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𠘧(=​􀡸􀡜) (?​𠁢) (!​􂠁) [shū] 𠘧𠘧: (​; ​); ​ (comp: ​𢒀…)

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The Shuōwén Seal form of 𠘧(​􀡸) shū ‘short wing/feather of a (fledgling) bird’ is said to be a pictograph, derived from ​𠘱(​􀡹𢒀𢒁) zhěn ‘fledgling/flapping wing/flight’ in which it is the upper component.
    Note: The reading 𠘧(​􀡸) shū derives from the use in ​(​􀡜) shū ‘lance/stab’, in which it represents the flapping ​/​, ​, ​/​/​; ​ ‘whip/flail/mace’.
    Compare: ​/​(​􀡺) fú ‘wild duck’; ​𠘱(​􀡹𢒀) zhěn ‘fledgling/flapping wing/flight’; ​(​􀡜) shū ‘lance/stab/flail’; ​(​􀾙) duǒ.
    Compare: ​(​􂠁) jī ‘small table/bench’; ​(​􀴫𠄎􀠢𢎜􀴬𢎧􀴭𠄕) nǎi.
    Compare: ​(​􀦕𦏲) yǔ ‘feathers’; ​/​(​􂗰􂗱𠙊) fēng ‘wind’; ​(​􂘡) fán ‘all/general’.
    HDC: 𠘧𠘧 : shūshū : ​
►references: Hànyǔ Dà Zìdiǎn:1.276.1; Guǎngyùn:076.12; Kāngxī Zìdiǎn:134.01
Shuōwén: ​􀡸(𠘧)
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