
From Wenlin Dictionaries

(F​) [xiàn] appear; 现​ now; ​现 find/discover; 现​ modern

One monosyllabic entry in The ABC Chinese-English Comprehensive Dictionary (namespace Ci):

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The character 现/​ xiàn ‘glitter/twinkle/shine of jade’ combines ​(​ yù) ‘jade’, and ​/​ jiàn/xiàn ‘see/appear’ (phonosemantic): the glittering/twinkling appearance of jade; formerly wr. ​, cf. ​.
    Note: Formerly ​ xiàn ‘glitter/twinkle/shine of jade’, later re-used to distinguish ​/​ xiàn ‘appear’, from ​/​ jiàn ‘see’; cf. ​.
    Compare: ​现/​ fāxiàn ‘find/discover; realize/perceive/notice’ (wr. both ​现 and less commonly also ​); 现/​ xiàn variation is also seen in several other less common cases (ABC).
    “[​] Lustre of a gem: conspicuous, become visible; actual, present, now” —Karlgren(AD).
    Compare: ​(​) xiàn ‘(small) hail/sleet’ (​), formerly wr. ​.
►references: Karlgren:AD368; Hànyǔ Dà Zìdiǎn:2.1104.6; Bǐshùn Guīfàn:066.1.09; EDOC:0
►Cantonese: yihn-
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Unicode: U+73B0
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