𣪊) què ‘beat/flail/hull (grain/etc.)’; ​(​􁦸) qìng ‘stone chime’; ​(​􁚁) yīn ‘play/perform music/dance’.
    Note: In 殳 the top part ​𠘧(​􀡸) depicted the laminated/pointed bamboo long/flexible lance/spear (without metal blade), or a whip/flail as carried by soldiers escorting a war chariot; cf. ​/​, ​, ​/​/​; ​ ‘whip/flail/mace’.
    Compare: ​𠘧(​􀡸) shū ‘short wing/feather of a (fledgling) bird’; ​𠘱(​􀡹𢒀) zhěn ‘fledgling/flapping wing/flight’; ​/​(​􀡺) fú ‘wild duck’.
    Compare: ​(​􀡮), formerly wr. ​𠈧(​􀡯), with an old wr. of 殳 on the right; ​/​(​􀡱􀡶𠮁) shā ‘kill’; ​(​􁧤𧱕𧱊𧱣𧰶) yì ‘pig’.
    Compare: ​(​􂆇) tóu ‘brandish/throw’ (a lance); ​/​(​􀚀) shè ‘set up’.
    Compare: ​(​􀭙) gǔ ‘thighbone/thigh; buttock’; ​(​􀨈) gǔ ‘black ram; mountain goat’.
    Note: The character​(​􀢌) pū ‘beat’ is sometimes used as a component instead of 殳(​􀡜); cf. ​𤕝(​􀣠), ​𠭲(​􂆧); ​𠓥(​􀟂𠓠􀟁𩌻) biān ‘whip’.
    Compare: ​(​􀠽𠬥) zhī, ​𠬢(​􀠨) tāo, ​(​􀢌) pū.
    Compare: ​/​(​􁻫𣴬) mò ‘sink/drown’, in which the component 殳 was formerly wr. ​𠬛(​􀠬𠬸) mò ‘sink/drown’.
    HDZ: 殳 : shū : (​) (​) ​、​, ​ (​: ​: ​、​; ​竿殳: ​: ​; cf. ​殳, ​殳, 殳​, ​殳); ​: ​, ​; (​) ​ (cf. ​: ​殳殳​); (​)
►references: Guǎngyùn:076.07; Wieger:22d; Karlgren:AD901,GSR130a; Hànyǔ Dà Zìdiǎn:3.2155.1; Mathews:5849; Kāngxī Zìdiǎn:584.17; Bǐshùn Guīfàn:009.1.10; Wáng(1993):148
►Cantonese: syuh\
Shuōwén: ​􀡜(殳)
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