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<WL>汉(F漢) [hàn] Hàn Chinese ethnicity; 汉语; 汉字; 老汉 old man@@; 东汉 Eastern Han dynasty  [tān] cf. 漢
<WL>汉(F漢) [hàn] Hàn Chinese (ethnicity/people/language); old man (老汉); Eastern Han dynasty (东汉); Milky Way@@ [tān] cf. 漢
The left side is (水 shuǐ) ‘water’.
The simple-form character 汉 (5 strokes) is an abbrev. of the full-form character 漢 (14 strokes), replacing the full-form component 𦰩 (11 strokes) with 又 (2 strokes), as in 难/難.
The right side  or 又 is short for 暵 hàn (‘parched’) phonetic. Compare 艰() jiān, () nán, and 叹() tàn.
Note: For simplified 又/𦰩 replacement, cf. 叹/嘆, 汉/漢, 难/難, 摊/攤, 滩/灘.
Hàn was the name of a river, then a dynasty (206 B.C. to 220 A.D.), then the most populous Chinese nationality and their language. Sometimes now hàn also means ‘man’ (as in 老汉, 汉子).
The Shuōwén Seal form of 漢(􁶼𤁉) hàn ‘(river name)’ combines 氵(水 shuǐ) ‘water’, and 難(􀩌𩁘) nán ‘difficult’ (abbrev. phonetic); formerly wr. (􁶽), with 或(􂍙) over 大(􁰋), signifying the river valley of the great kingdom (或/國/国).
Note: 汉/漢 Hàn is the name of a river (汉水, the longest tributary of the 长江 Cháng Jiāng = 扬子 Yangtze river in central China); the Hàn river gave its name to its valley, to two important dynasties (206 BCE - 220 CE), and to the most populous Chinese nationality and their language.
Compare: 汉水, 汉江; 汉代, 西汉, 东汉; 老汉, 汉子; 汉语, 汉字.
Compare: 艰/艱(􂛅𥌵) jiān ‘difficult/hard’; 暵(􁉐􁭙𤑆熯) hàn ‘parched’.
Compare: 难/難(􀩌𩁘) nán ‘difficult’, 滩/灘(􁻊􁻉𤅼𤅩) tān ‘beach’ (formerly hàn ‘soaked/dried’).
Compare: 叹/嘆(􀏞) tàn ‘sigh’; 仅/僅(􁗞) jǐn ‘barely’.
#rW.171b H.442 K.AD389,GS144c D.3.1549.8 B.019.1.01 E.0
#rW.171b H.442 K.AD389,GS144c D.3.1549.8 B.019.1.01 E.0
#y hon-
#y hon-

Latest revision as of 03:33, 27 July 2018

(F​) [hàn] Hàn Chinese (ethnicity/people/language); old man (​汉); Eastern Han dynasty (​汉); Milky Way [tān] cf. ​

2 monosyllabic entries in The ABC Chinese-English Comprehensive Dictionary (namespace Ci):

¹Hàn To view this entry, please log in
⁴hàn To view this entry, please log in

The simple-form character 汉 (5 strokes) is an abbrev. of the full-form character ​ (14 strokes), replacing the full-form component ​𦰩 (11 strokes) with ​ (2 strokes), as in ​/​.
    Note: For simplified ​/​𦰩 replacement, cf. ​/​, 汉/​, ​/​, ​/​, ​/​.
    The Shuōwén Seal form of ​(​𤁉) hàn ‘(river name)’ combines ​(​ shuǐ) ‘water’, and ​(​𩁘) nán ‘difficult’ (abbrev. phonetic); formerly wr. ​, with ​ over ​, signifying the river valley of the great kingdom (​/​/​).
    Note: 汉/​ Hàn is the name of a river (汉​, the longest tributary of the ​ Cháng Jiāng = ​ Yangtze river in central China); the Hàn river gave its name to its valley, to two important dynasties (206 BCE - 220 CE), and to the most populous Chinese nationality and their language.
    Compare: 汉​, 汉​; 汉​, ​西汉, ​汉; ​汉, 汉​; 汉​, 汉​.
    Compare: ​/​(​𥌵) jiān ‘difficult/hard’; ​(​𤑆) hàn ‘parched’.
    Compare: ​/​(​𩁘) nán ‘difficult’, ​/​(​𤅼𤅩) tān ‘beach’ (formerly hàn ‘soaked/dried’).
    Compare: ​/​ tàn ‘sigh’; ​/​ jǐn ‘barely’.
►references: Wieger:171b; Henshall:442; Karlgren:AD389,GS144c; Hànyǔ Dà Zìdiǎn:3.1549.8; Bǐshùn Guīfàn:019.1.01; EDOC:0
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