張(S张) [zhāng] spread; sheet of paper; 緊張 tense, nervous; (HDZ:) 把弦绷在弓上 (ant. 弛); … [zhàng] 驕傲自大; 鼓脹; 帳幔
One monosyllabic entry in The ABC Chinese-English Comprehensive Dictionary (namespace Ci):
►¹zhāng* To view this entry, please log in
HDZ: 張 : zhāng : 把弦绷在弓上 (ant. 弛); 开弓, 拉弓弦; 乐器上弦; 设罗网机关以捕取鸟兽; 设置, 布置, (旧读) zhàng; 布满, 充满; 大, 广大; 增强, 扩大; 夸张, 夸大; 张开, 伸展 (张帆, 张口结舌), (cf. 帳); 离开, 分开; 跌, 翻; 强, 盛; 张贴, 张挂; 看, 望 (东张西望); 主张; (量词) (一张桌子, 两张弓); (星名) 张宿; (汉) (诸侯国名); 商店开业 (新张大喜, 开张); (姓) • zhàng : 骄傲自大; 脹: 鼓胀; 帳: 帐幔, 帷幕
HDC: 張施/弛 : 张设; 铺张, 铺陈; 施设, 措置; 施展
(Explanation from the entry for the simple form 张:) The Shuōwén Seal form of 张/張() zhāng ‘string a bow; draw a bow (and shoot)’ combines 弓 (gōng) ‘bow’, and 长/長() cháng/zhǎng/etc. ‘long/grow/etc.’ (phonosemantic).
Note: SW glosses 张/張() ‘draw/stretch tight’ with 施/𢻫() ‘let lose’ (ant.), cf. 作輟, 張而不弛, 弛而不張, 一張一弛 (DYC).
Note: SW glosses 帐/帳() zhàng with 张/張() zhāng/zhàng, cf. 长/長().
Compare: 帐/帳() zhàng ‘curtain; tent’; /韔() chàng ‘(leather) bow case’.
Compare: 胀/脹 zhàng ‘swell/expand’; 涨/漲 zhǎng ‘rise (of water)’; 怅/悵() chàng ‘disappointed/regretful’.
►references: Karlgren:GSR721h; Hànyǔ Dà Zìdiǎn:2.997.5; Mathews:195; Guǎngyùn:174.22,425.17; Kāngxī Zìdiǎn:359.19; EDOC:1
►components: 弓長
►Cantonese: jeung\
<cdl char='張' uni='5F35' points='0,4 128,128'>
<comp char='弓' uni='5F13' points='0,0 36,128' />
<comp char='長' uni='9577' points='50,0 128,128' />
<cdl char='弓' uni='5F13' points='16,4 112,128'>
<stroke type='hz' points='16,0 116,0 116,32' />
<stroke type='h' points='20,32 116,32' head='cut' tail='cut' />
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<cdl char='長' uni='9577' points='0,4 128,128'>
<comp char='' uni='E124' points='0,0 128,66' />
<comp char='' uni='E05A' variant='7' points='18,66 128,128' />
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<stroke type='s' points='24,0 24,128' tail='cut' />
<stroke type='h' points='24,44 96,44' head='cut' />
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<stroke type='p' points='112,28 68,70' />
<stroke type='n' points='32,0 128,128' head='cut' />
<!-- variant based on [U+E776](V=0) -->
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