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<WL>又 [yòu] again; both ... and ...; (radical 29, 又部); (姓)@@; (古) 右: 右手; 宥; 祐: 福  [yǒu] 有
<WL>又 [yòu] again; both ... and ...; (radical 29, 又部); (姓)@@; (古) 右: 右手; 宥; 祐: 福  [yǒu] 有
The character 又(􀠋) depicts the ‘right (hand)’, now written 右(􀠌𠮢); 又 is now used for an abstract homophone meaning ‘again’, ‘and’, and no longer means ‘right’.
The character 又(􀠋) yòu ‘(strong) right hand’ in the Seal is an abbreviation of the pictograph 手(􂄛) shǒu ‘hand’, with 3 fingers instead of 5, and with the forearm at the right (drawn from the perspective of looking at one's one right hand); it is 𠂇(􀠸􀴊左) ‘left (hand/side)’ reversed.
Compare: 𠂇(􀠸􀴊左) ‘left (hand)’; 友(􀠴㕛) yǒu ‘friends’; 有(􁊑𪠥) ‘have’; 求(􁜃) ‘seek’.
Note: Today the old meaning of 又 yòu ‘right (hand/side)’ is written 右(􀎥𠮢) yòu, and 又 is used mainly for ‘again; and’ (又 no longer means ‘right hand’, except as a component); the old meaning of 右(􀎥𠮢) yòu ‘help’ is now written 佑.
Compare: 友(􀠴㕛) yǒu ‘friends’; 有(􁊑𪠥) yǒu ‘have’; 求(􁜃) qiú ‘seek’; 廾(􀝏𠬞) gǒng ‘upraised/respectful hands’.
Compare: 屮(􀃿) chè ‘sprout’, 艸(􀄉) cǎo ‘grass/herb’.
#rG.434.20 W.43b K.AD249,GSR995a D.1.390.1 M.7539 KX..164.43 B.002.0.02 WHY...17 E.1
#rG.434.20 W.43b K.AD249,GSR995a D.1.390.1 M.7539 KX..164.43 B.002.0.02 WHY...17 E.1
#y yauh-
#y yauh-

Revision as of 22:42, 11 October 2017

[yòu] again; both ... and ...; (radical 29, 又​); (​); (​) ​: ​; ​; ​: ​ [yǒu] ​

One monosyllabic entry in The ABC Chinese-English Comprehensive Dictionary (namespace Ci):

¹yòu {A} adv. again; moreover∼ guòle yī̠ tiān ∼过了一天 another day passed∼ shì tā. ∼是他。 It's him again. (disapprovingly)conj.and; in additionsān ∼ wǔ fēnzhī sì 三∼五分之四 three and four-fifthsbut; on the other handWǒ xiạ̌ng mǎi, ∼ pà tài guì. 我想买, ∼怕太贵。 I thought of buying it, but was afraid that it was too expensive.cons. ∼ A ∼ B both A and B∼ piányi ∼ hǎo ∼便宜∼好 cheap as well as good

The character 又 yòu ‘(strong) right hand’ in the Seal is an abbreviation of the pictograph ​ shǒu ‘hand’, with 3 fingers instead of 5, and with the forearm at the right (drawn from the perspective of looking at one's one right hand); it is ​𠂇(​) ‘left (hand/side)’ reversed.
    Note: Today the old meaning of 又 yòu ‘right (hand/side)’ is written ​(​𠮢) yòu, and 又 is used mainly for ‘again; and’ (又 no longer means ‘right hand’, except as a component); the old meaning of ​(​𠮢) yòu ‘help’ is now written ​.
    Compare: ​(​) yǒu ‘friends’; ​(​𪠥) yǒu ‘have’; ​ qiú ‘seek’; ​(​𠬞) gǒng ‘upraised/respectful hands’.
    Compare: ​ chè ‘sprout’, ​ cǎo ‘grass/herb’.
►references: Guǎngyùn:434.20; Wieger:43b; Karlgren:AD249,GSR995a; Hànyǔ Dà Zìdiǎn:1.390.1; Mathews:7539; Kāngxī Zìdiǎn:164.43; Bǐshùn Guīfàn:002.0.02; Wáng(1993):17; EDOC:1
►Cantonese: yauh-
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Unicode: U+53C8
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The Wenlin Zidian (namespace Zi)
URL: https://wenlin.co/wow/Zi:%E5%8F%88
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