系 [xì] (系统) system; department; (F係) 关系 concern/relation; (F繫) 联系 integrate/link; contact/connection [jì] (F繫) tie/bind (系上 ‘tie up’, 拴系 ‘fasten’); (HDZ:) …
4 monosyllabic entries in The ABC Chinese-English Comprehensive Dictionary (namespace Ci):
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The character 系 (7 strokes) is an old form, today used as the simple form of both 係 (9 strokes) and 繫 (19 strokes).
The Shuōwén Seal form of 系(𢁴) xì ‘link/bind’ is said to combine 糸 sī ‘silk/thread’, and 𠂆 yì ‘stretch’ (phonosemantic); formerly wr. 𦃟 with 爪 ‘palm-down hand’ above, later abbrev. to 𠂆 (now 丿, not 一) in 系; formerly also wr. 𣫦, with 處 and 毄, cf. 繫 xì.
Note: Received SW texts gloss 系(𢁴) xì ‘link/bind’ as 繫 xì ‘link/bind’, so the link between these two characters 系/繫 is very old; but in DYC's text the gloss of 系 is emended to 縣 xuán ‘hang, tie/bind’ (in that sense now wr. 悬); cf. 县.
Compare: 繫 jì ‘inferior silk/cloth’, jì/xì ‘tie/bind/link’; 係 jì/xì ‘tie/bind’.
Compare: 奚 xī ‘tethered fat-bellied piglet’ (豯), in which the top is 𦃟 xì/jì ‘bind’ (abbrev. phonosemantic).
Compare: 延 yán ‘long (drawn out) strides’; 犮 bá ‘(dog) pull/strain against a tether/leash’ (拔).
“[系/𦃟] The original character had 爪 ‘hand’ above, now badly contracted, and 糸 ‘silk thread’” —Karlgren(AD).
HDZ: 系 : xì : (古) 应作从爪 (又/手) 系丝形; 联属, 连接; 世系, 谱系; 高等学校中接转业性质设置的教学行政单位 (哲学系, 物理系); (地质学); (生物学); 继承; (量词); 系东西的带子; 辞赋末尾总结全文的言词 (cf. 繫, 繫辭); (姓); (简体) 係, 繫; 箸 • jì : (简体) 繫
►references: Guǎngyùn:372.57; Karlgren:AD125,330,GSR876a; Hànyǔ Dà Zìdiǎn:5.3361.2; Lindqvist:216; Mathews:2423; Kāngxī Zìdiǎn:915.04; Bǐshùn Guīfàn:056.0.10; Wáng(1993):190; EDOC:1
►components: 丿糸
►Cantonese: haih-
<cdl char='系' uni='7CFB' radical='K4 D1'>
<stroke type='p' points='102,0 7,16' tail='long' />
<comp char='糸' uni='7CF8' points='0,16 128,128' />
<cdl char='糸' uni='7CF8'>
<comp char='幺' uni='5E7A' points='16,0 124,76' />
<comp char='小' uni='5C0F' variant='1' points='0,68 128,128' />
<cdl char='幺' uni='5E7A' points='4,0 124,128'>
<stroke type='pz' points='56,0 6,63 84,58' />
<stroke type='pz' points='98,35 0,120 120,110' />
<stroke type='d' points='102,88 128,128' />
<cdl char='小' uni='5C0F' variant='1' points='0,60 128,128' radical='K0'>
<stroke type='sg' points='68,0 68,128 38,99' head='cut' />
<stroke type='p' points='35,40 0,115' tail='long' />
<stroke type='d' points='87,34 128,115' />
<!-- variant based on [U+E66A](V=0) -->
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Unicode: U+7CFB
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URL: https://wenlin.co/wow/Zi:%E7%B3%BB
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