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<WL>朋 [péng] 朋友 péngyǒu friend@@; classmate [píng] 馮  [bēng] 崩
<WL>朋 [péng] friend (朋友 péngyǒu); 男朋友 boyfriend, 女朋友 girlfriend; companion; colleague/classmate@@  [píng] 馮: 盛怒貌 [bēng] 𡹔/
The character is believed to have depicted two strings of cash, now written like 月 yuè ‘moon’ doubled. Two thousand years ago the seal form was interpreted as the feathers of a fabulous and felicitous bird, the péng.
The simple-form character 朋 (8 strokes) is an old abbrev. of older complex forms such as 𢐴 (18 strokes).
#rG.201.37 W.64i K.AD711,GSR886a D.3.2050.6 M.5054 KX..504.29 B.087.0.02 WHY...133
Note: The character 朋 péng ‘friend’ looks like 月 yuè ‘moon’ doubled (cf. 宜), but the old complex forms derive from old pictographs.
The Shuōwén Seal form of 朋(􀨦𢐴) péng/fèng ‘roc/phoenix’ is said to derive from old pictographs depicting the mythical/divine bird; formerly also wr. 鳳(􀨥), 鹏/鵬(􀨧𪈵).
Compare: 冉(􁧖冄), as in 衰(􁛶𧜸); 棚(􁀹) péng ‘light-framed reed/mat-covered pavilion/tower’; 篷 péng ‘(woven) bamboo shelter/shade (from rain/sun)’.
Older graphs associated with 朋 are thought to depict strings/necklaces of cowries/jade/etc., later re-interpreted as the feathers of a fabulous/felicitous bird.
Compare: 凤/鳳(􀨥) fèng; 鹏/鵬(􀨧𪈵) péng/fèng; 朋(􀨦𢐴) péng.
Note: The forms 鹏/鵬, and 朋 are SW variants of 凤/鳳 (mythical/auspicious bird), but usages diverged and merged over the years; there are two traditional readings of the mythical bird name (péng/fèng), but the character 朋 péng ‘friend’ has become specialized in modern usage; for semantic development, cf. 堋 péng (fallen comrade).
HDZ: 朋 : péng : (古) (单位) 货币 (朋: 五贝; 两贝; 系: 五贝; 朋: 二系); 同学, 朋友 (䷹ 君子以朋友讲习) (cf. 堋, 鵬); 匹配, 结合; 朋党 (䷁ 西南得朋, 东北丧朋); 勾结; 同类; 群, 群聚; 同, 共同; 比拟, 比较; (古) (单位) 行政基层; 蓬: 乱; 逢: 大; 馮 (píng): 盛怒貌; 𡹔/崩 (bēng): 崩坏; (姓)
#rG.201.37 W.64i K.AD711,GSR886a D.3.2050.6 M.5054 KX..504.29 B.087.0.02 WHY...133 E.1
#y pahng\
#y pahng\

Latest revision as of 04:16, 9 June 2019

[péng] friend (朋​ péngyǒu); ​朋​ boyfriend, ​朋​ girlfriend; companion; colleague/classmate [píng] ​: ​ [bēng] ​𡹔/​

One monosyllabic entry in The ABC Chinese-English Comprehensive Dictionary (namespace Ci):

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The simple-form character 朋 (8 strokes) is an old abbrev. of older complex forms such as ​𢐴 (18 strokes).
    Note: The character 朋 péng ‘friend’ looks like ​ yuè ‘moon’ doubled (cf. ​), but the old complex forms derive from old pictographs.
    The Shuōwén Seal form of 朋(​𢐴) péng/fèng ‘roc/phoenix’ is said to derive from old pictographs depicting the mythical/divine bird; formerly also wr. ​, ​/​(​𪈵).
    Compare: ​(​), as in ​(​𧜸); ​ péng ‘light-framed reed/mat-covered pavilion/tower’; ​ péng ‘(woven) bamboo shelter/shade (from rain/sun)’.
    Older graphs associated with 朋 are thought to depict strings/necklaces of cowries/jade/etc., later re-interpreted as the feathers of a fabulous/felicitous bird.
    Compare: ​/​ fèng; ​/​(​𪈵) péng/fèng; 朋(​𢐴) péng.
    Note: The forms ​/​, and 朋 are SW variants of ​/​ (mythical/auspicious bird), but usages diverged and merged over the years; there are two traditional readings of the mythical bird name (péng/fèng), but the character 朋 péng ‘friend’ has become specialized in modern usage; for semantic development, cf. ​ péng (fallen comrade).
    HDZ: 朋 : péng : (​) (​) ​ (朋: ​; ​; ​: ​; 朋: ​); ​, 朋​ (䷹ ​朋​) (cf. ​, ​); ​, ​; 朋​ (䷁ ​西朋, ​朋); ​; ​; ​, ​; ​, ​; ​, ​; (​) (​) ​; ​: ​; ​: ​; ​ (píng): ​; ​𡹔/​ (bēng): ​; (​)
►references: Guǎngyùn:201.37; Wieger:64i; Karlgren:AD711,GSR886a; Hànyǔ Dà Zìdiǎn:3.2050.6; Mathews:5054; Kāngxī Zìdiǎn:504.29; Bǐshùn Guīfàn:087.0.02; Wáng(1993):133; EDOC:1
►Cantonese: pahng\
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Unicode: U+670B
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URL: https://wenlin.co/wow/Zi:%E6%9C%8B
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