
From Wenlin Dictionaries

(F​) [chē] car; cart, carriage; chariot; wagon; wheeled vehicle; vehicle; (radical 159, 车​) [] a game piece in Chinese chess (​)

2 monosyllabic entries in The ABC Chinese-English Comprehensive Dictionary (namespace Ci):

¹chē* To view this entry, please log in
³jū To view this entry, please log in

The character 车/​ chē ‘cart/carriage/chariot/car’ derives from old pictographs depicting a cart/carriage/chariot; the full form ​ is the view from above, of the two wheels (horizontal strokes above and below), with ​ in the middle sketching the platform/chassis/body sitting atop the axel, and a vertical line representing the axel; in the simple form 车 the chassis is abbrev., and the axel is shortened (suggesting a spring suspension).
    The Shuōwén Seal form of ​ chē ‘cart’ writes a shape like ​ in the middle, representing the bed/platform of the cart (body/chassis of the carriage); the horizontal lines above and below abbrev. the two wheels (on either side of the chassis) as seen from above; or as can be seen from old graphs reinterpreted in the Seal, the ​ shape draws only one of the two wheels; a vertical line represents the transverse cart axel; the old Seal form ​𨏖 reflects stylized features of much older graphs in which the ​ shape depicts the ​𠓜 double yoke/harness (attaching oxen/horses to the shafts), and the two ​ shapes correspond to depictions of the two wheels (attached to each axel end with linchpins); the horizontal lines may represent the linchpins, or more likely the cart shafts.
    Older graphs associated with ​ write the two spoked wheels with a shape like ​, attached to the axel (vertical line), with a horizontal line for the shaft attaching the axel to the yoke; the yoke is drawn like ​ in the old Seal form ​𨏖, and there are three shapes like ​, two of which write the two wheels (above and below), and the third the platform/chassis in the middle; in one old graph the chassis is square (rather than circular), and clearly drawn as if sitting atop the axel.
    Note: As a component in other characters, the meanings of 车/​ relate to ‘carts/cars and their parts’, and also to cart-related motions/actions (turn, drive, carry/load).
    Compare: ​/​ kù ‘military garage/arsenal’ (SW), in which 车/​ chē/jū (phonosemantic).
    Compare: ​/​ lún ‘spoked wheel’; ​/​ fú ‘spokes’; ​ wèi ‘ends of a cart/carriage axel’; ​/​ xiá ‘linchpin’; ​/​ yuán ‘cart pole/shafts’.
    Compare: ​/​(​𨌏) zài ‘carry/load’; ​/​輿 yú ‘sedan chair’; ​/​(​𠣞) jūn ‘army/unit (of 4,000 men)’.
    Compare: ​/​ zhuǎn ‘turn’, zhuàn ‘rotate/spin’; ​/​ zhǎn ‘roll over’.
    Note: The ​ vertical stroke of the independent character is written last; but when 车 occurs as a component on the left side of a character (as in ​ lún ‘wheel’), then the rising stroke ​ is last, and ​ is the penultimate (next to last) stroke.
    车(​) is the 159th of the 214 radicals.
►references: Wieger:167a; Karlgren:AD1189; Hànyǔ Dà Zìdiǎn:5.3511.2; Lindqvist:141; Bǐshùn Guīfàn:006.1.05; Wáng(1993):142; EDOC:0
►Cantonese: che\ geui\
►stroke 车 (... strokes)   
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Unicode: U+8F66
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