斗 [dǒu] 10 liters (十升); 北斗星 Big Dipper; 烟斗 pipe [dòu] (F鬥) 战斗, 争斗 fight/struggle/combat; 殴斗 fist fight; 斗智 battle of wits [zhǔ] 枓 wooden spoon/ladle (舀水的木勺)
One monosyllabic entry in The ABC Cantonese-English Dictionary (namespace Jyut):
►dau2 斗 b.f./char. ►ce1 dau2 車斗 ►daa2 gan1 dau2 打跟斗 ►daa2 gwaan1 dau2 打關斗 ►daa2 mou5 tau4 gan1 dau2 打冇頭跟斗
2 monosyllabic entries in The ABC Chinese-English Comprehensive Dictionary (namespace Ci):
►²dòu 斗[鬥/鬦/鬭/鬪] {E} v. ①fight ②vie ③denounce ④purge ⑤make animals fight (as a game) ⑥〈environment:〉 topo. discuss; talk over; consult ⑦〈environment:〉 topo. fit together
►³dǒu 斗 {C} n. ①sth. shaped like a cup/dipper ②whorl (of a fingerprint) ③〈environment:〉 astr. Big Dipper ◆m. (for grain, equal to one decaliter)
The simple-form character 斗 conflates two old characters, 斗 dǒu ‘dipper’, and 鬥 dòu ‘fight’; among simple-form characters, 斗 is used for both 斗 dǒu ‘dipper’ and 鬥 dòu ‘fight’.
Note: Usage of 斗 as the simple form of 鬥 is an abbrev. of the old forms 閗/鬦 dòu ‘fight’, in which 斗 dǒu (phonetic).
The Shuōwén Seal form of 斗(𤣫) dǒu ‘dipper/ladle’ (cf. 枓 zhǔ ‘wooden spoon/ladle’) is said to depict a cup on a long curved handle; formerly wr. 𣁬/𠦁/𠥼, writing the cup as 匚(𠤬) turned, or as 十, abbrev. to two dots in the modern form (wr. 王 in 𤣫), and the handle as a pair of crossed lines (㇉ at bottom of 𤣫); formerly also wr. 枓() zhǔ.
Note: The old 斗 dǒu ‘wine/liquor vessel’ was also a unit of measure equal to 10 升(𦫵) shēng; the Seal form of 升(𦫵斘) modifies 斗(𤣫) dǒu, adding a curved line across the handle; but in old 升 graphs the added line is wr. inside the cup (cf. 斘/升).
“[斗] A measure of 十 ten 勺 ladles or 升 pints; a peck; 十升也。勺也。有柄。The ancient forms represent a 勺 ladle and 十 ten. The modern forms are mutilated” —Wieger.
The Shuōwén Seal form of 鬥() dòu ‘fight’ combines 𩰋(𡴈𠩀𠨭) jú ‘clenched (left) fist’, and 𩰊(𠃨丮) jǐ ‘clenched (right) fist’, to depict a pair of fists (boxers/wrestlers) in hand-to-hand (fist-to-fist) combat/struggle (cf. 殴斗 ōudòu ‘fist fight’).
Older graphs (OBI) associated with 鬥 seem to depict a pair of fighters/boxers, face-to-face, grappling/boxing with raised hands/fists; in such case the bodies of the fighters became the curved outer lines in the Seal forms such as 𡴈() and 𠃨(), and within those components 出/(手) shǒu ‘hand’ remains from the older graphs; cf. 剑.
Note: Some old variants of 鬥 add a phonetic component: 閗/鬦, 闘/鬪, 𨷖/鬭().
Note: As a component 鬥 (10 strokes) is sometimes abbrev. 門 (8 strokes) in full-form characters, or 门 (3 strokes) in simple-form characters.
Compare: 𫔯/閗/鬦; 闹/閙/鬧; 𬮢/閧/鬨.
HDZ: 斗 : dǒu : (古) 酒器; (星宿名) 斗宿 (ζτσφλμ Sagittarii, cf. 南斗; 北斗); 量器; (SW: 十升) (量词) 十升为一斗, 十斗为一石; 形如斗状的器物 (墨斗, 拖斗, 烟斗); 形如斗状的指纹 (由多数环形线、螺形线组成); (建筑) 枓: 拱与拱间垫的方木; (简称) 刁斗; 微小; 陡: 陡峭; 陡然, 突然; (姓) • zhǔ : 枓: 舀水的木勺 • dòu : (简体) 鬥
►references: Guǎngyùn:325.42; Wieger:11i,98b; Karlgren:AD1014,1016,GSR116a; Hànyǔ Dà Zìdiǎn:3.2252.1; Lindqvist:39; Mathews:6472; Kāngxī Zìdiǎn:477.24; Bǐshùn Guīfàn:010.0.10; Wáng(1993):21,122; EDOC:1
►components: 十
►Cantonese: dau/
Shuōwén: (𤣫)
<cdl char='斗' uni='6597'>
<comp char='冫' uni='51AB' variant='3' points='6,4 50,56' />
<comp char='' uni='ED39' points='0,0 128,128' />
<cdl char='冫' uni='51AB' variant='3' points='20,20 108,108' radical='K0'>
<stroke type='d' points='43,0 128,48' />
<stroke type='d' points='0,69 97,128' />
<!-- variant based on [U+E0E1](V=0) -->
<cdl char='' uni='ED39' radical='K0'>
<stroke type='h' points='0,90 128,68' />
<stroke type='s' points='78,0 78,128' />
►stroke 斗 (... strokes)
►list characters containing 斗 as a component
►list words containing 斗 (most common words first)
Unicode: U+6597
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The Wenlin Zidian (namespace Zi)
URL: https://wenlin.co/wow/Zi:%E6%96%97
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