
From Wenlin Dictionaries

(F​) [bié] separate/distinguish (​别); other (别​); don't (​) [biè] 别​ bièniu awkward/difficult, angry; (HDZ:) …

2 monosyllabic entries in The ABC Chinese-English Comprehensive Dictionary (namespace Ci):

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biè To view this entry, please log in

The simple-form character 别 (7 strokes) is a variant of the full-form character ​ (7 strokes), replacing the full-form component ​𠮠 (5 strokes) with a shape like ​ (5 strokes).
    Note: The simple form 别 has a shape like ​ (lìng) on the left, where the full form ​ has the old component ​𠮠(​) guǎ.
    The full-form character ​ is an abbrev. of old forms such as ​𠛰/​ (formerly ​/​ guǎ ‘dismember’), re-used to specify ​ bié ‘distinguish’, formerly wr. ​𠔁 bié.
    The Shuōwén Seal form of 别/​(​𠛰) guǎ ‘dismember’ (later wr. ​/​) combines ​(​ dāo) ‘knife’ (cut), and ​/​𠮠/​(​) guǎ ‘cranium/skull’ (phonosemantic).
    Note: 别/​(​𠛰) is an old variant of ​/​(​𠛰) guǎ ‘dismember, cut flesh from bones’, later altered to specify 别/​ bié ‘separate/distinguish’; in SW compounds the old form ​𠔁 bié is also a variant of ​ zhào ‘cracks/omen’.
    Compare: ​ bié ‘(anc.) two-part/divided bamboo token (of authority/treaty)’, also wr. ​/​𧧸/​𧭀.
    Compare: ​ guǎi ‘turn/limp; limping/walking stick’, ​/​ guǎi ‘walking stick’.
    “[别] A ​ knife cleaving ​ bones” —Karlgren(AD).
    HDZ: 别 : bié : (SW: cf. ​𠛰: ​) ​ (​; ​; ​, ​); ​别; ​; ​, ​; ​别, ​ (​别); ​别 (​别, ​别); ​, ​; ​; ​, ​; ​别​西…; ​; (​) (​ (别​, 别​, 别​); (别​)); ​ (​); ​: ​; ​: ​; ​: ​; (​) • biè : ​: ​, ​ (cf. 别​)
►references: Karlgren:AD728; Hànyǔ Dà Zìdiǎn:1.328.13; Bǐshùn Guīfàn:050.0.10; EDOC:0
►Cantonese: biht-
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