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(S​) [lái] come (來​ ‘arrive; come’); ​來 it turns out [lai] ​來 get up [lài] ​, ​; ​

One monosyllabic entry in The ABC Chinese-English Comprehensive Dictionary (namespace Ci):

¹lái* [​] {A} v.come; arriveDào zhèbiān(r) ∼. 到这边(儿)∼。 Come over here.crop up; take placebringdo (specific meaning depending on context)Ràng wǒ ∼. 让我∼。 Let me do it.∼ diǎnr chī de. ∼点儿吃的。 Bring sth. to eat.suf.abilityzuòbu∼ 作不∼ don't know how to do itworthwhile effort/expensehuáde∼ 划得∼ worth the moneybeginning of an actiontíqị̌ bǐ ∼ 提起笔∼ pick up a pen to writehypothetical actionxiǎng∼/shuō∼ hǎoxiào 想∼/说∼好笑 funny to think/speak of-ly (after numerals)yī∼ 一∼ firstlyèr∼ 二∼ secondlytime (since)duō nián ∼ 多年∼ for many yearsb.f.future; later ►jiānglái 将来 ►hòulái 后来coming ►láilín 来临since ►shēnglái 生来 ►běnlái 本来adv. over; and moresānshí ∼ suì 三十∼岁 over 30 years oldconj. (in order) tochàng ge gēr ∼ còu rènao 唱个歌儿∼凑热闹 sing a song to liven thingscons.V ∼ V qù V back and forthzǒu∼zǒuqù 走∼走去 walk back and forthwǒ(men) ∼ V let me/us V{D} cóng A ∼ jiǎng/kàn/shuō speaking/viewing/speaking from consideration of Acóng wǒ ∼ shuō, ... 从我∼说, … in my view, ... See also láizhe

(Explanation from the entry for the simple form ​:) The simple-form character ​ (7 strokes) is an abbrev. of the full-form character 來 (8 strokes), replacing the full-form component ​𠓜 (4 strokes) with ​ (3 strokes).
    The Shuōwén Seal form of ​/來(​􀺕) lái ‘wheat’ (​) is said to depict a wheat plant with ​𠓜(​􀹅) liǎng (​) two/multiple/abundant ​/​(​􁃏) spikes/ears of grain; the roots are like ​(​􁋕) or ​(​􀻢), but the branches droop down (heavy with ears of grain); formerly also wr. ​𥟂/​(​􁋺𪎂) lái ‘wheat’.
    Note: ​/來(​􀺕) lái ‘come/arrive; not yet come; future’ is an old usage said to derive from storing part of the grain harvest to serve as seed for coming/future (multiple/ongoing) plantings/harvests (​來 ‘use/plant seed to provide for the future’); later also wr. ​/​ (​/​), cf. ​(​􁝺) lái ‘introspect/introspection’.
    Note: The form ​𥟂/​(​􁋺𪎂) lái ‘wheat’ was created to distinguish the old 來 ‘wheat’ usage from the 來 lái ‘come/future’ usage (cf. obs. ​ ‘come’), but since the ‘wheat’ usage is largely obsolete except in the word ​/​ ‘wheat/barley’ (​𥟂/​/​), the augmented forms ​𥟂/​ are rarely seen; cf. ​, which refers to both wheat and barley.
    Compare: ​/​(​􀺘) mài ‘wheat; barley; rye; oats’; ​/​ láimóu ‘wheat/barley’; ​ xiǎomài ‘wheat’, ​ dàmài ‘barley’.
    Compare: ​/​(​􀵩􀵪𣍈) fēng ‘abundant harvest’, in which ​(​􁃏𡴀) fēng is doubled.
    Note: As a verb and grammatical function word, ​/來 has a wide range of usages, referring not only to future, but also original/former/past times (come down to the present).
    Compare: ​/來 lái ‘come/arrive; not yet come; future; do; give’; ​ ‘future’; ​ ‘originally’, ​來 ‘formerly’; ​ ‘it seems (comes to be seen)’; ​ ‘it's a long story’.
►Cantonese: loih\
►references: Karlgren:GSR944a; Hànyǔ Dà Zìdiǎn:1.141.8; Mathews:3768; Guǎngyùn:099.55; Kāngxī Zìdiǎn:101.16
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