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<WL>猴 [hóu] (猴子 hóuzi) monkey
<WL>猴 [hóu] (猴子 hóuzi) monkey@@; (HDZ:) 猴子; 象猴子似的蹲着 (猴下身去); (生肖) cf. 鼠; (方言) 乖巧, 机灵
From 犭(犬 quǎn) ‘dog’ and 侯 hóu phonetic.
The Shuōwén Seal form of 猴(􁬞㺅) hóu ‘monkey’ (猱) combines 犭(犬 quǎn) ‘dog’ (long canine teeth), and 侯(􀹡矦) hóu (phonosemantic).
Note that 候 hòu as in 时候, has one more 丨 stroke, than 侯, the right side of 猴.
Compare: (􁗜𠊱) hòu ‘spy/scout/watch’.
Compare: 猴子 hóuzi ‘monkey’ (猴猻 hóusūn); 胡/猢 hú ‘macaque’ (猢猻=胡孫 húsūn).
#rK.GSR113g D.2.1358.11 M.2139 G.212.13 KX..715.17 B.237.1.05 E.1
#rK.GSR113g D.2.1358.11 M.2139 G.212.13 KX..715.17 B.237.1.05 E.1
#y hauh\
#y hauh\

Latest revision as of 04:28, 9 June 2019

[hóu] (猴​ hóuzi) monkey; (HDZ:) 猴​; ​猴​ (猴​); (​) cf. ​; (​) ​, ​

One monosyllabic entry in The ABC Chinese-English Comprehensive Dictionary (namespace Ci):

²hóu(r) {E} n.monkey M: ²zhī 只clever/smart chaps.v. naughty and impish

The Shuōwén Seal form of 猴(​) hóu ‘monkey’ (​) combines ​(​ quǎn) ‘dog’ (long canine teeth), and ​(​) hóu (phonosemantic).
    Compare: ​(​𠊱) hòu ‘spy/scout/watch’.
    Compare: 猴​ hóuzi ‘monkey’ (猴​ hóusūn); ​/​ hú ‘macaque’ (​=​ húsūn).
►references: Karlgren:GSR113g; Hànyǔ Dà Zìdiǎn:2.1358.11; Mathews:2139; Guǎngyùn:212.13; Kāngxī Zìdiǎn:715.17; Bǐshùn Guīfàn:237.1.05; EDOC:1
►Cantonese: hauh\
►stroke 猴 (... strokes)   
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►list words containing 猴 (most common words first)
Unicode: U+7334
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URL: https://wenlin.co/wow/Zi:%E7%8C%B4
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