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<WL>史 [shǐ] (历史 lìshǐ) history; (surname)
<WL>史 [shǐ] (历史 lìshǐ) history; (HDZ:) (古) 文职官员; 官府的佐使; 历史 (史实); 记载历史的书籍; 文辞繁多; 画师; (姓)
“Hand holding a style (pen) and writing on a 囗 wooden block” —Karlgren.
“Hand holding a style (pen) and writing on a 囗 wooden block” —Karlgren.
It isn’t clear what the hand was originally holding; it looked like 中 (zhōng) ‘middle’ in the oldest characters. It appears that 史 shǐ ‘history’, 事 shì ‘event’, and 吏 lì ‘officer’, and the right side of 使 shǐ ‘make’ were all originally the same: a hand holding some unknown object. These words are believed to be cognates.
Shuōwén says the character 史(􀠺) has a 又(􀠋) ‘hand’ holding 中(􀃼) ‘middle’ (meaning 正 ‘right/true’), and says the meaning is ‘to record events (accurately/truthfully)’.
It is said that 史(􀠺) shǐ ‘history’, 事(􀠻􀠼𠭏) shì ‘event’, and 吏(􀀅) lì ‘officer’, and the right side of 使(􁗱) shǐ ‘make/cause/send’ are all related variants (perhaps writing cognate morphemes); cf. 事/剚 ‘establish/stab’.
#rG.252.09 W.43m K.AD885,GSR975a D.1.571.2 M.5769 KX..173.03 B.015.0.10 WHY...67 E.1
#rG.252.09 W.43m K.AD885,GSR975a D.1.571.2 M.5769 KX..173.03 B.015.0.10 WHY...67 E.1
#y si/
#y si/

Revision as of 20:36, 26 December 2016

[shǐ] (​史 lìshǐ) history; (HDZ:) (​) ​; ​使; ​史 (史​); ​史​; ​; ​; (​)

One monosyllabic entry in The ABC Chinese-English Comprehensive Dictionary (namespace Ci):

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“Hand holding a style (pen) and writing on a ​ wooden block” —Karlgren.
    Shuōwén says the character 史 has a ​ ‘hand’ holding ​ ‘middle’ (meaning ​ ‘right/true’), and says the meaning is ‘to record events (accurately/truthfully)’.
    It is said that 史 shǐ ‘history’, ​(​𠭏) shì ‘event’, and ​ lì ‘officer’, and the right side of ​使 shǐ ‘make/cause/send’ are all related variants (perhaps writing cognate morphemes); cf. ​/​ ‘establish/stab’.
►references: Guǎngyùn:252.09; Wieger:43m; Karlgren:AD885,GSR975a; Hànyǔ Dà Zìdiǎn:1.571.2; Mathews:5769; Kāngxī Zìdiǎn:173.03; Bǐshùn Guīfàn:015.0.10; Wáng(1993):67; EDOC:1
►Cantonese: si/
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URL: https://wenlin.co/wow/Zi:%E5%8F%B2
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