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<WL>巨 [jù] big, (巨大 jùdà) huge/gigantic@@; (HDZ:) …  [qú] 未央; (HDC:) 巨/渠蒐  [jǔ] 矩/榘 (HDC:) 巨獲
<WL>巨 [jù] big, (巨大 jùdà) huge/gigantic@@; (HDZ:) …  [qú] 未央; (HDC:) 巨/渠蒐  [jǔ] 矩/榘 (HDC:) 巨獲
The Shuōwén Seal form of 巨(􀴑􀴓𢀓) jù ‘geometry/carpentry square/rule’ is said to combine 工(􀴍􀴎𢒄) ‘geometry/carpentry square/rule’, with a curved line in the middle signifying the 又(􀠋) ‘hand’ of the user (or the handle of the tool; or the bubble of a level); the old variant form 榘(􀴒) adds 矢(􀹜) ‘arrow/straight’ on the left, and 木 ‘wood’ below, specifying the ‘tool’ meaning (vs. ‘big/huge’, as in 巨细, or 巨大 ‘huge’).
The Shuōwén Seal form of 巨(􀴑􀴓𢀓) jù ‘geometry/carpentry square/rule’ is said to combine 工(􀴍􀴎𢒄) ‘geometry/carpentry square/rule’, with a curved line (arc) in the middle signifying the 又(􀠋) ‘hand’ of the user (or the handle of the tool; or the bubble of a level); formerly also wr. 榘(􀴒) with 矢(􀹜) ‘arrow/straight’ and 木 ‘wood’ specifying ‘tool’ (vs. 巨大 ‘big/huge’, 巨细).
Compare: 𢒄(􀴎􀴍工) gōng ‘geometry/carpentry square/rule’, in which lines in the middle indicate the ruling/scale, or lines drawn with the drawing tool (cf. 曲尺).
Older graphs associated with with 巨/矩 have 夫/大 ‘man’ (cf. 规矩, 圭表), rather than 矢, specifying ‘craftsman’ (cf. 矩, 规).
Older graphs associated with with 巨/矩 have 夫/大 ‘man’ (cf. 规矩, 圭表), rather than 矢, specifying ‘craftsman’ (cf. 矩, 规).
Compare: 𢒄(􀴎􀴍工) ‘geometry/carpentry square/rule’, in which lines in the middle indicate the ruling/scale, or lines drawn with the drawing tool.
“[巨] Picture of a large carpenter's square, with a handle, cf. 工, the small carpenter's square” —Karlgren(AD).
“[巨] Picture of a large carpenter's square, with a handle, cf. 工, the small carpenter's square” —Karlgren(AD).
Compare: 匠(􂎆) jiàng ‘woodwork/carpentry/craftsman’ (also wr. 匞/杢).
Compare: 匠(􂎆) jiàng ‘woodwork/carpentry/craftsman’ (also wr. 匞/杢).
Compare: 具(􀝣𥃲) jù ‘prepare/provide/equip; tool’.
Compare: 具(􀝣𥃲) jù ‘prepare/provide/equip; tool’.
HDZ: 巨󰀁 : jù : (古) 从工象榘形…, 乃加画人形以持之 (夫/大/矢) … (职工, 百工) … (巨细); 矩: 规矩, 木工的方尺 (一尺见方; 巨/榘矱: 规矩法度) (cf. 工: 曲尺, 矩尺); 大; 最, 极; 距: 距离; 詎: 豈; (姓) • qú : 未央
HDZ: 巨󰀁 : jù : (古) 从工象榘形…, 乃加画人形以持之 (夫/大/矢) … (职工, 百工) … (巨细); (SW: 規巨) 矩: 规矩, 木工的方尺 (一尺见方; 巨/榘矱: 规矩法度) (cf. 工: 曲尺, 矩尺); 大; 最, 极; 距: 距离; 詎: 豈; (姓) • qú : 未央
#rG.258.05 W.82d K.AD482,GSR95a D.1.82.1 M.1544 KX..325.12 B.006.1.06 WHY...110 E.1
#rG.258.05 W.82d K.AD482,GSR95a D.1.82.1 M.1544 KX..325.12 B.006.1.06 WHY...110 E.1
#y geuih-
#y geuih-

Latest revision as of 07:49, 10 September 2019

[] big, (巨​ jùdà) huge/gigantic; (HDZ:) … [] ​; (HDC:) 巨/​ [] ​/​ (HDC:) 巨​

One monosyllabic entry in The ABC Chinese-English Comprehensive Dictionary (namespace Ci):

¹jù* {E} attr. huge; giganticadv. extremely; exceedingly

The Shuōwén Seal form of 巨(​􀴑􀴓𢀓) jù ‘geometry/carpentry square/rule’ is said to combine ​(​􀴍􀴎𢒄) ‘geometry/carpentry square/rule’, with a curved line (arc) in the middle signifying the ​(​􀠋) ‘hand’ of the user (or the handle of the tool; or the bubble of a level); formerly also wr. ​(​􀴒) with ​(​􀹜) ‘arrow/straight’ and ​ ‘wood’ specifying ‘tool’ (vs. 巨​ ‘big/huge’, 巨​).
    Compare: ​𢒄(​􀴎􀴍) gōng ‘geometry/carpentry square/rule’, in which lines in the middle indicate the ruling/scale, or lines drawn with the drawing tool (cf. ​).
    Older graphs associated with with 巨/​ have ​/​ ‘man’ (cf. ​, ​), rather than ​, specifying ‘craftsman’ (cf. ​, ​).
    “[巨] Picture of a large carpenter's square, with a handle, cf. ​, the small carpenter's square” —Karlgren(AD).
    Compare: ​(​􂎆) jiàng ‘woodwork/carpentry/craftsman’ (also wr. ​/​).
    Compare: ​(​􀝣𥃲) jù ‘prepare/provide/equip; tool’.
    HDZ: 巨󰀁 : jù : (​) ​…, ​ (​/​/​) … (​, ​) … (巨​); (SW: ​巨) ​: ​, ​ (​; 巨/​: ​) (cf. ​: ​, ​); ​; ​, ​; ​: ​; ​: ​; (​) • qú : ​
►references: Guǎngyùn:258.05; Wieger:82d; Karlgren:AD482,GSR95a; Hànyǔ Dà Zìdiǎn:1.82.1; Mathews:1544; Kāngxī Zìdiǎn:325.12; Bǐshùn Guīfàn:006.1.06; Wáng(1993):110; EDOC:1
►Cantonese: geuih-
Shuōwén: ​􀴑(巨)
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