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<WL>何 [hé] what; 任何 rènhé any; 如何 rúhé how; 几何 jǐhé geometry@@  [hè] 荷: 担, 挑; (HDC:) 儋何、何鼓、何校、何勞
<WL>何 [hé] what; any (任何 rènhé); how (如何 rúhé); 几何 jǐhé geometry@@; (HDZ:) … [hè] 荷: 担, 挑; (HDC:) 儋何, 何鼓, 何校, 何勞
From 亻(人 rén) ‘person’ and 可 kě phonetic.
The Shuōwén Seal form of 何(􁖣) hè ‘carry’, hé ‘ask; what’ combines 亻(人 rén) ‘person’, and 可(􀴵) ‘can/may’ (phonosemantic); later wr. 荷 hè ‘carry’.
Aside from the common words 任何 rènhé ‘any’ and 几何 jǐhé ‘geometry’, 何 hé occurs more often in books than in spoken conversation, where 什么 shénme ‘what’ and 怎么 zěnme ‘how’ sound more natural than 何 hé and 如何 rúhé.
Note: Formerly 何 hè ‘carry’, later wr. 荷 (担荷); today mainly 何 hé ‘what’.
Compare: 曷(􀴥) hé ‘what/how/why’.
Older graphs (OBI) associated with 何/荷 are said to depict a person carrying a lance/spear on the shoulder (HDZ).
Compare: 任何 rènhé ‘any’, 如何 rúhé ‘how’, 几何 jǐhé ‘geometry’ (some common words); otherwise, 何 is more common in wr. than spoken Ch.
Compare: 什么 shénme ‘what’, 怎么 zěnme ‘how’ (common/colloquial interrogatives).
HDZ: : hè : 荷: 担, 挑 • : 问; (代词) 疑问 (什么; 何故, 为什么; 何处, 哪里; 谁); (副词) (岂, 怎; 甚, 多么); (助词); 訶/呵: 谴责, 呵斥; 河; (姓)
#rG.161.15,304.48 H.80 K.AD414,GSR1f D.1.130.4 M.2109 KX..98.15 B.052.0.09 WHY...161 E.1
#rG.161.15,304.48 H.80 K.AD414,GSR1f D.1.130.4 M.2109 KX..98.15 B.052.0.09 WHY...161 E.1
#y hoh\
#y hoh\

Latest revision as of 22:53, 14 February 2018

[] what; any (​何 rènhé); how (​何 rúhé); ​何 jǐhé geometry; (HDZ:) … [] ​: ​, ​; (HDC:) ​何, 何​, 何​, 何​

One monosyllabic entry in The ABC Chinese-English Comprehensive Dictionary (namespace Ci):

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The Shuōwén Seal form of 何 hè ‘carry’, hé ‘ask; what’ combines ​(​ rén) ‘person’, and ​ kě ‘can/may’ (phonosemantic); later wr. ​ hè ‘carry’.
    Note: Formerly 何 hè ‘carry’, later wr. ​ (​); today mainly 何 hé ‘what’.
    Compare: ​ hé ‘what/how/why’.
    Older graphs (OBI) associated with 何/​ are said to depict a person carrying a lance/spear on the shoulder (HDZ).
    Compare: ​何 rènhé ‘any’, ​何 rúhé ‘how’, ​何 jǐhé ‘geometry’ (some common words); otherwise, 何 is more common in wr. than spoken Ch.
    Compare: ​ shénme ‘what’, ​ zěnme ‘how’ (common/colloquial interrogatives).
    HDZ: 何 : hè : ​: ​, ​ • hé : ​; (​) ​ (​; 何​, ​; 何​, ​; ​); (​) (​, ​; ​, ​); (​); ​/​: ​, ​; ​; (​)
►references: Guǎngyùn:161.15,304.48; Henshall:80; Karlgren:AD414,GSR1f; Hànyǔ Dà Zìdiǎn:1.130.4; Mathews:2109; Kāngxī Zìdiǎn:98.15; Bǐshùn Guīfàn:052.0.09; Wáng(1993):161; EDOC:1
►Cantonese: hoh\
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